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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 135
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One Job.
The ding of my phone wakes before the sun is even up, whoever is texting me is sending one after another because it keeps
beeping in that annoying way only a stream of messages can create. Rolling from my bed I walk across the room and sn atch my
phone off the drawers where I left it to charge. I don’t have to worry about privacy here, none of the other kids come in my room
as per the rules of the house.
*Today* My heart sinks as I see the first message that has been sent to
*We have the ga y ones, now it’s your turn. I feel my stomach drop ast the realisation of what I’m about to do comes crashing
down on me. Sitting on the end of my small bed I start to type out a message.
*Too soon.
I know they won’t accept that as an answer but I have to
*Today, wolf There is never any room for discussion when he calls me wolf, it’s like my b*dy and mind know instantly to listen to
him. Thanks to years of conditioning I don’t think I could actually do anything without his approval.
Putting the phone on my bed I make quick work of dressing in some leggings, a t-shirt and a simple pair of white trainers. I don’t
have much but what I do have has been provided by the Pack. Looking in the mirror I take in my pale complexion, I somehow
look paler today which makes me look almost ghostly with my long black hair. My emerald green eyes are wide with worry and I
try to relax them before someone notices something is wrong.
I know what I need to do but it doesn’t make my role in this any caster I’ve been raised to believe that Omegas and shifter Packs
are the
scourge of earth, that one day their breeding will
verpopulate the human species. It’s been drilled into me since I was a little girl that what I am is wrong and an abomination..

Since getting to the Swiftmane Pack I can’t help but feel what I’ve believed my whole life is not completely accurate. The day I
was found’ in the rogue den was the day my life changed drastically. I expected the warriors to attack. me because I smell like a
rogue but instead they brought me back to Pack. They gave me a home, a bed of my own, warm food in my stomach and even
an education. When Anna realised how lonely I was she reached out to me and offered me a babysitting job, it was the in I was
told to look for. All I had to do now was keep playing my role and wait to be told when to move. I didn’t think I would feel this

guilty when the message came through though.
“Do your job.” I tell my reflection in the mirror before grabbing my backpack and leaving my bedroom. I have everything I need in
here as I wont be coming back, that alone is almost enough to make me second. guess myself. When I get home I will have to
share a communal bedroom with eight other females and six males. no splitting of the S**es in our community. Ignoring everyone
in the shared house I quickly leave through the front door and start walking down Main Street to get to the Pack house. I haven’t
been called to babysit but. with the Beta missing it’s all hands on deck so I doubt I’ll be turned
“Zoe?” I hear shouted behind me but I keep walking with my head down. Zoe isn’t my given name but it’s the one they know me
by. “Zoe. wait up.” I stop when I realise it’s the Head Warriors mate shouting at me, it will look suspicious if I openly ignore her.
Slapping a smile on my face I spin around to see the tiny dark haired woman running across the road to me. “I have to get to
Patrol, do you think you can walk Lizzie back to the Pack house for me?” I glance down and notice a small girl wrapped around
Eliza’s legs, I keep my smile in place and
hold out my hand to the young girl.
“Of course I can, I was just heading there anyway” Lizzie takes my hand as her mother bends down and k*sses her on the head.
“Be good, daddy will be there in a few hours.” We both stand and watch Eliza run back down the road.
“Alright kid, let’s go.” Having Lizzie works well for me, hopefully I can. use her to distract the others while I carry out my part of
the plan. It doesn’t take long for us to reach the Pack house, the front doors are wide open and people seem to be coming and
going more than normal. I guess a missing Beta means you need more people around.

I don’t speak to anyone as I enter the red Victorian style house, I keep hold of Lizzie’s hand as I make my way through the
crowds to the Alpha’s office.
“Just a quick stop and then we can go and see Thomas.” Lizzie beams up at me as she nods her head. She doesn’t talk much
but when she’s with Thomas she giggles and laughs up a storm. I knock on the office door firmly and wait. this was part of my
training, never enter an Alpha’s office unless invited. You never know what’s happening in
“Zoe?” Anna’s surprised face comes into view as the office door is opened. I guess I disturbed something because her white
blonde hair is sticking up on end and she’s clearly not wearing a bra under the sheer blue top.
“Eliza asked me to drop Lizzie off and I thought while I’m here I could offer my services?” I beam at Anna with ease, she has this
way of making anyone and everyone feel welcomed. I try not to let the guilt show on my face as I squeeze Lizzie’s hand a little
tighter in mine.
“Oh, that would be amazing. The pups are in the lounge with Momma

Beth. I’m sure she would be grateful for the break. “Is everything okay?” Anna’s eyes narrow as she scans my face.
“Just stressed with school, they have us doing algebra and I can’t wrap my brain around it.” Anna’s face softens as soon as the
lie has left my mouth.
“I’m sure you’ll get it.” Anna looks behind her as someone speaks in a voice too low for me to hear. “Have fun with the pups and
let me know if you need anything.” As soon as the door closes I pull Lizzie along the hallway and into the lounge. I would have
preferred the pups be elsewhere but I can make this work.
Walking into the lounge I see Thomas showing Aurora how to stack some blocks, she doesnt seem to get it though as she keeps
knocking them down. Thomas just shakes his head and starts rebuilding the tower all over again. Beth seems to be sleeping in
the armchair so I let go of Lizzie’s hand and head over to her. The tower is soon forgotten when Lizzie joins the little group and
as I hope Aurora comes waddle
over to me.
“Beth?” I put my hand on Beth’s shoulder and her eyes flash open. “Anna said to come give you a break.”
“Oh good. I’m going to take a nap then.” I nod my head at her and look down at Aurora who has now sn*ked her hand in mine.
“Mind just holding fire while I take this one to the restroom.”
“Of course I can.” once Beth has given me the all clear I pick up the squirming three year old and carry her from the room. Now
for the hard part. I need to get outside without anyone seeing us.
“You want to play a game?” I ask Aurora in a low voice, she just nods. while pulling on my long hair. “Okay, well you have to be
as quiet as possible, we are going to hide and then mummy and daddy will come
find us” Aurora beams at me as I hitch her on my shoulder and quickly walk through the house. No one stops us, they probably
assume I am just taking her outside for a little fresh air.

Once outside I turn left and head for the trees, there will be a van waiting for us just beyond the trees. I’m almost home free. I
just need to avoid any patrols or wolves wandering around,
“Zoe!” I hear yelling behind me, I look over my shoulder to see Beth running towards me waving her arms in the air, she has a
smile on her face that soon falters when she sees I’m not stopping. “Help! Someone help!” I don’t stop to see if anyone helps her.
instead I pick up my pace. and start running as fast as I can. Aurora is bobbing around on my hip and giggling like it’s some kind
of game. I hear twigs snapping behind me as I see the edge of the trees and the white van just beyond it. I keep going and don’t
stop when I see a male dressed in camouflage step from the van and hold up a gun, the shot rings out so loudly that Aurora
screams and tries to pull herself from my grip. Looking behind me I see Beth was getting close to me and she’s now on the floor
with blood pooling below her.
“In the van. wolf.” I’m too busy staring at the mess that is now Beth to register what the male says to me. I use my hand on
Aurora’s head to make her look away from her grandma laying on the floor. “Now.” Blinking my eyes rapidly I do as I’m told,
climbing into the back of the van I hold Aurora to me as we quickly speed away from the Pack.
her back and do
“Mummy.” Aurora whimpers into my neck, I just pat little shushing sounds. I don’t know how to tell a three year old she’s never
going to see her family again, hopefully she’s like me and will forget what they look like over time.