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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34

Jocelyn was panicking, seriously considering just jumping into the sea and calling it a day.

The most mortifying part? She was sure Willow had caught the whole embarrassing scene.

“Hey, that dude is smoking hot.” Ursula grabbed Jocelyn’s hand, constantly looking back, “He’s

checking you out.”

Jocelyn’s heart skipped a beat, and she forced herself not to look back.

“Isn’t that Willow’s boyfriend?” Ursula pondered, “She seemed pretty cozy with him.”

Jocelyn’s mind was a mess. She shook her head. “I gotta go back.”

Jocelyn, did you and that guy…” Ursula frowned at her. “You seem off.”

Jocelyn knew she was off her game, but not because Melvin was drop-dead gorgeous or because he

was cozying up to Willow. It was the thought of her humiliating moment earlier that made her wish she

could turn back time and not give him a second glance.

Without explaining to Ursula, Jocelyn headed back to her room and took a shower, hoping to calm her

frazzled nerves.

She slipped into a loose dress, with no plans to go out again.

The hotel had a killer view. From the balcony, Jocelyn could enjoy the sea view, with a swath of

coconut trees leading

to the endless ocean

The sunset was painting half the ocean red, with the other half a deep blue. It was stunning.

Jocelyn took a photo of the view and a side-profile selfie, and posted it on Twitter with the caption:

[Today, I feel like I haven’t done this beautiful day justice.]

When life gives you lemons, you must’ve ticked off some deity on your way out.

All she hoped for now was a smoother tomorrow.

Ursula nagged her to go out for dinner, but Jocelyn declined. Ursula wouldn’t have it and insisted they

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go together.

With no other choice, Jocelyn changed into a gradient blue sundress and a delicate cardigan, and

Ursula dragged her to this amazing buffet restaurant with a great vibe.

“I’ve scoped this place out. You can eat as much as you want and whenever you want. The seafood is

really fresh. Plus, it’s a total hottie magnet, Ursula winked at Jocelyn.

Jocelyn rolled her eyes, speechless.

Ursula was eyeing potential catches while picking out food, completely ignoring Jocelyn.

When Jocelyn saw Ursula bee-lining for a blond guy, she just sighed. Since she was there already, she

gave the food a


After picking out some food, she found a corner to quietly eat.

Jocelyn was stunning, and her entrance didn’t go unnoticed.

But sitting there, she gave off a ‘keep out’ vibe that kept the timid at bay.

Still, there were those who couldn’t resist the pull of a frosty beauty.

A polite guy asked to sit with Jocelyn. She wasn’t socially awkward, and hey, it was a buffet and seats

were fair game. so she didn’t refuse.

After sitting down and quietly eating for a bit, he struck up a casual conversation about the food, and it

flowed naturally from there.

Turns out, he was a college professor

Jocelyn was surprised. “You’re so young to be a professor!”

just look young. Homson Whitman said with a smile, I’m actually thirty-five.”

Jocelyn was taken aback again. “You don’t look it at all. I thought you were my age.”

Thanks Harrison tactfully didn’t pry about Jocelyn’s age.

The atmosphere between them became livelier and they hit it off. They were unaware of how their

harmonious atmosphere pricked at someone outside the restaurant.

It was getting late, and Harrison politely walked her to the hotel entrance. And they exchanged contacts

before saying goodbye

Ursula hadn’t come back, off partying with the guy she just met.

Jocelyn wasn’t up for hanging out alone with a guy she just met, so she returned to the hotel to get

ready for bed.

Just as she was about to go to sleep, the doorbell rang.

Figuring hotel security was solid and no bad guys would boldly cause trouble here, she guessed it

might be a staff


Opening the door, she was hit with a wave of booze. The guy at the door was smirking at her, a bit too


Jocelyn was baffled; how did he know where she stayed?

“Did you… get the wrong room? Jocelyn smelled the alcohol on him and wondered how much he’d had

to drink.

Melvin stepped forward, and Jocelyn, guard up, braced the door nervously, “Which room are you in?

Shall I call someone to take you back?

He was clearly drunk.

Where was Willow? Shouldn’t she be keeping an eye on him?

But Melvin just kept staring at her, sending a chill down her spine.

“Maybe… I should call Willow to pick you up.” They were probably staying in the same room together,


One word from her seemed to set him off. She was shoved forcefully into the room, the door slammed

shut behind her, and before she knew it, she was pinned against the wall.

Jocelyn’s eyes widened in panic. “What are you doing? Calm down!”

Up close, she could see his eyes were red, as if he’d been provoked.

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“What do you think I’m doing?” Melvin’s voice was hoarse, even angry, as he roughly tore at Jocelyn’s


Jocelyn grabbed his hand, out of breath. “We broke up!”

He paused, his gaze turning fierce. “Broke up? Did I agree to that?”

Jocelyn was in full-blown panic mode.

His kisses fell on her lips, pulling, biting. He muffled against her lip, his voice raspy, “I won’t break up

with you! Don’t even think about it!”

Jocelyn’s mind was a whirlwind, her lips ached, afraid to push too hard in case he snapped and really

bit her.

Her arms were pinned above her head, legs forced apart, no chance to fight back.

His kisses moved from her lips to her neck, nibbling, biting, and sucking fiercely, as if he wanted to

devour her whole.

Jocelyn didn’t dare to imagine what she must look like right now. She was like a puppet, not resisting at

all, just letting him do whatever he wanted.

Maybe it was her dumbstruck reaction that finally made Melvin let go. He grabbed her chin, panting

hard, and without a nipple of emotion in his eyes, he was clearly ticked off, “Don’t feel a thing for me


It was like Jocelyn’s soul had been scared out of her by his actions just moments before

Her eyes flickered, and the pain from his bites and nips slowly brought her back to reality. Seeing the

redness in his eyes, her los quivered. “We’re over.”

She repeated the sentence.

Melvin suddenly got mad, his grip tightening with his emotions.

Jacelyn’s face twisted in pain. She knew he was furious and didn’t dare to speak again, simply looking

at him calmly.

After what seemed like an eternity, Melvin pulled her into his arms tightly, wishing he could meld her

into his body. His voice was hoarse and slightly trembling, “I didn’t agree to this, so you’re still mine!”