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Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 116: Visit The Lake
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Chapter 116: Visit The Lake

When Cian reached Seren's bedchamber, the knight who remained to guard the door and the two nurses standing outside immediately lowered their heads to pay their respects to the prince.

"What happened?" Cian asked the nurses.

One of the nurses stepped up to answer him. "It was Her Highness herself who asked us to leave the bedchamber."

"What did you two do?"

The blame in his tone scared the two nurses. They felt their bodies trembling under the gaze of the Crown Prince; his eyes were saying if they had really done something to upset the Third Princess, their career under the royal pharmacy would be ruined.

"Y-Your Highness, Third Princess said she is fine now and there is no need to stay around her," replied the other nurse, not wanting the Crown Prince to misunderstand the situation. "If this subordinate was to guess, Her Highness simply wants time to be alone."

Not reacting to her explanation, Cian stepped towards the door and one knight opened it for him. Inside, he saw Seren sitting on a chair with her gaze lingering on the sight outside of the window. His entrance caused Seren to turn around and look at the person who had just entered her bedchamber.

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She was about to stand up to greet him but she heard her brother say, "No need," so she did not leave her seat.

Cian sat on the chair next to her. After getting himself comfortable, he asked with a gentle smile, "What is wrong? Did something happen?"

Seren shook her head and replied calmly, "Nothing is wrong, Brother."

"Then why did you send those nurses away? You are not well and they are here to look after you."

She shook her head again. "I am fine now. I am not used to having people around me so I sent them out."

Cian suddenly understood the situation. They had neglected the fact that since Seren had always been on her own in the tower, she was not used to having people around her all the time. All these years, only a single person had been a constant in her life and that was her nanny, Martha. Having nurses hovering around her and serving after her every need like a maid must be uncomfortable for her. It would not be easy for her to adapt away from the hermit lifestyle she developed growing up.

"Will you be fine on your own?" Cian asked. Only to his sister would he sound this gentle, unlike how cold and harsh he was with outsiders, especially with those annoying royal court ministers.

Seren nodded. "Yes, brother. I am more used to this."

"If you say so then I will believe your words. There are knights outside. If you need anything, you can ask them. I will also make sure to keep two maids waiting outside to tend to your needs."

Seren silently nodded again. Her silence didn't feel right to him.

Looking around the room, Cian frowned. His sister had nothing to do inside the room. There was nothing here to help her pass the time. Would she be just staring blankly at the outside world from this window? Would that not be a repetition of her life trapped inside the tower?

"Would you like to go out with me to visit the lake?" Cian asked.

In the eastern part of the palace grounds, there was a beautiful lake surrounded by greenery. It was a scenic spot only royals and important guests could visit. Cian was sure she would not only enjoy the view, she would also appreciate the peaceful environment since no one would normally go there.

His suggestion was met with silence. Seren merely looked at her brother, but Cian could not understand what her gaze meant.

"Only if you are feeling well enough to take a walk," Cian added cautiously, trying to gauge her reaction.

Her response came after a short pause. "I can walk."

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"Let's go then!" Cian stood, feeling delighted in his heart that she finally agreed and offered her his hand. "Let me help you up."

She could not hide her surprise at his outstretched hand. Even though her brother came to visit her in the past, there was always some hesitation, maybe awkwardness, between them. Under Martha's watch, they would have afternoon tea in her garden, with him telling her things about the outside world and her simply listening to him talk. She always acted cautiously around him and he respected her wariness and maintained some distance from her.

In her eyes, Cian had always been a highly-accomplished and well-respected prince who kindly checked on her from time to time since she's a royal by name. But at this moment, the young man in front of her was nothing like that. He was simply her brother. He was simply family.

The smile on his face and the look in his eyes made her recall those days when she was a kid and Cian was only a young prince. Once he started to handle the responsibilities as the Crown Prince and heir to the crown, he could hardly come to meet her, and slowly, this warmth in his eyes disappeared. Visiting her had become more like a chore than anything. They talked and he brought gifts for her without a miss and but that warm feeling was long gone.

It was only now that Seren realized how she dearly missed her brother.

Seeing her dazed, Cian maintained the same pleasant smile but playfully wriggled the fingers of his hand in front of her. "Are you not coming?"

Cian's words brought her back to her senses. Accepting his hand, she stood up.

He then studied her attire. "I'll ask the nurses to help dress you up in something warmer. I will wait for you outside."

Afterward, the nurses entered and helped Seren change her clothes. It did not take long for her to step out of the room, looking like the dignified young princess that she is.