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Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband-Novel

Chapter 1532 Uninvited
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1532  Uninvited

Lu Lijun went to his office where Noah was waiting for him. "You are here? I thought you would take a day off," Lu Lijun asked as he walked towards his chair behind the work table. "Can we afford to do that in this situation?" Noah countered.

"Well, you could have worked from home," Lu Lijun said, "how is he?"

"He is fine now. I told him to rest honly and not work at all."

Lu Lijun raised a brow, "Did he listen to you?"

Noah nodded, "More to his weak body."

"That's good then. I will cwith you in the evening to see him."

Noah nodded and asked, "Have you talked to the family yet?"

"Not yet, but I did talk to my father."

"What did he say?"

"He will handle things on the family side, so no one will pressure Yuyan for marriage and anything else once we talk with them."

"That's good. And about you becoming president?"

"Soon. In fact we have to hurry before I will have no reason to stop her from coming to the office and resher work."

"How long can you stop her?"

"Till I becpresident at least. She will have no reason to cto office and I will make sure she won't pay attention to any of the business matters."

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"I do hope it happens your way. Knowing president Lu…."

"I know, but I have no other option. I will keep her busy with other things."

"She is smart to catch you."

"I have my ways," Lu Lijun replied, "It remindedthat today she is busy with her parents."

"Are you worrying that she will end up staying there?"

Lu Lijun shook his head, "I can just find my way to her."

"Going to your in-laws' huninvited?"

"They have my woman there. Do I need any more reason?"

Noah chuckled, "You shameless."

"Can't stay away from her," he said, "Also I need to know what they think about us and can't let her alone face it."

"That's like a responsible husband," Noah observed him for a moment, "since when has this stubborn guy turned into a grown up one?"

"Since I started handling my friends' messy, secret and unclear love life."


"Rather a fact."

"Focus on work," Noan frowned.


In the evening Lu Lijin went with Noah to see Jake. As Jake opened the door, he was surprised to see Lu Lijun. "I didn't expect you here instead of going after your wife to your in-laws."

Lu Lijun looked at Noah, "I see husband and wife here having a good conversation about someone else' private matters."

"He was just bored so I told him sgossip during lunch," Noah explained.

"Good way of taking care of your husband, Mrs Mountbatten."

"Shut up," Noah frowned and walked inside while Lu Lijun and Jake smiled at each other. "My wife will kick you out if you say more," Jake said in a low voice.

"Your wife will get kicked out of Lu Corporations," Lu Lijun replied the sway.

"Don't you dare."

Lu Lijun simply smiled and the two walked inside. "I will be leaving in five."

"Plan to have dinner with in-laws?" Jake asked but Noah, who was getting water from the fridge, interrupted them, "first ask him if he is even invited."

"Maybe they will love to get a surprise from me," Lu Lijun replied as if he was doing nothing wrong. Noah sighed, "This guy is crossing every level of shamelessness."

"You try doing it too, so that way you can be happy with your husband," Lu Lijun offered Noah a teasing smile. "Suits you better."

Lu Lijun looked at Jake, "Today he is not saying anything aboutcalling him a wife. What did you do?"

"He is just sparing us because I am sick," Jake replied as he watched Noah going to the bedroom.

Being sick has sgood perks," Lu Lijun commented. "You have enjoyed enough of such perks."

"Can't deny it."

After spending stwith his sick friend, Lu Lijun was ready to leave as he stood up. "See you tomorrow in the office, Noah."

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Noah nodded and Lu Lijun smirked at Jake, "Enjoy the perks," to which Jake simply smiled. 10:50

Lu Lijun straightaway left for the Jiang Residence which was not far from there. He rang the bell at the door and Jiang Yang opened it for him. "Why am I not surprised?" Jiang Yang commented as he looked at the man standing at the door. "That saves your heart from a shock," Lu Lijun commented back.

"It's not weak," Jiang Yang replied and then heard his mother, "who is there, Yang?"

"Fourth young master from the Lu family," Jiang Yang replied in a loud voice as he led Lu Lijun's way inside. Jiang Yuyan, who was arranging dishes on the table for the dinner, froze in her place. 'What is he doing here? He didn't tellhe was coming here? How can I not think that he will…gosh…' She looked at the direction from where her brother and Lu Lijun walked towards the drawing room. 'I should have expected this from him already. He is just like his brother. These Lu men…'

She watched her mother going towards the drawing room as she talked to him, "Oh, good to see you here, Lijun."

"I messaged Yuyan that I was coming here. I hope she informed you already," Lu Lijun asked.

"She…must have forgotten," Mo Ruolan said as her daughter surely didn't inform her. Jiang Yuyan heard it, 'Did he message me? when?' and went to check her phone that was kept on the dining table. She frowned as she looked at the message, 'This guy!'

"You are just on time. We can have dinner together," Mo Ruolan said as she called for her daughter, "Yuyan, why don't you take Lijun to freshen up?"

Jiang Yuyan stopped her work and obediently followed her mother's instructions. She looked at Lu Lijun, "This way."

Lu Lijun followed her upstairs. As they walked together on the stairs, Lu Lijun asked, "Are we going to your room?"

"No, my brother's," she replied with gritted teeth and in a low voice.

"Won't look good if I have to do something with you in someone else's room," he said again in a low voice. "You dare."

"You look angry. Are you not happy to seehere?" he asked nonchalantly. "You should have informedbeforehand," she said in a displeased voice.

"I did inform you."

"When you were at the door already?" she turned her head to look at him and glared at him. "Well, I still did inform you beforehand."

"Ugh! Can't argue with you."


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