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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 16
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Chapter 16 At this time, the sky was already bright. Many of the villagers came over to see what happened. I dared

not go down and hid in the car. Fortunately, Theo’s car arrived shortly after. Before the car even came

to a stop, he jumped off and walked over to my car with just a few steps. The cold aura exuded from his

tall figure made people standing around feel invisible pressure. The surrounding villagers immediately

became quiet and just stared at him with fear. Theo ignored them and opened my car door. He looked

at me coldly before asking, “What happened?” “I… I ran over a Tibetan Mastiff by accident. I need to

pay for it, and they want me to pay in cash.” I lowered my head and spoke very timidly. The expression

on his face was cold, and his eyes were darkened. He stared at me in disbelief for a long time before

he closed the car door and went to negotiate with the man. He should be furious, right? I had caused

him to come to such a remote place this early in the morning only to deal with such a trivial matter.

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Watching his receding tall and refined figure and turning around to look at the villagers standing

around, I felt the entire scene was out of place. Theo, the beautiful art of heaven should not appear in

such a lowly place. I could not help myself but worry. Theo would surely settle this score with me.

Soon, he gave the money to the villager, and the crowd around him dispersed. He walked over again

and looked at me coldly. His gaze was deep and dark, and it was impossible to read his emotions at all.

He said nonchalantly, “Get out of the car.” I obediently got out of the car and followed behind him. He

turned to the driver standing far away and said, “Drive this car back.” Then, he opened his car door and

got into the driver’s seat. Without any instructions from Theo, I did not dare get into the car. I just stood

there with my head lowered. “Do you need any personal invitation?” His voice sounded impatient. I

quickly opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat. In the car, I could feel a sensation of

coldness rising from my feet, and I glanced over from the side. He was releasing an icy cold air with a

gloomy expression and anger in his eyes. I clasped my hands together and waited for him to lash out in

anger. He did not say a word until the car pulled into the villa. He completely ignored me. After some

thought, I explained, “I thought you were still sleeping after drinking so much. That is why I called

Doctor Mason. Do not misunderstand, I am not in a relationship with him.” Even though I knew he

would not want to hear my explanation, and he probably would not care, I still spoke up. He stopped

the car and turned to look at me with narrowed eyes. After a long period, he said in a deep voice filled

with contempt, “Misunderstand? Do not think so highly of yourself. Who do you think you are? Who do

you think Mason is? Why would he even like you?” His words were sarcastic, and his face was full of

mockery. I was so embarrassed that I could not say anything for a long time. It was indeed my

overthinking. How could Theo possibly misunderstand? Not to mention, Mason was one of his good

friends. Considering their relationship, Mason would not even consider me a friend. To Theo and his

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friends, I was as lowly as weeds under their feet. If it was not for Grandmother’s affection toward me, I

would not have any right to look them in the eyes. Seeing that I was silent, Theo glanced at me and

said indifferently, “Do you admit your mistake?” “I was wrong. I am sorry,” I said quickly. “What are you

sorry for?” he asked. “I should not have driven out in the middle of the night,” I said honestly. “Wanda…

You are really…” He suddenly raised his voice and glared at me as if he wanted to eat me whole. I did

not know what I had said to offend him again. I was so scared that I was trembling all over and curled

myself into a ball. “Forget about it. You do not work today. You are being punished for doing something

wrong. Your punishment is to clear weeds in the garden with your bare hands.” He glared at me again

and turned his head to ignore me. His punishment was really… odd. Although I knew that he would not

let me off easily for driving far away early in the morning, I did not expect him to give such a childish

punishment. “You are not willing?” After a while, when he saw that I did not say anything, he turned

around and squinted at me.