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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 81
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Expectations and dreams.
The back of my fathers hand connecting with my jaw makes me lose. my balance and hit the floor. I open and close my jaw
trying to stretch it out, I’m seeing stars after this particular hit.
“I’m sorry father. I’m trying.” I whimper from the ground.
“Weeks you have been in power and still no mate mark. Has he had you yet?” I shake my head no. “you need to use that honey
trap between those legs and catch yourself an Alpha!” He tells me between clenched teeth. “if you don’t have him as a mate all
of this will be
“I swear I’m trying. I’m using everything the old bat gives me. It’s not working.” I tell him as I push myself up from the floor.
“Well you need to get it working, if you don’t want to be unseated you need to provide the pack with a new Alpha Heir.” I nod at
him quickly as he turns around and heads back down to the basement.
I spit onto the wooden floor and see a glob of blood hit the floor. I’ll have to clean that up but I needed to get it out of my mouth.
My father and brothers seem to spend all of their time in the basement with Jefferson, we are marking the house daily to hide his
scent but until we get our answers he isn’t going anywhere. Looking at the clock I see I have a few hours until Fraction will be at
Patrick and Annas to spend time with his fake Heir.
I suggest we get rid of the brat but my father says Fraction can have me killed for that and he believes he would without blinking.
I do too. The
man hates me, everytime I look at him I can see the rage inside of him growing. Mates shouldnt be like this, when Anna left we
should have connected, mated and been blissfully happy but her Omega spell seems to have lingered even after she’s gone. No
matter how much I push I can’t seem to get through to him. The only time we truly connected as mates was in the classroom
before Eliza interrupted us.
Just thinking about how he pinned me to that table has me all wet and aroused, I can still feel his mouth on mine and the way his
hands caressed my b*dy. How my stomach jumped as he went to unbutton my pants. The thought of him touching me gives me
an idea and I push myself off the floor. I’m claiming my mate tonight whether he knows it .

or not.

I climb into bed with a bone tired yawn, I’ve gotten back later than normal tonight, usually I’m home to see the last Pack
members but today I spent more time with Thomas. I needed his company, he makes me feel close to Anna. It’s the only way I
can sense her these days. Ever since the clearing our connection has been broken, my mating mark is still there but the tether to
her mind is gone.
Feeling the sheets next to my n*ked b*dy I lay my head back on the pillow and stare at the ceiling. I can still smell her on the
sheets, the last time we were in this bed together she came so hard she soaked the bed. I haven’t changed the sheets since she
left, her smell is degrading but each night I have fallen asleep surrounded by her. Tonight is no different. I know I will dream
about her, I always do.
I know I’m asleep the second I see her sitting on the bed next to me. She’s beautifully n*ked and kneeling over me stroking my
co ck with sure, slow movements.
“Little wolf.” I moan out.
“Hi baby. Miss me?” I wrap my hand around hers and encourage her to go faster
“Always, I need you home.” She makes a shushing sound which draws my eyes to her pink pouty lips.
“Don’t think of such things. I’m here now.” She tells me before leaning down and taking the head of my co ck in her mouth. I grip
the sheets below me as I wait for her to slowly make her way down me. Instead of a slow glide with some teasing caresses of
her tongue, she seems to slam herself down on my co ck and I slide into her throat..
“F uck!” I shout out as I pull on the sheets, she’s never done this before, Anna normally takes her time getting used to my size
before really getting into it. Right now I could care less as I slowly thrust my hips up and f uck into her throat.
I expect her to ease off when I do this but instead she holds herself over me with her mouth and throat open for the taking.
Sliding my hand into her hair I hold her in place as I thrust up into her throat harder and faster, she’s gripping me like a vice. I can

feel saliva pooling in her mouth aiding my glide in and out of her. She makes gagging sounds but makes no move to get off me.
Reaching around with my other hand I cup her pus sy from behind.
My hand pauses as I part her folds, I slow my thrusts and take my other hand out of her hair. I am currently holding onto a very
wet and very bare pus sy My Anna has a small smattering of hair that drives me wild when I go down on her. I look down and
see Anna pull herself off me. She looks confused as she lets go of my co ck and looks down at me.
“What’s wrong?” She asks with worry in her voice, “I thought you wanted this?
“I do.” I tell her drawing my eyebrows together in confusion.

“Oh, you want this instead, huh?” She doesn’t even sound like herself as she throws a leg over me and straddles my waist. I’m
just watching her in confusion as she centres herself over my co ck and drops herself down on it. I’m inside of her in one stroke,
she moans wantonly above me as she places her hands on my chest to balance herself.
My eyes fly open and I roar in rage, grabbing Faye by her arms. I throw her off me, she lands on the floor n*ked and with a
sickening thud.
“What the hell?” I demand as I wrap the bedsheet around me.
“You wanted this.” She whimpers from the floor.
“I was asleep!” I roar in rage as I climb from the bed, I hear footsteps. coming up the stairs and the bedroom door bursts open.
“What happened?” James asks around gasps of air, the second he sees Faye he looks at me with wide eyes. “What the hell?”
“I was dreaming about Anna and I woke up to this bit ch riding my co ck.” I tell James while I pull the sheet tighter around me.
“That’s a lie, you told me you wanted to be my first. He was so sweet to me.” she cries from the floor. I take a step towards her
and James. moves to block me.
“Think. You can’t hurt her.” James says with a hand on my chest.
“I’ll just bury her deeply, no one will find her.” I tell James while never taking my eyes off Faye, “and trust me with how loose that
sn atch was, you are no virgin!” Faye gasps in shock and grabs a shirt from the floor, noticing it’s one of mine I instantly get

defensive, it’s one Anna
often wore.
“You put that shirt on and you won’t walk out of this house.” She drops the shirt like it electrocuted her, “get her dressed and then
put her in
the cells. Maybe a might down there will cool her tibudo”
“The cell”” James asks me are the bands Fave her own clother
“Don’t question me just do I need to know I can scrub her smell From the without being molested “Keeping hold of the sheet I
don’t lock hack as 1 all but man into the bathroom
Mewn as the door is closed I drop the blanket from around my waist
I lean into the shorver to get it started. As I do this I notice the blood around the hase of m co ck placing my head against the
tiled wall Staring at her virginity marking me co ck I pray to everything that I know that no one but me or James will ever know
about this. Then
gain. I’m not that lacks litch. Anna might be able to forgive much but if she finds out I’ve been nude Fave whether I wanted it or
not. I
doubt the could forgive me. Chce the shower is hot I step into it and
let the scolding water parish my skin