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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 144
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The second I see Zoe my whole world turns red, all my grief and pain has turned into rage. Darryl has to hold me back from
attacking her, I know people are talking around me but I can’t hear them, it’s like a White noise is rushing through my ears. Even
Winter wants to rip her apart. I haven’t felt this kind of rage before, not even with Faye. When she walks into the office and sits in
a chair I go to Fraction, I need to put as much distance between me and this pup as possible. The guys all seem ready to handle
it if something happens though, Fraction is sitting up and I can tell by the set of his jaw and shoulders that he’s on high alert. Rick
and Cas seem to be hoovering behind her chair waiting for her to make a move. Darryl is sitting to her right on the very edge. of
his seat, he looks like he could be up and on her within a second.
“There is no putting it right.” I hear Fraction spit at Zoe, “there is a chance for you to live a little longer, by telling us where our
daughter is Zoe.”
“My name isn’t Zoe.” I just stare at the dark haired raven I let into my home, around my pups. I don’t even know her real name,
they trained her well.
“Is there anything you didn’t lie about?” I ask her with my jaw clenched.
“My name’s Eva, I was taken from my home when I was just a child. My parents were given a choice, hand over their second
born to be raised within the community or have their Pack wiped out.” I look at Eva and try to picture her as a pup but I just can’t
do it, all I see is the girl who ran with my pup and got my mother killed. “I think they
thought I would be safer, at least the Pack would be My mother and father handed me over and I haven’t seen them since
“Where are you from Eva” look at Darryl as he asks the question and I tilt my head at him, why does it matter where she’s from
“I’ve travelled many places with The Shalamayne but I’m originalis from Russia. I don’t remember much more than that. I was
very young when they took me “Eva hasn’t looked up from her hands the nine time she’s spoken, not even when she’s being
asked a question .

“You don’t sound Russian How come they are in America now? Way are they suddenly attacking our Pack Eva looks up at
Fraction with her brows furrowed as if she doesn’t understand the question

“They were called “Eva says as if it’s obvious, they haven’t been to America in about forty or so years but some lady called them
and they packed us up overnight and brought us here”
Someone called them, which means some brought them here, someone brought them to our Pack knowing they would hurt us. I
can’t anyone in our Pack who would want that kind of pain to happen to anyone let alone us.
“Leon?” Fraction asks Darryl in a low voice. Darryl just shakes fus head no. He doesn’t offer anything further so I make a me ntal
note to ask him later. “Where is my Beta and pup?”
“In the compound Rick found, Aurora is in the nursery and will be until she’s of age. She will be easy for you to get to. James and
the other man won’t be so easy. They have been locked in the procreation prison, they are guarded all the time and the trackers
won’t let them get far if they do escape.” Fraction tightens his hands on my waist and pulls me more onto his lap.
“I’ve heard enough for now, Rick take her down to the cells.” Rick just
nods at Fraction but when he goes to put a hand on Eva, Cas steps forward and a small growl leaves his throat. “Problem Cas?”
“I just figured that maybe I should take her down while Rick gives you the information on the compound.” I narrow my eyes as
Darryl turns around to look at him in a questioning manner.
“I can tell you where the compound is.” Eva says in a small voice.
“You will shut up unless spoken to and be thankful you’re warm and will have three square meals in your stomach.” Fraction
growls at her, I’ve never heard him speak to anyone like that before. “Take her down Cas, the warriors on the door will give you
the code.” Darryl stands from his chair at the same time Eva does and he follows her and cast out of the office, he doesn’t offer
an explanation he just leaves.
“Sit.” Fraction says with his jaw clenched, the hands around my waist are becoming tighter so I put my hands on his and push
slightly. He must take the hint because he loosens up a bit. “Talk.”

“Mac called, Jefferson managed to locate who owned the vehicle the licence plate belonged to.” Patrick’s tone sounds so
depressed that I just want to walk over and hug him, he isn’t looking at either of us rather he seems to keep his eyes trained on
one of the many empty whiskey bottles on the desk. “It was a loaner van registered to a Samuel Janssen, he got the address
and I followed the trial from there.” I have to admit it was good, I had no clue we could learn so much from a licence plate
“Well that’s great but not exactly what I want to hear right now.

Fraction says, I understand what he’s getting at so I try to stand so I can leave the office. Fraction keeps his hands tight on my
waist making it clear that I’m not going anywhere.
“I don’t know what you want me to say, Alpha.” Patrick admits in a
small voice.
“I want to know where you were, it was you and Eliza who should have been on that section of the border.” I let out a small gasp,
I had no idea it was them who were missing from the patrol. “It’s your fault that my mother was killed and my pup was taken, give
me one good reason why I shouldn’t banish you both from my Pack right now!” Fraction is yelling and I can feel his breath
whooshing out of him under me. The silence that follows is deafening, eventually Patirck looks up at Fraction and his eyes flick to
me before he closes them and nods his head.
“I have no excuse.” Patrick tells us both in a clear voice, “I was concerned for my mate. She had started bleeding so I needed to
get her to Doctor Lee to make sure she was ok. Thankfully she was fine and so is our pup but I had to act, please understand
Alpha. I had two choices. ahead of me, my patrol or my mate and pup.”
“Eliza’s pregnant?” I ask Patrick before Fraction can say anything.
“She is.” Patrick confirms with a small smile.
“I thought she couldn’t?” Patrick just nods.
“A miracle, we aren’t exactly questioning it.” Patrick is beaming now then it seems to accrue to him that he might not have a
reason to smile and it falls from his face.
“So you what, I’m supposed to just forgive you now because you had good intentions?” Fraction asks Patrick, his gaze leaves us
and lands on the bottle again.
“Yes, that’s exactly what we are going to do.” I say before I can stop myself, “he’s going to live with this guilt for the rest of his life.
He was doing what he thought was right and there has been enough loss.” I get up from Faction’s lap and walk around the desk,
“now you two are
280 Moucher

going to drink, slap each other or hug...I don’t really care. But fix this and then find my pup and friend. I’ll be with Thomas when
you’re done.” My tone leaves no room for argument, I’ve used my full mother and Luna voice and now neither of them will look at
me. “Am I being listened to?”
“Yes, Luna.” Patrick says at the same time as Fraction, I see Patrick’s eyes flick up to him and they both have a stu pid smirk on
their faces.
The night thing