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Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband-Novel

Chapter 1525 Need To Keep Her Away
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Chapter 1525 Need To Keep Her Away

Lu Lijun was working in his office though it was past working hours and there was a tense atmosphere inside his office.

"What's written in this file about the relationship between Victor Magnus and the boy who died in USA, is absolutely true," Xiao Min informed, "I have verified it through most trustable sources and one of them was Mr. Aron Tang."

"The one who helped Yuyan to get back at Victor Magnus ten years back?" Lu Lijun asked. "Yes, you must also know he was a good friend of Lu Qiang and due to Miss Zi Ruo it was closer," Xiao Min added.

Lu Lijun nodded to it. "Aron Tang? That famous businessman we talked about the last time in England?" Noah asked. Lu Lijun agreed, "He is the one."

"So you personally know him?"

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"Not really. I met him briefly just a few times when he visited my brother," Lu Lijun replied, "we sure can trust the information from his sources."

"Not just this Victor Magnus but now his son is being a pain in the ass as well," Noah commented. "No one wants us to get some time to breathe." ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ N(o)vᴇl(F)ire.nᴇt

"We will take care of him," Lu Lijun commented.

"Of course we will but the way he is being aggressive against us in business by getting all our rivals to his side, his intentions seems to not be bound to business only," Noah spoke to which Xiao Min agreed, "We have to be careful. This is the time when most want to take Lu Corporations down and when it's the time there is a possibility of Chairman Lu planning on making you the president."

Noah agreed and looked at Lu Lijun, "What do you think? Are you ready to take the responsibility of the president?"

"I have to accept it. If Yuyan continues to be president, she will be the one to deal with that bastard. If his intentions are revenge, I don't want Yuyan to know anything about it. I can achieve it only when I can keep her away from company and business," Lu Lijun said and looked at Xiao Min, "She can never know about the true reason of why Victor Magnus came after our family."

"It won't be hidden from her for long. She is smart enough to get to know everything on her own." Xiao Min knew how capable his boss could be.

"Work fast and be home," she replied and hung up the phone while Lu Lijun could not help but smile. After too much work, this much talk with her felt relaxing. "Seeme like you can work for the entire night," Noah commented with a teasing tone.

"Once I return home," Lu Lijun replied with the same smile and resumed work. "Doesn't seem like you can keep her away from office for long. She is still president and will have to be here. Sooner or later she will know what's going on."

"I have to find a way to keep her away. I will talk to my father."

"Only one thing Chairman Lu can do for you is to make you president as soon as possible. Only then you can keep her away from these matters which you don't want her to know."

"It will break her if she knows it. She is out of everything finally and started to live her life again. I don't want her to get back from where she started. If she gets to know what happened to her in the past is what followed her here and she ended up losing my brother, I can't imagine what she would do that day."

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"Still, you have to be ready to face it and prepare her in case she gets to know it."

"I will."

Noah got the notification and looked into the tablet placed in front of him. He clicked on it and read something only to frown. "Talk about the Devil and the Devil is ready to come to us."

Lu Lijun looked at him, "What happened?"

Noah put the tablet in front of him. "Mr, Xiao Min has sent this just now. The precious son of Victor Magnus is coming to China."

Lu Lijun looked at the news and then the picture of a man who looked around the age of Lu Feng. "I see."

"Doesn't sound like good news to me," Noah spoke. "Since the start we know he is planning something and his target is Lu Corporation."

"Not President Lu? His Target?"

Lu Lijun stayed quiet as this is what he didn't wish to accept. He knew the target was not Lu Corporation but Jiang Yuyan and Lu corporation was just a way to reach her.