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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50 Darling, lettell you. Rosella City is really beautiful. We should have chere long ago,” “You went to Rosella already?” | asked, surprised that she’d gotten there sa It’s not like you don’t know me. Since I've already decided on something, the sooner | get it done, the better. | regret visiting this late. | really should have ca few years earlier.” It seemed like she liked it over there, Did you look for a suitable store?” | asked.

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“Not yet. | plan to stay here for a few more days and look for them slowly. Lettell you, the pace of life here is very slow. It seems like everyone is very relaxed. In addition to that, there are many schools, so the business of opening a shop will be good.” | sent her a message as we walked. The parking lot of the Grant Corporation was tiny Ill ilE CHIL(OO]=HT=lli+il1 M:15: huge, and there weren't many cars in sight at this time. The whole place felt empty. Only the sound of my shoes clicking against the floor and the reverberations of my footsteps echoed around me. It sounded a little eerie and | was terrified and couldn’t help but quickeni my pace. Then you can stay there for a few more days and find the house while you're at it. I've been assigned a new mission recently, so | don’t think | can leave anytsoon.” You've already decided to leave. Why do you still care so much? Just leave and it'll be over.” Cecelia replied.

I knew that | had to leave, but there was a reason behind it. The divorce procedures were not completed yet. It was notas simple as a few words.

“Forget it, forget it. | don’t want to nag you anymore. Anyway, | like it here. If it. doesn’t work out for you, I'll still cover and settle down first. You can cover later. Let's not talk about it for now. I'll go to the bar to have fun.” | found my car just in time. | put my phone down and looked down to grab my krys from my bag, prepiring to open the Suddenly, | felt a pain at the back of my neck, and | passed out When | woke up again, | found my hands and feet tied to a chair and a foreign object stuffed into my mouth, | struggle with all my might, but the more | struggled, the tighter the rope became. | wanted to scream, but any mouth was stuffed. Even when | tried my best, | could only make muffled sounds.

After a moment of panic, | realized that | was kidnapped! | remembered that | had lost consciousness in the underground parking lot of the Grant Corporation building. It would mean that the other party knew that | was Mrs. Grant. If they were after money, then | would be safe.

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After figuring this out, | slowly calmed down and looked around. This was probably an abandoned factory. There h e rusiy tools everywhere in the dirty The room was huge and empty, but there was no sign of the kidnapper.

Ten minutes later, the old door was pushed open from the outside. A man’s voice was heard. “Sir, she’s awake.” | looked up and saw a thin man with a ferret face walking in front. Behind him was a man in a suit who looked to be in his forties.

The man in the back had neatly combed hair and looked very particular. He looked like a businessman that would belong in a corporate building and did not look like hi e did things like kidnapping, What was their motive? | felt a little guilty. It wasn’t scary to kidnap people, The scariest thing was that they didn’t Wait Mion).

“Go get the thing out of her mouth.” The businessman ordered the man with the ferret face Soon, the thing in my mouth was rernoved. | asked, “Who are you? What do you want? Do you know who lam? Because | was nervous, in one breath, | raised three questions.

Mrs. Lane, I'm sorry to have wronged you,” the businessman said. His voice was a little hoarse. He paused for a moment before continuing, “Don’t worry, we won't hurt you. We invited you here just to let you watch a good show.” He knew my name. | was stunned and confused.

Afterward, they playeda recording