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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66 My eyes were still tightly shut when | finished speaking I did not dare to look a | Theo's reaction *#x¥Don’t worry, we will iry our best. Let's get you to the emergency room right away and inform the OB/GYN about this.” | was quickly pushed into the emergency operating theatre Right before | was wheeled in, | caught a Elimpse of the pain on Theo's face. His hands were balled up into fisis and he was punching the wall repeatedly.

My heart hurt so much | could barely breathe. It was all my fault. It was all because of my stubborness and my rashness which it cto making decisions. If the baby was gone, just like this, | would be the greatest sinner of all time. | would never be able to forgive mysell.

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When | woke up again, whiteness greeted me. | was laying in a thospital bed, and Theo was staring atintently. | had never seen him look so tired and roughed up before. The memories of what had happened crushing back into my mind.

“My baby.” | jumped up from the bed and reached out to my belly.

“Lie still.” Theo's voice was grave, his tone demandingly cold. Aside from his slightly messy hair, his face was emotionless.

| was deathly afraid and laid back down. After a long pause, | timidly asked again, Is my baby okay?” I no longer felt pain in my abdomen, so | was not sure if my baby was still in my belly He lifted his eyes to glare at me. His face was gloomy and dark. My heart was in 11 y throat as | anxiously waited for him to answer me.

“Wanda Lane, who gave you the courage i o do what you did? Did you really think you could bear the consequences of your decision?’ He did not answer my question, only reprimandingsternly.

Grievance instantly flooded my heart. | tried hard not to bawl as | retorted, “You think | want things to be this way? | didn’t know what to do! Cindy threatenedwith her life, and if | didn’t abort the child, do you think she would allowto live in peace? | really couldn’t bring myself to do it, so...” Towards the end of my rant, 1 lowered m y head What about me? Can't you trustat least this once? Were you going to lie to m e forever?” Theo raised his voice as he bombardedwith questions.

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| knew he was burning with rage. My eyes red-rimmed, | continued, “It’s not that | don’t trust you, nor did I think | could lie t O you forever. All | wanted to do was not burden anyone more than | needed to. This is my baby, and | will take good care of them after the divorce. | won't allow this baby to affect yours and Ms. Reed's “Hah, | really had no idea you were this considerate.” He sneered, his icy gaze boring into me. “You have no f*cking right to decide forwhat is to be done It was my first tharing him curse, and | was flabbergasted. | did not know hto react.

As if he had cto his senses after that outburst, le solemned his lone and continued, “Take care of yourself and our baby Lintil the baby is out. Don’t worry, I'm here! | breathed a sigh of relief. If he was saying that, that meant that the baby was okay.

“Ill take note of what's happened. We'll discuss how you can pay the consequences later.” He got up and poureda glass of water. His face was still cold and aloof, and his eyes were decp and mysterious. It was impossible to read his thoughts.

| reached out for the glass of water and took a low sips. The emotions in my heart were unfamiliar and odd, and | did not know how to put words to then We did not talk for a while, and the atmosphere grew awkward. Fortunately, the doctors Gas they were doing their rounds.

Timmediately asked the doctor about my condition and about what | had not had the courage to ask Theo about earlier. | was worried about the baby since | knew | had bled a lot earlier, “Don’t worry, since you were sent in just i n time, the baby’s doing fine. However, tsk tsk, young people like you! You know it's not recommended to have intercourse during the first three months. It’s just common sense! Why can’t you guys just hold it in? Especially you, a respectable gentleman, can’t you have at least a little self- control” This was coming from an older doctor, and his voice was loud and clear, no subtlety at all within his words. The nurses around us were snickering | coughed awkwardly while Theo glared a twith a distorted expression on his face. He nodded and walked out, That was probably his first-ever tbeing reprimanded. He was probably feeling ashamed since no one had scolded him to his face like that before After givinga few pointers on what | Oer givinga few pointers on what | should take note of the doctors left, leaving_a nurse behind to change my dressings.

Your husband must love you very much. When you were in the emergency theatre, he was pacing around all alone like a helpless kid that could only wait by the sidelines. He refused to leave.” Was she referring to the sTheo | knew? The Theo that was always aloof and constantly had his ‘high and mighty facade up? | was in slight disbelief.