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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 138
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The mating room.
I don’t know how long we’ve been here, each day is bleeding into one and it’s not like there are clocks here so we can tell the
time. The door to the containment unit hasn’t opened once since we were put in, it’s just been me and Bellamy with a hatch that
opens in the wall to deliver food. It brings a whole new meaning of being forced together. It’s not like we haven’t had any
entertainment, every now and again whoever is keeping us here sets off a prayer of some sort into the room, the meaning is
always the same. Being ga y is wrong and an abomination, it’s safe to say I figured out why I’m here but not Bellamy, other than
one night the man is as straight as they come.
“If a man lies with a male as if he were a woman, both men have committed a detestable act: they shall most certainly be put to
death; their blood is on them.” The speaker I haven’t been able to locate cra ckles and cut off. laying on the bottom bunk I can
hear Bellamy waking up above me.
“You reckon with enough prayers they think they can pray away the g ay?” Bellamy’s voice sounds like he’s between awake and
“Maybe, who knows. Would make life easier if they could.” I answer while looking at the guard walking past our unit while clicking
a little clicker. I’ve come to realise it’s a number counter, he’s counting how many of us are here and that we are still here.
“You know there is something sad about a self hating g ay man.” Bellamy’s head appears over the edge of the bunk, his hair is a
mess and his eyes look puffy from sleep.
“I don’t hate myself. I’m just pragmatic. Being straight as a shifter would make my life a hell of a lot easier. You can’t tell me your
life hasn’t been easier than mine as a straight man.” Bellamy disappears from view, the bunk rattles and he’s suddenly standing
next to my bed, he ducks his head so he can sit on the edge of my bed.
“What part of me makes you think I’m straight?” Bellamy’s hand is on my thigh and thanks to the lack of clothing I can feel his
warmth. soaking into me. I try not to let it affect me but I can feel my c ock waking up. “was me taking your c ock so far down my
throat I was gagging not ga y enough for you?” I hold my breath as his hand slides. up my thigh. “or how about when I bent over
the bar and took this,” he grips my now rock hard c ock in a punishing grip. “So far into me I could feel you in my stomach.” I hiss
out a breath as Bellamy slides his hand up my ock once before letting go and standing up from the bed. “Don’t presume to know
who I am, James.” Closing my eyes I try to get control of my b*dy. inside I’m screaming for him to come back and finish the job.
“You have a mate.” I say between clenched teeth, I roll over on the bed to trap my erection between me and the thin mattress

below me.
“Alpha Fraction dissolved the mating, the only reason we mated was so we could join a Pack. The Everfur Pack wouldn’t take us
in because they knew what I was, Lillian suggested it so Alpha Fraction would take us in.” I look sideways at Bellamy to see he’s
staring off into space while leaning against the wall. .

“You tried to join Everfur? Alpha Steven is the most biblical ar seh ole I know of. He could make a priest look like a sinner with
the s hit he spouts off.” Bellamy just nods.
“Yeah it wasn’t fun, I’ve been an abomination my whole life. At least in South Claw I could keep to myself but when those ars eh
oles killed our Alpha I was cast into the wind. The only person I had was my best.
friend, she helped me hide who I am. What I am.” I get up from the bed, my c ock is now under control and laying flaccid
between my legs. Walking over to Bellamy I put a hand on the side of his face.
“I’m through that, I’ve been lucky. Other than my
sorry you had to go parents I’ve had it quite easy I guess. I didn’t realise Lillian was a cover.” Bellamy just smiles at me as he
leans into my touch. Brushing a thumb over Bellamy’s bottom lip I’m entranced when he sucks it into his mouth and runs his
tongue over the pad of it. I’m so absorbed in Bellamy doing this that it takes me a minute to realise there is a beeping coming
from somewhere.
Jumping back from Bellamy I go on the alert as the containment doors start to slide open. I can feel Bellamy at my back just as
alert as me, I’m ready to fight. I get my stance ready for an attack but I relax my shoulders when a small dark haired pale skinned
girl walks in. Behind her is one of the camouflaged geared guys,
“That one.” The female points at me and it takes me a minute to place. her, she’s wearing a simple beige dress that does nothing
to show her shape. I’m used to seeing her in joggers and a t-shirt, paired with a smile and happy Thomas or Aurora on her hip.
“Zoe?” Zoe doesn’t even acknowledge me as she walks from the room and the guy walks in, he’s covered in head to toe but I
can tell he’s a beefy bloke. He doesn’t say anything as he grabs my arm and tries to pull me from the room.
‘Get off me.” I shout as I try to dig my bare feet into the tiled floor, it loes little to stop the guy from pulling me.
Leave him alone.” Bellamy tries to grab my other arm before he’s on he floor screaming in pain.

Bell?” I shout out trying to get to him, another guy joins the first and I’
m pulled from the room as Bellamy writhes on the floor in agony
“What did you do to him?” I roar as I’m pulled along the metal walkway outside of the containment units, the people inside seem
to avert their eyes as we pass. Like they know what’s going to happen and they just can’t bring themselves to witness it again.
“Where are you taking me?” My questions seem to fall on deaf ears as I’m dragging down some metal stairs and into a white

corridor, there are doors off the hall and every now and again there is a cross.
They don’t drag me for long before I’m shoved into a room, landing on my hands and knees, the door slammed closed behind
“There’s no point in fighting it James.” I look up from my spot on the floor and see Zoe sitting on a double bed. The room itself is
bare but for a cross, the bed and her.
“What is this?” I ask Zoe from my spot on the floor. being n*ked I really don’t want to stand up in front of this pup.
“It’s a mating room. it’s my first time here.” I can see a slight tremor working its way through her young b*dy as she stands and
drops the beige dress so it pools at her feet, I instantly look at the wall to the side so I don’t have to see her n*kedness. “Be
gentle ok? It’s my first time.”
“I’m not mating you Zoe, my wolf wont allow it and neither will I. You’re just a pup and a girl, trust me, you’re not my taste.”
“But this is all I can do for them now, I did my other job now I need to do this one. Provide them with more young wolves to
mould.” I look up at her as she sniffles around her words. I try to keep my eyes on hers, the last thing I want is to take advantage
of a vulnerable pup.
“What did you do Zoe? How are you even here?” I think I know the answer but I need to hear it from her.
“This is my home, has been for as long as I can remember. I was trained to be able to enter Packs and take the children they
aren’t meant to have.” Her voice is low and I don’t think I would even hear her if I wasn’t a shifter.
“You were at Swiftmane.” I stand from the floor, forgetting my nudity. “Which pup did you take Zoe?”
“They gave me no choice. they said she was going to be an Omega and they hate Omegas. Please James if we don’t mate they
will punish me. Zoe gets up from the bed and tries to push herself against my n*ked b*dy. I can feel the terror snaking its way

through her. Gripping her by the shoulders I hold her out from me.
“You took Aurora?” Zoe nods her head as tears start to fall, “why would you do that.”
“They told me I had to, they need to control how many shifters are in the world and they hate Omegas. I don’t understand it, after
meeting Anna but they said they were dangerous.” Zoe tries to get close to me again as I tighten my hold and she whimpers a
“Who are they?” Zoe gulps before looking me in the eye.
“They call themselves The Shalamayne’s, they are freedom fighters.” I feel my brows furrow in confusion.
‘A cult? They are a cult based on a pup’s ghost story?” I can hear the confusion in my own voice.
It’s not a ghost story, she was very real. They preach about her all the ime. James if you don’t f uck me they will punish me.” I let
her go and tep back until the door is at my back.
Then count yourself lucky it’s them doing the punishing and not raction or Anna. I won’t touch you Zoe, not only are you a pup
but I’m
as g ay as they come.” I wave my hand down her b*dy and then down my own. “it does nothing for me sweetcheeks.” I see her
blush as she looks down at my flaccid co ck.