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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 133
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Beta Missing.
Watching Anna interface with the Bear shifters is hilarious, she was super cautious at first but as soon as they mentioned honey
she opened up to them like a flower blooming in spring. Sometimes I forget how sheltered Anna was as a pup, there is so much
about our world she doesn’t know and I guess I’ve dropped the ball in not educating her.
“Your Omega seems very content Alpha,” I feel Elder Thomas come to stand beside me as I watch Anna sample the different
honey at the Bear stall.
“It’s impressive how far she’s come along when she’s not being kidnapped and beaten.” Elder Thomas lets out a small grunt like
laugh. “She’s worried she angered you the day of the challenge.”
“Your Omega could never anger me Alpha, grief does strange things to us all.” I smile as I see Elder Thomas make his way
towards the Bear stall. Anna goes so pale she’s almost see through once she sees who is standing next to her. I decide not to
intervene and to allow Elder Thomas the time to speak with Anna alone.
My phone vibrating in my pocket pulls me out of my people watching, I’m shocked I have a signal. Most of this forest is a dead
zone and it makes you completely unreachable. Looking at the screen once I’ve pulled it from my jeans I see Eliza’s name, she’s
probably looking for Rick so I quickly scan the crowd but I don’t see him anywhere.
“Eliza.” I answer the call.
“Alpha,” her tone has the hairs on the back of my neck on end
instantly Me and Eliza are close enough for her not to use titles, if she’s using it now it’s a dire situation..
“Are the pups ok?” I cut her off before she can say anything else.
“Pups are fine. Alpha we found...” there is static over the line and I curse as the line drops. Pulling the phone from my ear I see
Lewis and Darryl at the stall next to Anna.
“Darryl.” I shout over the crowd, I quickly work through all the people to get to them.
“What’s up?” Darryl asks, lifting a candle to his nose and then quickly putting it down. “How is that the smell of my mate?”

“I need to make a call, keep an eye on Anna for me?” I ask in a rush. I’m nasty to get to an area with a signal.
“Sure, everyone ok?” Darryl instantly flicks his eyes to Anna and nods. at Lewis who puts down his candle and sets off over to

“I don’t know. I won’t be long.” I set off in a jog away from all the stalls
and tents.
The only place to get a signal in this place is back where all the cars are parked. I spot Rick with a group of our females and I
wave my hand at him pointing towards the cars, I don’t stop to see if he’s following. Once I see the signal bar on my phone hit
two bars I start failing Eliza’s number.
“What’s happened?” I ask as soon as the phone is answered.
“We found some blood, well a lot of blood. About five or six miles from the border line.” I rushed for a blood pool that’s not even
on our land, I swear if she wasn’t Rick’s mate I would strangle her.
“Blood outside of our land doesn’t have anything to do with us Eliza why are you patrolling that far out anyway? I see Rick
towards me. he tilts his head towards my phone so I angle it out a bit so he can hear what Eliza is saying
“One of the guys had an idea that the shooter might have been less careful off Pack land so I was following a hunch Alpha, the
blood is James’s and there was a lot of it.” Rick goes stock still as he hears what Eliza is saying. I feel a flood of panic through
my whole b*dy as I enter Alpha mode.
“How old is the blood?” My voice has taken a hard cold tone. if James is hurt or even dead then I need to distance myself so me
and my guys find him.
“Alpha. I don’t know” Eliza’s voice starts to shake so I do the only thing I can think of to get her thinking on the right track
“Warrior.” Rick is nodding beside me so I know I’ve done the right thing “Your Alpha asked you a question. how old is the blood?”

“Two maybe three days. there was another scent mixed in with it. I know it’s male and a Pack member but I don’t know the
person’s name. I furrow my brows as Eliza speaks over the phone.
“Was it musky? Could you smell hops and yeast?” If he was with Bellamy then the situation may not be as dire.
“Yes Alpha. there was boot prints in the mood as well that belong to neither male.” I nod at Rick and he quickly runs off back
towards the tent, he knows what I need without me even telling him.
“Eliza you did well.” I hear her let out a breath as I praise her work. “I need you to ensure my pups are secure and safe. I then
want the patrols to be paired up, no one is to be alone. I will be home in just under six hours, maybe less if I can push the car.” I
slam my phone into my jeans
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before she can answer me and set off running back towards where I left Anna with Darryl and Lewis.

‘Three days, he’s been missing that long.’ Leo growls in my car.
‘I know, I thought Anna was right and he was with his mate. I should have checked on him,’ I’m mad at myself enough I don’t
need my wolf berating me too.
‘Yes you should have, you dropped the ball on this one.’ I skid to a halt in front of the bear stall but Anna isn’t here.
“My Luna, where did she go?” I demand from the mountain of a man behind the stall.
“The other Alpha said something about coffee so I think they went to the main tent.” Instead of running through all the people I
shift through my mind links and find Anna, thankfully she is wide open.
‘Little wolf, I need you back in the car right now.’ My tone leaves no room for discussion and I start moving back the way I came.
‘I’m with Patrick now, what’s going on? Anna sounds panicked and I know she’s thinking it’s the pups the same as I did.
‘The pups are fine little wolf. I’ll explain in the car.’ I feel Anna close. the link as I push through the crowd of people.
By the time I make it back to the car park I can see Rick loading our Pack back onto the coach. I know a lot of them are going to
be upset. we have been here less than a day and all of them were hoping to find their mate this week.
“Tell them there has been an emergency that can’t be avoided.” I say to Rick as I run past him and slam myself into my SUV. .

Buckle up. little wolf I tell Anna quickly as I put the car in drive and peet our of the parking spot.
“What’s happened?”” Anna asks in a worried voice as she grabs the ‘oh shut handle above the door
“Eliza found a pool of James’s and maybe Bellamy’s blood just off the Pack land. They are either badly hurt or something worse.
I need to get Back, my Beta needs me. I feel Anna’s little hand cover my huge tattooed one over the gear stick
“Drive faster then. “I look over at her and smile as I put my foot on the gan and push the SUV as much as I can
“I should have listened to you.” I look over at Anna as we hit the highway I can see a steady stream of tears rolling down her
face, she’s pretty close to James so of course she would feel bad that he’s hurt. “We shouldn’t have left until we spoke to him.”
“It’s not on you, little wolf I should have known something was wrong. I was too busy punishing him and pushing Bellamy on him
to notice anything was wrong “I can’t seem to get the last words I told James out of my head. “I told him I couldn’t trust him
anymore.” I slam both of my hands on the steer wheel so hard I hear it creak under the
“He will know you didn’t mean it, you can tell him when we find him. We will find him right?” Anna’s voice is shaking as she tries
to control her emotions.
“The man is more than my Beta, he’s my brother in every way but blood. I’ll find him,” I reach over and pull Anna’s hand to my
lips. laying a k*ss upon her knuckles. “I found you didn’t I? Finding those we love is what we do.” Anna just beams at me as her
tears fall silently down her face.
I’m coming James, no matter where you are or how hurt you are, I will find you. And I pray to the Goddess for anyone who
stands in my way, with my mate by my side I know there is nothing that can stop us.
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