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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 95
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A knock at the office door has me lifting my head taking a deep breath. I know who is on the other side, I asked James to send
her to me but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.
“Enter.” I shout out, part of me hopes she has left in the time it took me to build up courage to call her in. Apparently I’m not that
lucky ast Faye strolls in like she owns the place, she’s wearing a pair of tiny booty shorts and sports bra. When she dresses in
the morning I swear she picks out the clothes that will show the most of her skin.
“You wanted me Alpha.” I don’t miss how she tries to make it sound dirty that I wanted to see her.
“Take a seat, we need to have a chat,” I hold my hand out to the chair in front of my desk. When she sits she spreads her legs
just enough to show me she’s wearing pink panties, I make it obvious that I am looking. I try to make her think I’m actually
interested in what she has to offer. “With Anna properly gone I wanted to ask if you would like to move in here?”
“Here? As in the Pack House?” I just nod my head at her as she speaks, “so I’d be in the Luna room?”
“No you will be on the floor below me,” I watch as her face draws into annoyance, for just a second her seductive mask slips but
she quickly puts it back in place. “Thomas is in the old Luna room.”
“Of course, but wouldn’t it make more sense to have Thomas and any future children together on the floor below us?” I have to
stop the look
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of anger coming to my face, I can’t believe this woman actually thinks. we are going to have more children..
“How about we cross that bridge when we get to it? No point in counting pups before they are made,” she smiles a very fake

sweet smile at me, thankfully I know better than to trust that smile.
“I can move in today?” I smile a genuine smile as that’s exactly what I

“Absolutely, Patrick and James are waiting to help you move your stuff over.” And snoop around her house, not that I will tell her
“Oh, I can manage on my own. I don’t have much, no point in them trekking all the way to my fathers house for nothing.” I narrow
my eyes at her for a second as she tries to stop them coming with her.
“Baby, I want my guys to help you, please let them. They can get to know you like I do.” I pour sugar into my voice to make it
sound like I mean what I’m saying. I can see her trying to figure out another way to keep them from the house so I stand up and
walk around my desk, walking over to her I put a hand on either arm of the chair she’s sitting in and put my face close to hers.
“Do this for me?” I ask in a whisper as I claim her lips.
The second our lips connect Leo starts to howl in my head, I try to ignore him as I sl ant my lips over hers and become
overwhelmed with the taste of mint and coffee. I try not to gag into her mouth as her tongue moves to tease mine, I manage to
disengage from her just ast she’s starting to moan. Moving my face back I watch as she licks her lips and brings her hand up to
touch her now puff lips, she closes her eyes as if savouring the taste of me.
“Ok, they can come.” She says in a breathy whisper, I lean back down and k*ss her check,
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“Thanks baby,” she must hear the finality of my tone and stands up to leave the office.
“I’ll be home soon,” she says in a seductive whisper, she swings her hips from side to side as she opens the office door and
closes it behind her.
With a deep sigh I scrub my hand across my mouth, it does little to
take the taste of Faye from my mouth. Every part of my being feels like a live wire, I can’t help but feel like I was just very

unfaithful to Anna. I know me and James agreed I need to pull her close so that we can investigate her properly but I’m really not.

liking the idea of having Faye under the same roof as me as I sleep.
“Maybe we will have some late night fun again?’ Leo tells me sarcastically.
‘Goddess I hope not,’ I crinkle my nose against the memory of waking up with Faye riding my co ck.
‘I don’t like this at all, if you so much as even get semi hard while you’re with her I can’t be held responsible for my actions.’ I
know Leo’s threat comes with some truth, I just know he will hurt Faye the second he gets the chance.
‘Just think of it like this; We prove Faye has a connection to Jefferson’s situation then we can boot her and get Anna home.’ Even
repeating the plan to Leo, it sounds hollow. I know I need to do everything I can to get Anna home but I’m starting to worry that
this is not the right way to do it.
Looking at the clock I realise it almost time for Thoma s’s review with Doctor Lee, draining my coffee but I stand from my desk
and stretch my hands above my head. I can smell Faye on me but there isn’t much I can do about that, if I scrub myself of her
scent she will get suspicious. I just have to hope that Thomas doesn’t notice, he’s still young enough
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that he shouldn’t. Stepping out of the office I come face to face with Eliza, she has her hand raised as if she was about to knock.
“Oh, you’re going out?” She’s asks me, I watch as her nostrils flare and she gives a sniff. “You stink of white tr ash h ooker.”
“Thomas is due a review with Doc.” I sniff at myself again as if I don’t know what shes talking about. “Oh you mean Faye? Maybe
a little respect for the Luna?” I say in a stern voice.
“You’re serious?” I nod my head at her and watch as her eyes widen, “what the hell is wrong with you?” I just shrug my shoulders
as I push past her and start walking down the hall towards the front door.
“Anna is gone for five minutes and you already have a new bed warmer?” Eliza shouts after me.
“That’s it. you just earned the early morning patrols.” I say angering. I’ m not actually angry at her but she needs to think I am.
Sell the story, as James would say. Looking back at her I can see the hurt on her face, “anything else to add?”
“No, Alpha.” She whispers meekly with her eyes cast to the floor, I’ll make it up to her but for now her being afraid of me and
thinking I’m actually with Faye is a good thing. It will help sell the rouse to the Pack. I stand staring at her for another minute
before stomping my way to the front door, I slam it on my way out knowing that will add to her distress. Patrick might actually kill
me for this but I know if Eliza believes it so will everyone else, she has a lot of influence over the people of the Pack and with
Anna gone most look to her for what to do.