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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 104.

Eva ✩

“Selena, wait.” I try to catch up to her as she races into the Pack house, I knew as soon as Vince died

that she was in pain. Her wolf let out this massive wave of despair and pain, it’s hard to explain but it’s

like the feeling just washed over me like a cold shower on a hot day.

“Don’t Eva, I’m fine.” I barely hear her, she speaks so quietly, ignoring the guys carrying Heath, I follow

Selena up the stairs. This isn’t a part of the Pack house I’ve ever really been in so I don’t know if I’m

actually allowed up here.

‘You’re Luna, you’re allowed. Now go and find out what’s wrong with her.’ Nodding at Ghost I straighten

my spine and run up the stairs. Ghost has been doing this alot since I got back from Jeremy’s hold, it’s

almost like she’s guiding me rather than dragging me.

“Selena,” I try to race after her as I watch her vanish into a room at the end of a cream painted hallway.

I can’t help but notice that this whole corridor is devoid of anything personal, there are no photographs,

no trinkets, nothing. It’s almost like someone has cleaned this area of the house of any signs of life.

Standing at the painted white door I take a deep breath before slowly pushing it open. I don’t see

Selena at first but as I step further into the pale blue bedroom I see her huddled in the comer of the

room. She’s wedged herself between the wall and chest of drawers, her blonde head is tucked down,

her knees are drawn close to her chest and she is visibly shaking. Instead of going over to her I sit on

the end of the double bed, looking at the wall I sit in silence and listen to her cry.



His Rogue Omega Chapter 104

258 Nouchers

“I told you to leave.” Selena’s voice is filled with so much pain that I barely understand her when she

finally talks.

“Cas says I don’t listen very well,” I shuffle around on the bed and cross my legs, she’s still tucked up in

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

a ball wedged in her little safe spot. “How could I leave you when you’re in such pain?” I want to reach

out and hold her but I know my touch won’t be welcomed right


“I just need to be alone right now.” I can feel Ghost begging me to stay, she can feel Selena’s turmoil as

much as I can.

“I understand that, I get it, you know. I have blood on my hands too,” Selena looks up at me, her face

red and her eyes bloodshot and watery with tears.

“You can’t understand, I took an oath. To save lives not to take them, Rowan taught me to fight to

defend myself when he wasn’t here.” She leans her head back smacking it off the wall a few times, “he

died because of me, he bled out because of what I did to him.” Scrambling off the bed I drop to the

plush cream carpet and crawl over to her, I don’t stop until I am only inches from touching, at the last

second I just drop back on my as s to look at her.

“You didn’t kill him, he made that choice the second he followed Martha and then Jeremy. His death

isn’t on you Selena,” her blood shot eye keeps staring at me, I don’t think she’s really hearing me but I

keep talking anyway. “If a drug addict dies in your emergency room did you kill him or did the drug?” I

know it’s a sh it rationalisation but I don’t really know what else to do.

“The drugs.” Selena nods her head slightly before closing her eyes and leaning against the wall again.

“So how is Vince any different, he made his choice, just like we all do.




We all make choices everyday and the second Vince decided to side with Martha and Jeremy he knew

it would end one of two ways. Cast dead or him dead, he just didn’t realise one thing.” Selena opens

her eyes when I don’t say anything more, I let the silence stretch between us as I watch her curiosity

take over.

“What thing?” Selena finally asks me, giving her a small smile, I lean forward and take her warm

sweating hand into my own.

“Cas, like the rest of us, has friends and family around him. And there is nothing we won’t do for each

other.” Selena smiles back at me as she grasps my hand tighter and a fresh wave of tears starts to flow

down her face.

“How do I live with this?” The heart ache in her voice has me almost. crying along with her, she’s so

raw and open right now, she’s like an exposed nerve.

“How about we figure that out together, one day at a time.” I’m not going to sit here and lie to my friend,

I still haven’t figured out how to live with killing Martha but I’m hopeful that with Cas by my side I will

find a way.

“I should check on Heath, he went down pretty hard.” I don’t move ast she rubs at her face and tries to

smooth her hair out. I could point out that it’s pointless, the men will know she’s been crying the second

they smell her but I let her have this moment.

“Want me to come?” Selena just nods her head as she stands from the floor and takes a deep breath,

“whose room is this?” It’s nicely decorated but it looks very unlived in, just like the hall beyond, it’s

devoid of any signs of life.

“It’s for the visiting Alpha’s, I’m not sure why I came down here to be honest. I wasn’t really thinking.” I

chuckle a little as I take her hand in



gir Omega Chapter 104.

mine and we walk across the room together, “cute though, make a good room for a pup.” I laugh harder

at that, how this woman can go from a full breakdown to planning my pups room is beyond me.

“I think I will want the pup closer than two floors above us.” Taking her lead in the subject change I

close the bedroom door, Selena takes her hand from mine and crosses her arms over her t-shirt clad


“You’re probably right.” She purses her lips like she’s actually thinking about pup rooms, I can still feel

the wave of despair coming off her but it’s less than it was. I have a feeling it’s going to be clinging to

her for a while, all I can do is offer my support and help her get through it.

“No, Selena would stop the bleeding first.” Rowan’s panicked voice sounds from the office as we

descend the stairs, looking back at Selena I almost laugh at the bemused look on her face.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Goddess, you guys are bu tchers,” Selena nudges me to the side and runs past me. “Just let me die, it

will hurt less!” Heath sounds like someone is torturing him so I quickly chase after Selena. Entering the

office I see Heath is laid on one of the beds, Cas, Rowan and Francis. are all standing around him

looking all kinds of lost. It looks like all three of them have been trying to tend to Heath while Selena

has been down but from the looks of the blood on their hands and the amount of bandages, none of

them have done a very good job.

“Honestly,” Selena shakes her head as she pushes her mate out of the way. “He needs stitches not

bandages.” All three men look relieved as Selena picks up a needle and settles herself onto a stool

before bending down to tend to the wound on Heath’s side.

“Finally a healing touch.” I don’t miss the way Selena flinches at Heath’ s words but she keeps going.

“Is she alright, Angel?” Blinking I look up at Cas, he’s smiling down at



His Rogue Omings Chapter 104

me which would be sweet if it wasn’t for the blood splatter across his chest, he would look kind of cute

right now.

“She will be, you need a shower.” I tell him as I nod towards the blood, he looks down at himself before


“You guys got this?” He asks the group, when none of them answer he turns back to me and smirks,

“join me?” Clasping his hand in mine I practically pull him from the room, “in a rush Angel?” He

chuckles deeply as he follows me from the room. I don’t know how to explain it but I have this sudden

need to be with him, it’s not like before where I had this desire inside of me, this is more of a primal

need. I need to feel him with me, know that he’s still here, I need to know that Jeremy didn’t take him

from me with that gun.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!