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Villainess Wants To Turn Over A New Leaf

Chapter 467
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Chapter 467

After a few days of similar settings, Ji Liang finally couldnt help but approach the bamboo forest stealthily. With his skills, it was a breeze for him to remain unnoticed.

The little girl in the sea of bamboo was sitting cross-legged on the ground as she flipped through the sword manual. After looking at it solemnly for a long time, she stood up and started swinging her sword.

Ji Liang observed her for a moment before coldly stating, Its wrong.

Lin Feilu was frightened as she suddenly looked in the direction of the voice. When she saw the figure stepping on a curved bamboo, there was a pleasant smile on her face as she hurriedly ran over to him, Uncle Ji!

After running for a few steps, she suddenly remembered something, and her steps faltered. The smile on her face beccautious as well. She retreated slowly and asked timidly, Uncle Ji, why are you here? Did Did I disturb you? Follow current novᴇls on NovᴇlFir(e).nᴇt

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Ji Liang.

Ah! Why is this damned feeling of guilt surfacing again???

Ji Liang remained silent for a moment before he flew down. He picked up a bamboo branch on the ground and said in a deep voice, Jimos swordsmanship focuses on making tricky moves you have to be fast, adapt to change, and retract as well, all together.

He replayed the moves that she was practising just now. It was clearly the smove, but it suddenly becdazzling when used by him. Even though he was only holding a bamboo branch, it made a sound as it sliced through both the air and a flurry of leaves.

Lin Feilu watched intently, and her heart was already full of joy.

The number 1 swordsman in the world was finally starting to teach her how to practise swordsmanship!

Ji Liang demonstrated the move to her twice before he turned to look at the stunned little girl. Then, he asked in a deep voice, Got it?

She seemed to only cto her sense now as her large watery eyes stared at him without flickering. She stammered, Nonot really Before Ji Liang could speak, she lowered her red eyes and asked sadly, Uncle Ji, am I too stupid?

Ji Liang, !

Shes going to cry again!

His pores were about to explode as he firmly reassured her, Youre not stupid! I will teach you in detail!

Lin Feilu pursed her lips and looked at her shoes pitifully. Raising her hands to rub her reddening eyes,she said in a serious tone, Uncle Ji, I will learn from you!

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Ji Liang had never seriously taught his apprentices, and Song Jinglan was so talented that he didnt even need instructions. However, he frequented the bamboo forest every day in order to teach the girl swordsmanship. Although she practised Jimo swordsmanship, a swordsman of Ji Liangs level could master any style with one swipe of his sword. Hence, it was an easy task for him to coach Lin Feilu the moves from the Jimo Swordsmanship manual.

He has studied swordsmanship to the extrand he had a lot of experience in mastering all sorts of styles. Therefore, he imparted all his dry knowledge to her.

Lin Feilu wasnt actually stupid with such a Master teaching him every day, she would naturally make rapid progress. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

Soon, Ji Liang discovered that, at spoint in time, the little girl referred to himself from Uncle Ji to Master.

Master, I still dont quite understand this move.

Master, have a sip of tea; your disciple made it herself!

Master, I have learned 17 moves now! I surpassed Little Song!

Ji Liang.