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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 151
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Take a moment.
“So if we block this road they will have nowhere to go.” Patrick points at an aerial view map Fraction had printed off, “if we block
this road they will have no choice but to stop.”
“That’s good, I want to avoid violence if we can, we already know they have children and at least one pup in there.” Fraction says
leaning over the table to see the map, he looks up at me, Eliza, Cas and Mac as if to ask if we have any questions.
“So we just let them go once they hand over your people?” Mac asks, sounding confused.
“Not at all, we make them hand over every shifter they have. From what Elder Thomas said.” Fractions eyes flit to mine but I look
away, I still can’t think about Elder Thomas I have too much going on. “They have at least one Pack member from South Claw
Pack, Darryl sees that person as his Pack member considering he absorbed most of the Pack.” Mac nods his head in
understanding. “Sam called last night and he said when the shifters were moved across the compound he saw at least a dozen
or so people that he had seen at the Moon Ceremony.” Mac and Cas get angry looks on their faces, I get their anger, it means
The Shalamayne have been taking American shifters for longer than we have known.
“Eva said they only just got here, how did they take so many?” Mac asks while breathing deeply, as a head warrior he will take
missing shifters as hard as Patrick has.
“Maybe she didn’t know, that compound looks like it’s been there at
Take a moment.
while. Maybe it’s just the group that snagged her that recently came here?” I don’t understand why Cas is always so quick to
defend Eva, he hasn’t shown a single ounce of anger towards her.
“Or maybe she’s a kidnapping liar?” Eliza says exactly what I’m thinking and I catch her eye across the table nodding my head a

little to tell her I agree.
“Or maybe she’s a pup who has been abused and dragged up by shifter haters?” Cas says while going red in the face.
“Enough! Right now I don’t care what Eva is or isn’t, we move tonight. We rescue all of the shifters who will come with us, we
won’t force anyone to leave who doesn’t want to.” Fraction stands up from the table and crosses his arms looking at each
person, “Cas and Mac you two are with me and Mac, Rick you and your warriors know your job.” The three guys nod at Fraction
all looking ready to go, “Little wolf. Eliza, you two are to get Aurora to safety and then run back to the safe point.”

“I want to be there, if there is a fight,” Rick growls at Eliza and she quickly steps backwards.
“You won’t be fighting, kitten.” No one at the table disagrees, Eliza is lucky to be coming at all she only is because Fraction didn’t
want me alone.
“Darryl will be here within the hour and then we roll, get your guys together and do what you need to be ready.” Everyone starts
to trickle out of the office and soon me and Fraction are alone, I copy his move from the other day and walk over to the door
sliding the lock into place.
Fraction looks up at me as I close the door, he stops rolling up the map and raises an eyebrow at me. I don’t say anything as I
walk into the middle of the room, not breaking eye contact with him. I see his pupils
dilate as I start to undo my dress, I let the material slide down my body to reveal my pink and black lace bra and french cut
panties. Standing there in nothing but my underwear, I let him look his fill as I run my finger across the swell of my breasts
following the line of the lace.
“Little wolf.” Fraction’s voice comes out as a soft growl as he takes a step forward, I’m not ready for the teasing to end so I take a
step back. His nostrils flare as he snifl’s taking in the scent of my arousal, nodding towards the chair I silently tell Fraction to sit
down. It takes him at moment but eventually he takes a set spreading his legs wide to give his growing c ock room to jut against
his jeans.
“You’ve worked yourself ragged,” I say in a low voice as I walk over to where he’s sitting. Walking slowly so he can glide his eyes
over body I walk around him so I’m behind the chair, draping myself over his shoulders sliding my hands down his chest. Leaving
a kiss on his neck, I pull back up bringing the hem of his black t-shirt with me. He lifts his arms as I pull the shirt clear of his head,

I drop it behind me as I walk around to face him. “You haven’t stopped for a second,” I drop to my knees, placing my hands on
his thighs. I feel him tense up as I slide my hands along his jeans. “It’s time to take a minute for you,” I pop the button on his
jeans and slide his zip down. “It’s time to stop blaming yourself for something you didn’t do wrong.” Fraction’s hand lands on
mine and I look up to see his pupils are fully blown and his eyes keep flicking between blazing green and bright yellow.
“You don’t have to do this.” He tells me in a low gruff voice, I can see the rise of his tattooed chest as he tries to calm himself.
“And you didn’t have to punish yourself these last few weeks but you did.” I pull my hand from his and reach into his jeans,
grasping his co ck I pull him from his jeans. “Let me make you feel good, make us both feel good.” Fraction nostrils flare as he
drops his head back to look at the ceiling, I take this as my que to carry on and I immediately lower my mouth sucking the head
of him in.
Fraction gasps as I tease the underside of his head with my tongue and suck just the tip of him. I feel his hand slide into my hair
as my eyes close and I pull more of him into my mouth, I use my hands on hist thighs to steady myself as I go as far as I can.
Fraction isn’t a small man so I can’t take all of him in, however when he hits the back of my throat I relax my throat muscles and
he slides in just a little further. Just as I set in to really start working him he pulls my head up by the grip in my hair. I come off him
with a pop and look up at him with a questioning look.

“Don’t want your mouth.” For a second I think he’s going to refuse me but instead he puts his hands under my arms and lifts me
to my feet. Sliding his hands down the side of my body I gasp as I feel his rough fingers snap my panties. “you know what I
want.” Understanding what he wants I place a knee on either side of his legs and hold my now uncovered centre over him. I keep
eye contact with him as I swirl my hips and let the tip of him slide through my folds. Throwing my head back I moan as I lower
myself onto him as slowly as my body will allow, once I have him fully in my I roll my hips which cause him to put both hands on
my hips. Putting my hands on his shoulders I hold his eyes with mine as I pull myself up until he’s almost fully out of me, I don’t
move until he growls slightly and then I slam my hips back down. Fraction helps me f uck myself on his c ock by moving his hips
in time with mine, I feel my finger nails dig into his skin as his coc k finds that spot inside of me. I start to shake as I get close to
my org asm,
I can feel his jeans rubbing against my naked thighs which is just heightening my desire.
“Cu m for me, little wolf” Fraction growls as I feel his thumb slami down on my cl it, that’s all it takes before I’m clenching my
thighs, my core tightens and a loud moan leaves my lips that sounds oddly like Fractions name. Opening my eyes I see Fraction
close his as he holds me still and starts to power thrust into me, the chair we are in starts to squeak as Fraction gets faster and
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Take a moment.
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“Look at me.” I tell him gasping around his thrusting, I try to move my hips but he has me in a vice-like grip. The second he
opens his eyes. and our eyes connect he holds himself still within me and roars, his hands loosen on my hips and I fall forward
onto him as I feel his seed. spill into me.
Laying my sweaty forehead on his equally sweaty chest I listen to hist heart beat out a drum. We are both panting loudly as we
come down from our mutual high.
“Love you, little wolf.” Fraction whispers into my hair, I don’t say anything in response. I just lay a kiss on his chest and close my
eyes, enjoying the moment.