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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 99
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Gone girl.
Pulling up at Darryl Packhouse I know instantly that something is wrong, Darryl looks pi ssed and Mac is sporting a black eye
and his Beta, Lewis, is not there. I was looking forward to a relaxing weekend, maybe reconnecting with Anna and hopefully
coming up with a plan to make Faye talk. No matter how much I berate others around her, comfort her and flirt with her, she
refuses to open up and it’s proving very infuriating. Parking the car behind a black SUV I get out without turning the engine off.
“What happened?” I ask instantly, I look from Darryl then to Mac, “did he try something?” I start to move towards Mac with every
intention of getting my hands on him if he touched my Anna.
“It’s not what you’re thinking, Mac is a dumbas s but he didn’t touch Anna,” Darryl says getting in between me and Mac.
“Then why the black eye? Why all the tension?” I demand of Darryl without taking my eyes off Mac.
“We should go to my office,” Darryl says looking around at the Pack surrounding us, and it seems my temper has drawn some
attention. I just nod my head and start walking behind Darryl into the house.
It always amazes me how full this house is compared to my own, met and Anna were working toward this level of community
before Faye came in and wrecked everything. Each person I pass seems to irritate me more, every member of this house is a
reminder of what I’ve lost. out on and who I’ve lost along the way. Once we get to Darryl’s office he holds the door open for me
and Mac, once we are both inside he
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walks in and closes the door behind him. I assume this office is like my own and sound proofed against those listening in, the
inside of the office is much like my own too. Except for the ridiculous soda bar Darryl insists on having in here instead of hard
As soon as the door is closed I have Mac pinned against the wall by his throat, he starts to grab at my hand but I just snarl at
him. I can just about hear Darryl shouting over the rushing in my ears, it’s like all the blood in my b*dy just shot into my head. I lift
Mac off the wall with the hand around his neck and slam him back into it making the pictures rattle.
“What. Did. You Do?” I demand of him, I speak each word slowly and watch as his face starts to turn purple.

“He can’t talk if he can’t breathe!” Darryl shouts from behind me.
“He did something so either you speak or he dies.” I snarl as I get as close as I can to Mac’s face. “I’d be quick, your guy doesn’t
look like he has long left.”
“Anna is gone and this as s hat helped her.” Darryl says in a rush, in my shock I let go of Mac and he slides to the floor coughing
and gasping
for air.
“What do you mean, gone?” I ask spinning on Darryl, I watch his wolf flash into his eyes and for a second I think about stepping
down but I can feel Leo egging me on, we can take him if we need to.
“Unless you intend to challenge me I suggest you watch your tone and sit down.” Darryl says with his jaw clenched. We stand
staring at each other for a moment as we listen to Mac gasp for breath from the floor.
Deciding I need answers more than I need to prove myself to another Alpha. I take a seat in one of the two chairs in the office. I
don’t take my eyes off Darryl as he moves past Mac and takes a seat behind hist
desk, we both wait for Mac to pull himself together and slowly pull himself off the floor. Walking to the other chair, I don’t miss
how he’s rubbing his now very red and bruised looking neck.
“Ok, first off. I only learned of this not twenty minutes ago, I thought Anna was down on the training field. Turns out she was seen
leaving Mac’s car about four hours ago, she had a backpack with her.” Darryl says look directly at Mac.

“And no one thought to stop her?” I ask him.
“She wasn’t exactly a prisoner, she was a guest and welcome to come. and go as she pleases. After a few minutes of prodding
this as sh at spilled the beans,” Darryl leans down to draw out a bottle of Southern Comfort from his desk drawers, he places it
on the desk in front of us. “Go on, tell him.”
“Alpha, please.” Mac pleads in a small voice, he actually sounds really scared.
“You tell him or I can, if I tell him it will be worse for you.” Darryl says while pouring two glasses of scotch and pushing one
towards me.
“A few weeks ago Anna told me that,” Mac rubs at his neck. “S hit, she told me that she was done with Pack life and all the c rap

that comes. with it. I thought it was just words, I thought she was just mad at things and the stuff that’s happened to her.”
“Get to the point,” Darryl tells him while taking a sip from his glass.
“She told me the first chance she got she was going to get Thomas and run, she said she was going to run as far and as fast as
she could.” I just stare at Mac as he drops this bomb on me.
“My mate wants to take my son and run away from me?” I ask in disbelief, “what the hell have you all been doing with her here?”
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Gone g it
snat ch the glass off the desk and down it in one go.
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“I’m sorry, I should have said something sooner.” Mac says lamely, I have a sudden urge to snap this guy’s neck with my bare
‘Not before I get a go.’ Leo growls in my head.
“Tame the wolf, Fraction. Right now we need to find Anna and get her to understand she can’t just run off to live in the human
world.” Darryl tells me, I guess Leo is showing in my eyes. I close them for a second but Leo won’t be soothed, he’s on edge and

demanding we go and find Anna right now. The ringing of a phone makes me pop my eyes open, I watch as Darryl picks up the
handset of his landline.
“What?” He snaps down the line.
“This is Beta James, is Alpha Fraction there?” James sounds very distressed and a little nasally, Darryl holds the handset out to
me and I lean over to take it from him.
“What’s happened?” I ask him quickly.
“Anna showed up here, she came storming in to take Thomas but Faye was here. Sh it got nasty and they got into a fight, they
are in the woods. somewhere now, I can’t find them!” I look at Darryl knowing he’s listening in, “Patrick and Eliza are off looking
for them now, Anna just wanted Thomas but she took Faye down like a Momma Bear protecting her young. You need to get
home. Now!” I’m up and out of the chair dropping the handset on the floor before James has finished talking. The only thing on
my mind is getting to Anna and Faye before. one of them kills the other.
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This is my house