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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 71.

Eva ✰

“You really don’t need to be up here, you should be sleeping with your mate.” I shake my

head at Sally as I wrap my apron around my waist, it’s just gone five in the morning and

she already has breakfast well underway.

“I want to help, that’s alright isn’t it?” I stop fastening my apron to look at her, maybe I

have overstepped by bonds, it’s not like anyone has told me how this Luna thing works.

“You’re Luna, if you want to be part of the meals then you will be part of the meals. Want

to do the waffles or fruit?” I smile at Sally as she goes back to mixing up the muffin batter,

finishing typing my apron and I start working on the fruit.

“Sally, what’s happening with that Christmas tree in the lounge?” It’s been there for

almost two weeks now, it’s still undecorated and still just sitting in the corner.

“I think the Alpha thought you might like it, with you having grown up with the humans.

We don’t usually do Christmas here so I think he’s waiting for some decorations to come.”

I make a mental note to ask Cas to remove it, if the Pack doesn’t celebrate Christmas then

I don’t want them to do it just for me. It’s not like Santa ever visited me, we never even

had a Christmas tree when I was growing up.

“Has Sophie been coming by?” I ask as I lean over and grab the watermelon from the

bench, me and Cas have been holed up for two days and I kind of feel guilty about leaving

her alone.


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 71.

“She comes in for breakfast and then scuttles off, Sarah, run up to the Nickels farm and

ask them for some vegetables for a roast dinner.” The young dark haired girl stops

brewing the coffee and runs from the room, she barely ever speaks but she’s here every

day to do her duties. alongside Sally.

“What do you think about me asking Cas about allowing Sophie to live in the cottage I was

in? Now that I’m not there she could use it, at least. we know it’s clean and tidy.” Sally

looks up at me with a warm smile on her face, I smile back thinking I have finally gotten

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

something right.

“You don’t need to bother Cas with that, it’s your cottage and you can give it to whomever

you want. I bet if you ask Beta he will get her situated.” I rub my hands on my apron and

go to leave the kitchen, “Eva, you don’t need to hunt him down. You’re Luna, call for him

over the link and he will come. Make it nice and official, he will get a kick out of it.”

Sitting on one of the breakfast bar stools I close my eyes and try to feel around in my

head until I feel Rowan, it’s like I have these strings. attaching myself to each of the Pack

members. Finding Rowan’s I pull on it until I feel us connect.

‘Beta, can you come and see me in the Pack kitchen please?’ I smile as I feel him chuckle,

I did what Sally said and made it sound really official, I don’t think I’ve ever referred to

Rowan as Beta before.

I’m on my way Luna.’ I chuckle as I close the link down and start working on the

watermelon again. We work in companionable silence for a while before the kitchen door

is open bringing in a blast of cold air.

“Luna, you wanted to see me.” I slide the rest of the watermelon into a bowl before

turning to Rowan, he has a massive smile on his face,




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 71,

clearly he’s enjoying something, “perhaps in the lounge?” The sound of Sally’s laughter

follows me and Rowan into the lounge, we sit on one of the sofas just in front of the

massive Christmas tree.

“I wanted to talk about Sophie, is she still living in that house?” Rowan pulls out his

notepad and opens it up, flicking through a few of the pages.

“She’s still there for now, I’m looking for somewhere for her to stay. The Pack house isn’t

suitable for an underage pup and me and Selena. aren’t in a position to take her in.”

Rowan sounds annoyed that he’s yet to fix the young girl’s situation.

“How about my cottage? The one Cas gave me? I know it’s clean and it’s perfect for a

young lady on her own. She would be across the road from you and Selena should she

need anything and it’s not far from the Pack house.” I know Cas is coming through the

basement door before it even opens, it’s like I have this awareness of him now.

“I think that’s a good idea, an hour alone and she steals my Beta.” I tilt my head up to

Cas’s teasing voice, he leans down and places a kiss on my forehead, “morning Angel.”

“I agree, it’s a good idea. I’ll send some of the women around today and ask them to make

sure it’s set up for her. Still no word on Lisa but I have some feelers out.” Rowan scribbles

in his notepad before jumping up from the sofa, “anything else Luna?” I smile at him and

shake my


“Eva, not Luna.” Cas chuckles at my firm tone and Rowan just smiles at me, “you can get

rid of the Christmas tree,” I tilt my head back to look at Cas, “we don’t celebrate


“Christmas tree goes then.” Cas speaks to Rowan but doesn’t take his eyes off me, I don’t

realise he’s left the room until Cas leans further



down to kiss my neck and whisper in my ear.

“Come down stairs, I have something for you.” I stand up from the sofa and pull his face

down to mine so I can whisper in his ear in return.

“Later, go and put a shirt on before the Pack gets here.” I place my hands on his bare

chest and press a kiss to his chin.

“I forgot how to dress, come show me.” He thrusts his hips at me so I can feel his hard co

ck press against me, I’ll admit I almost give in, having him inside of me has quickly

become my favourite thing. Just as I’m about to take him up on his offer his back goes

poker straight and his face goes blank.

“Cas?” The grip on my arms gets tight as his face turns into a mask of anger, “Cas, what’s

happening?” I start to slap his chest to get his attention, I’m practically screaming at him


“I have to go, stay here, don’t leave the Pack house.” His voice is angry as he lets me go

so quickly I almost fall, he speeds out of the lounge. and changes into Storm the second

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

the door is open. Chasing after him. I stop when I get to the open door, there are several

warriors, some on four paws and some on two feet all running after Storm in the direction.

of Midsey.

“Luna?” I turn around to see Sally and Sarah standing in the doorway of the kitchen,

“what’s happening? The warriors just flew out of the kitchen like their as ses were on fire.”

“I don’t know, he just said to stay here and ran out.” I have the urge to chase after them

but I promised Cas that I would listen to him and do as he asked after the last time I ran

off alone.

‘Guide them Eva, you’re Luna.’ Ghost is just as worried as me but even she is listening to

our mate.



His Rogue Omega: Chapter 71.

“How about we carry on with breakfast?” I close the door and turn to the two ladies, “I bet

when they all get back they will be hungry.”

Long after breakfast has gone cold the warriors and Cas are still not back, I’ve tried not to

let the worry settle in but it’s harder to keep at bay the longer we wait. The kitchen and

lounge has filled with more and more females, some are family of the warriors and some

are mates, the odd one are just Pack members looking for somewhere to be.

“Any news?” I look up to see Selena walking into the kitchen, she has on her blue scrubs

and her face is a mask of worry..

“Nothing,” I whisper as she comes to sit next to me on the sofa, “Rowan?”

“Went running off like all the others, like his as s was on fire.” I close my eyes as Selena

takes my hand, part of me thought that if Rowan was still on Pack land then it can’t be

that bad. I go to pick my coffee cup up, just to keep my hands busy, when suddenly this

sharp agonising pain rips through my whole body. Screaming out in pain I make many of

the women jump up and rush over to me, Selena pushes them away demanding to know

what’s wrong and where it hurts. I can’t get any words out as Ghost takes over and

suddenly I’m bounding towards the back door. I don’t know what happened, I just know

Cas is hurt badly and I need to get to him. Now.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!