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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 152
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In Place.
After my time with Anna in the office I feel relaxed for the first time in a long time, even driving towards The Shalamayne can’t
sour my mood right now. Today I make my family whole again, Aurora will be asleep in her own bed and James and Bellamy will
be in the Pack house where they belong.
“Darryl is meeting us there?” Anna asks from the passenger seat of the SUV, looking over at her I can’t help but notice her milky
white thighs. She notices me looking and gives me a small smile that says she is thinking the same thing, it’s been a while since
me and Anna have connected like that. It was long overdue.
“Yeah, little wolf.” I take my hand off the wheel and pull her hand up to my lips leaving a kiss on it, “we get our baby back today.”
Anna’s smile gets bigger as she relaxes back in her seat.
The plan is all set, we aren’t sure which day they are planning on moving but when Sam told me the shifters were moved I knew
it would be soon. We are going to be in the back part of the forest surrounding their homes and as soon as we see them packing
up we will put a roadblock in place. I’m going to go for non violence, at first, Leo is praying for some bloodshed and I can’t say I
disagree. I’m all for talking your problems out but whoever is running the show signed. their death certificate the second he
ordered the hit on my Pack.
Pulling into the small field just past the gas station I put the car in park and wait for all the others to catch up.
“You ready?” I ask Anna turning towards her.
In Place
“I don’t want to leave you but yeah, I’ve got this.” Putting my hand behind Anna’s head I pull her in to me and devour her mouth, I
put every ounce of love and care I can into the kiss. I make sure she knows. how loved she is before we part, I don’t like that we

are splitting up but it’s the best plan.
“You remember what to do?” I ask Anna as I break the kiss.
“Shift but don’t go too fast because Eliza will be on foot. Stay up wind

so Aurora can smell me,” I nod my head as Anna goes over the plan.
‘As soon as Aurora is with me I grab her and run as fast as I can back to the car. I don’t worry about Eliza, she can handle
“That’s right, little wolf. The most important part is letting Winter run as fast as she can once you have our pup. I know you will
want to stay and help Eliza but Cas will be there.” Anna just nods at me as she looks out of the passenger window to see Rick
and Eliza pull up next to us. “Look at me little wolf.” I wait for her to look at me, it takes her a minute and I know she’s trying to
pull herself together. “Promise me, no fighting. Just run.” I wait for Anna to nod before I open the door. and get out of the car, I
see a few more cars pulling in and parking up. Darryl’s black Impala is the last car to pull in, he never was one for the normal,
most Packs have SUV’s but not Darryl.
Walking around to the passenger side of the car I see Winter in all her white beauty already on all four paws and looking up at
me. I stand still as she walks over to me sniffing my hand, I let my fingers fold through her white fur, starting at her head and
letting her run my hand along her body as she curls her way around me. It’s the perfect greeting for a public display, once she
rubs her red stained rump against my thigh I pat her and walk over to Rick.
“Ready?” I ask him, he looks a little upset but I can’t blame him, he doesn’t like being split from Eliza either. “She will be fine,
even pregnant Eliza is a’strong female.”
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In Place
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“Pregnant not disabled. I’ll be fine,” Eliza says coming around the car, her lips looking swollen which tells me her and Rick have
just had very much the same discussion as me and Anna. Eliza hands the pack to Winter and she holds the handle in her teeth, I
give Winter one last pat on the head before the two of them head across the field and into the trees. Me and Rick watch them go
until we can’t see them anymore. .

“Are we ready for lads night in the forest?” Darryl joins us next to Rick’s car and I can’t help but laugh at his comment.
“Some lads night,” Darryl gives me a grim look before nodding. “Alright guys,” I shout to all of the warriors now out of their card.
Thanks to Darryl and Cas we have about seventy guys with us, it should be enough to put the fear of the Goddess in The
Shalamayne. “You all know your assignments, if you’re with Cas follow him, if you’re with me and Darryl we will be hanging back
here until called. Rick and Mac, take your guys up to meet Sam.” No one says anything as the warriors split into three groups,
there isn’t much to be said. They all know their assignments and what they are doing now we are just waiting for the other side to
make their move.
“Are you sure about this plan?” Darryl asks me after Rick and Mac walk off with their group of about thirty warriors.
“It will give them all time to do their jobs once everyone is safe, me and you can make our move.” Darryl just nods at me as he
pulls his pack further onto his shoulder.
“All right, let’s hope we aren’t freezing our balls off for too long.” Together we walk over to our guys to get them ready to set up
the road block, we will be the last stop for The Shalamayne. As long as everything goes to plan James, Bellamy and Aurora
should all be safe long before they get this far down the road.
‘Can you hear me little wolf?” I ask over our Pack link.
Tm here, we are almost in place Winter says she can already feel Aurora ” I smile as Anna answers me, as long as she stays
where she’s meant to I’ll be able to reach her I’ll knose the second our pup is safe, I’ll know when I can kill the facker who dared
take her
I’m no
Aurora.’ I smile as Anna answers me, as long as she stays where she’s
meant to I’ll be able to reach her. I’ll know the second our pup is safe,
I’ll know when I can kill the f ucker who dared take her.
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