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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 148
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Elder visit.
Waking up alone has become a regular occurrence, no matter how hard I try Fraction will not come to bed. It’s almost like he’s
punishing himself by denying himself any form of comfort, I wish he would allow me in but ever since Momma Beth passed and
Aurora was taken it’s like there is a wall he’s built up around himself. It made sense to me at first because of the grief I’m sure he
is feeling but when the hope of Aurora came I figured he would ease up a bit. I have to admit I don’t fully understand why he’s
punishing himself like this, he didn’t do anything wrong.
‘Elder Thomas is here along with Elder Iris.’ Fraction says through our mind link.
‘I’ll dress and be down. Are you in the office?’ I ask him as I climb out. of my bed and start stripping off my sleepwear.
‘Yes.’ His tone is clipped as he cuts off our link, shaking my head. I dress quickly in some leggings and a baggy white t-shirt.
Leaving my bedroom I quickly walk along to Thom a s’s room and open the door to see him showing his dinosaurs to Lewis,
honestly Lewis is amazing with Thomas.
“Lewis you all good for a little longer while I met with you know who downstairs?” I ask Lewis as I walk over and kiss Thomas on
the head, he barely even registers me as there.
“Sure, I’ve got this. I think Lizzie is coming up soon too.” It must be a Beta thing because James is amazing with kids too, I
wonder if it’s the laid back nature. I spend a few minutes watching Thomas and Lewis
play dinosaurs before I slip from the room
I pass a few warriors on my way down to the office. I swear some of them are meant to be out on recon this week but to be
honest I could be wrong. It’s hard to keep track of not only our own warriors but Grey Pack and Everlin Pack warriors too. Once
I’m at the office I don’t bother knocking as Fraction knows I’m coming so I open the door and see Elder Thomas sitting in the
chan opposite Fraction’s desk. He beams at me as I close the door, I smile back walking over to Enaction and I notice the elderly
looking lady sitting in the other cham

“Anna, this is Elder Iris” Fraction introduces the woman, she reminds me of a much older Momma Beth, her face is covered in
lines and her hair is wiry and almost white Her green-blue eyes give away her kindness though, they just have a softness to

them that I can’t really explai
“It’s nice to meet you.” I go to sit on Fraction’s knce as normal but he tucks himself further under the desk. I look at him in
confusion but he gives me a gentle shake of the head
“I’m sorry to hear of your troubles, Luna. We set off as soon as we heard of Beth but we did not realise your pup had been taken
too. Elder Iris has this raspiness to her voice that I was not expecting, it’s almost like she once had a twenty a day smoking habit.
“Why didn’t we know about The Shalamayne?” Fraction asks them. both clearly done with the greetings part of the conversation,
usually I would scold him on politeness but I want to know the same thing. I just look at Elder Thomas and wait for him to speak,
the two Elders look at each other for a second before Elder Thomas sighs.
“They have never been an issue for the American Pack’s so there has been no reason to tell you about them. Why scare people
with something that has never come to pass.” Elder Thomas sounds like he’s reading from a script, his tone is very monotone
like he has to weigh
every word before he says it.
“Elder Thomas, with all due respect, that’s some cr ap ” Fraction turns to me with wide eyes, “You as a group decided to keep
information from the American Pack’s and now we have a missing Beta, his mate and my pup, if we had known this was even an
idea of a threat we wouldn’t have been chasing our tails for weeks. One of our own died trying to save my pup.” Fraction grabs
my hand and squeezes it a little, I know it’s meant to be comforting.
“Little Omega,” Elder Thomas starts but Elder Iris coughs and gives him a stern look. “I mean Luna. With all due respect the
Elders do not have to share every detail of issues that affect Packs on a global scale, we govern the American Pack’s and we
share what is needed. And nothing more.” Again Elder Thomas sounds ofl’ and his gaze keeps flicking to Elder Iris, I take a stab

in the dark and hope I don’t land the Pack in more trouble. Fraction leans forward like he’s about to speak. but I squeeze his
hand telling him to stop.
“And if Elder Iris wasn’t here listening to every word, what would your say then?” I look at Elder iris and raise an eyebrow, “that is
why you’re here right? To make sure Elder Thomas doesn’t share too much?” Elder Thomas gets a small smirk on his face as
Elder Iris tries to look appalled before dropping the act.
“When it comes to the Swiftmane Pack, Elder Thomas seems to forget his place. He offers too much of himself in return for
nothing but a kind smile, I am here to ensure he does not share things he is not meant to.” Elder Iris directly at me as she speaks

and then her eyes. flick to Fraction before coming back to me.
“I don’t understand.” I say looking down at Fraction.
“I do, Elder Iris is implying that Elder Thomas is sweet on you so he gives you special attention and information.” I feel my eyes
widen as I
look at the sweet old man I’ve come to think of as a friend. “That couldn’t be further from the truth though, if you think for one
second I would allow any male around my mate and Luna who ever thought they had a chance then you’re going ba tty with age
lady.” Fraction leans forward and looks directly at Elder Thomas, “how about you start spilling some truths before I do?” I watch
Fraction and Elder Thomas have some kind of staring contest before Elder Thomas breaks the contact by looking at his hands
laid in his lap.
“We knew The Shalamayne were here,” Elder Thomas says quietly, I gasp at the same time as Elder Iris stands from her chair.
“I forbid you to say more.” Elder Iris shouts angrily.
“I refuse to put my great grandpups in more danger than they need to be!” Elder Thomas roars, I feel myself falling as Fraction
catches me and cradles me in his lap.
“Great grandpups?” I had no idea Fraction and Elder Thomas were related, for a second I feel joy for Fraction as now he has
someone to share his grief.
“He was Lily’s father, he took the oath of the Elders when she was taken. When he couldn’t find her he presumed her dead until
you showed up.” Elder Thomas looks at me with sad eyes as Fraction tells me I’m related to the man who has guided me so
“I don’t...I can’t process this.” All three of them start talking at once, each try to talk over the other to the point where I can’t even
hear what each one is trying to say I slam my hands on the desk and all three of them stop and look at me, “stop it. I don’t care, I
can’t think of this right now. My pup is missing, can you help or not?”
“I can.” Elder Thomas says quickly, I refuse to think of him ast grandfather, my brain is whirling so fast I need to focus on just
one. .

“Then Elder Iris, you are no longer needed. Please leave.” I stress cach word so she knows there is no room for argument. When
she doesn’t move Fraction shifts slightly, readjusting me on his lap.
“You hear my Luna, please leave Elder Iris.” Elder Iris looks at Elder Thomas before stomping from the office. Taking his seat the
three of us just stare at each other while I try to figure out my next move. I don’t understand why Fraction kept this from me and I
really don’t understand why Elder Thomas kept it from me. What else are they lying about?
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