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Twin Tormentors By RARE

Chapter 26
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Chapter 26


After my little conversation with the hooligan, he insisted I take a bath, and seeing as how he was on the

edge of losing it; I had no choice but to comply with him.

Something about him was vaguely off, and no matter how much I knew to calm people down, there was

no calming him down. He was insane in his own way and I didn’t want to tick him off, not while I was still

clueless as to why they captured me. He seemed to be a very well poised psychopath who would skin

you alive while he had a poker face.

So nope! I wasn’t playing anywhere near him.

After eating, he took me down the staircases and beyond the lounge. I was really in awe of the interior

and everything about this place. The room which I woke up in, seemed to be in a tower, and I had

chuckled to myself when I realized they had locked me in a tower, like some kind of a princess in tales.

After walking non-stop, rounding corners, and climbing up and down the stairs, we came to a very big

and opulent hallway that had deep red carpets. the walls were decorated in my pictures and I couldn’t

help the shudder of panic that tore through me. I wasn’t only kidnapped by the crazy mafia boss and his

twin, the fuckers had to be stalkers.

all the pictures on the wall were the ones taken recently, while in some, I looked very young. I had so

many questions, so many questions I wanted to ask but as soon as he turned, and stared at me with his

hard face, daring me to question him about the pictures on the wall or anything at all; they all flew outside

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the window. All I did was swallow down very loud, and walk with my head raised high. I wasn’t going to

give them the satisfaction of fear, I wasn’t

going to let them see that I was scared shitless.

We walked a few feet and stopped in front of two white double doors. there were also doors on each side

of them, one on the left, one on the right. Opposite to the three doors, there were yet other doors on the

side, but I didn’t know what they held.

He pushed the big doors open and got in before me, then waited for me to come inside.

“This is your room. Get ready and I will have someone pick you up in 30.” With that, he left the room

without a second glance and got lost in this maze of a castle.

After my quick survey and tour around the room, I peeled off my clothes and stepped into the tub of

water. I went all out and relaxed inside the luxury of hot, scalding water that soothed m y muscles and

my mind. I didn’t want to think of anything at the moment. I just bathed.

Later, I stepped outside of the bathroom with a fluffy white towel wrapped around my torso and found a

red ankle-length dress with cream wedges laid gently on the dresser. the size of both the dress and

shoes was mine and before panic settled in, I remembered that there were

more than 20 portraits of me marring the hallway just outside the room. the clothes of my size couldn’t be

creepier than that.

I pulled on the elegant yet chic dress and put on the jewelry ornaments that were placed neatly on the

tray beside the garments. the jewelry was a pair of diamond earrings and a diamond bracelet, and I will

admit it, they looked good on me.

Right on the clock, a knock on my door was sounded and I braced myself for what came next:

“Come in!” I called out after nervously clearing my throat. The door swung open and in came a man in a

white dress shirt and black slacks. Like the hooligan, he had neat shiny dress shoes and 2 silver earrings

on his ears. There was an ugly scar down his right cheek and his sleek black hair was gelled backward

and tied in a low ponytail. From his

d tied in a low ponytail. From his appearance only, I could tell that I was indeed in the mafia den and this

man right here, was one of the bad guys.

“Miss Montreal.” He made a small bow and I was taken aback by the kind gesture.


“My name is Ciello. And I will be taking you out today.” He informed in a hard grave voice.

“What about Vernero?” I couldn’t call him a Hooligan in front of his man, I still wanted to live.

“He had to leave to take care of something.” This man’s voice was nice, especially with that Italian accent

dripping heavily in it.

“So he is not coming with us?”

“Yes ma’am.” Great! Fucking, fucky, great! This was the chance.

“Okay!” I said softly with a smile and he gestured me to exit the room.

I walked out of the room with him trailing behind me and we milled around the maze of a house until we

came down to the lobby. The place was abnormally empty, given the fact that i t seemed to be a giant

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

ass castle.

“Where is everyone?” I asked as if I had the clue as to how things worked here.

“They are in their chambers, ma’am. The west wing is for Mr. Lorenzo, Mr. Vernero and you only. The

east wing is for us, and everyone.” He said decreasing his pace, waiting for me to take my time

appreciating the crazy architecture and decor.

“So this is the west wing?” I asked almost to myself, awed beyond words at the rich, deluxe decor. there

were gold statues some other crazy shits. there was no doubt to the fact that this; was indeed the lion’s


“Yes ma’am.” I appreciated his patience with me. after a couple of heartbeats, we exited the west wing

and spiraled down the big stairs that connected the two wings.

If one got lost inside this place, well; good luck finding your way out!

After a millennia milling inside, we stopped outside the grand house into a clearing. Big palm

trees decorated the sides of the stone-paved path while the nicely trimmed hedges added to the mix

There were four cars parked outside and we walked to the black, shiny Mercedes Benz SUV where

Ciello opened the back door for me and got in the front seat.

He handed me a pair of Chanel sunglasses and hell; I have never dressed this lavishly!

We left Dark Woods in comfortable silence as he drove us to the nearby town. I wasn’t surprised by the

realization that the castle was at some secluded place. That was highly expected from well… you

guessed it!

The time we drew nigh the city, I had made a quick plan of how I was going to leave the place. There

was no way I was going back to those maniacs. I had to leave this place!