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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 130
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“How is it no one has heard of a rogue using guns?” I move to the left quickly as Fraction throws a glass paper weight at the
office door. It shatters as it hits the wood and sca tters across the floor. It’s been a stressful week around here, Rick has
everyone either on lockdown or being shadowed by warriors. The patrols are being tripled and poor Anna is basically a kept
woman now, if she’s outside of the Packhouse for more than fifteen minutes Fraction goes insane.
“I spoke to all of the Head Warriors in the surrounding Packs and none of them have ever come across a rogue who uses guns.
It’s just not done, why use a gun when we have our wolves?” Rick is sitting in the chair opposite Fraction, he seems rather
relaxed considering our Alpha has taken to throwing items around.
“Could it have been a human bullet? Gone wide while hunting?” I ask, stepping forward, I freeze as soon as Fractions’ eyes are
on me. Lately he seems pis sed at me and he seems to be blaming me for stuff I have no control over.
“Sure, a human. A human hit Anna with enough accuracy to not kill her but to only wound her. Oh and let’s not forget they also
somehow covered up their scent and were hunting on Packland in the middle of the winter months.” Fraction rolls his eyes at me
as he slams himself back into his desk chair, “go and find me some answers.”
Having been dismissed Rick gets up and leaves the office with nothing more said. I don’t leave, I need to know why my Alpha is
so angry at me in particular, it’s not like I shot his Luna. I’m standing there for a couple of minutes with Fraction just staring at me
before he sighs.
“You can leave James.” Fraction says pulling his coffee cup to his lips.
“No.” My voice shakes and I struggle to get control of it, standing up to my Alpha is not easy for me.
“No? Got some other disappointing news to tell me?” I drop myself into the chair Rick vacated and just look at Fraction. He has
bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, he is wearing the same clothes as yesterday and his desk is littered with empty coffee

“How can I help?” I ask him in a pleading tone, I’m a Beta, helping my Alpha is literally my whole being. And right now he’s

pushing me away so hard I physically feel the distance between us.
“I can’t trust your judgement so just stay back while I work.” I flinch at this, me and Fraction have always been a team so for him
to tell me he can’t trust me is a huge blow.
“You can trust me with anything.” I tell him leaning forward and looking him in the eye.
“How can I trust someone who doesn’t trust themselves?” I sigh as my shoulders slump, this all comes back to Bellamy.
“How is me not accepting Bellamy as a mate a reflection on who I am?” I ask him.
“Refusing to believe you have one is offensive to me, all the shi t I went through with Faye and Anna.” Fraction shakes his head
and runs his hands through his hair. “all that and you still want to throw your mate into the wind. It’s selfish James. That poor guy
will suffer because you refuse to open yourself up to a gift.”
“I don’t think he is my mate though, it doesn’t feel like we were told when we were kids.” I stand from the chair and go to walk
from the office. I don’t really want to talk about Bellamy and whether he’s my
mate or not.
“Elder Thomas already said it will feel different until the mark is in place, you just need to trust yourself. Until you do, how can I
trust you?” I slump my shoulders as I leave his office.

Not really wanting to be around people I shift as soon as I am outside and let Zeus take over. As soon as Zeus runs us into the
trees I feel myself becoming more relaxed, I just wanted a quick run but Zeus starts sniffing around so I guess he has other
‘What are we doing?” I ask him as he runs from tree to tree.
‘Maybe if we can pick up a scent the Alpha will stop being mad,’ Zeus sounds like a sad child who has just been scolded by his
‘He’s not mad at us Zeus, he’s mad at me for refusing to accept Bellamy.’ I tell him, I don’t want my wolf thinking he’s
disappointed our Alpha. That could lead to some major issues with my wolf.
‘He’s out here.’ Zeus tells me, his voice is filled with excitement.
‘Fraction? I just left him in the office.’ It’s official, my wolf is losing his mind.
“James?” I feel Zeus turn towards the person shouting my name and there stands Bellamy in jeans and nothing else. The tribal
tattoo’s along his left arm standing out beautifully against his sun k*ssed skin, his chocolate brown hair is standing up on end so

he either shifted recently or he’s been running his hands through it alot. “What are you doing out here?” Zeus tilts his head to the
side, with no way to answer him unless we shift this is the best he can do right now.
‘Just turn around Zeus, just leave.’ Zeus ignores me as he sniffs towards Bellamy and then takes an unsure step towards
Bellamy. When he doesn’t move or break eye contact with us Zeus moves
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quickly towards him and starts snilling around his feet.
“Hi boy, what beautiful slate fur you have.’ I feel Zeus pull himself up at the complement and push himself against Bellamy’s jean
clad thigh. “How about you let James out and I’ll let you play with Ru later?” I can feel Zeus become excited at the idea of playing
with Bellamy’s wolf but he wont let me out.
‘Come on Zeus,’ I groan at him. Zeus does a full circle of Bellamy, he stops to sniff at the back of his legs and to my
embarrassment he even sticks his nose into Bellamy’s jean clad as s. .

“Hey now, how about we have some manners?” Zeus hulls out a breath and keeps doing his circle around a still standing
Bellamy. When Zeus gets to the front he sits down and looks up at Bellamy, I feel his tongue fall out and he notices Ballamy’s
bulge behind his jeans. “You want to do something about it, you’re going to have to shift, all those teeth don’t do much for me
Just as I feel Zeus about to let me out I hear it, a loud popping and then a whooshing sound a split second before Bellamy hits
the floor roaring in pain. Zeus spins around snarling and growling looking from where the shot came from, the smell of Bellamy’s
blood invades my nose and it must upset Zeus because he instantly lets me back out.
“Bell.” I’m out of breath after doing the fastest shift of my life. “Bell talk to me? You ok?”
“I’m fine, it’s just my shoulder. Where did it come from?” Bellamy is talking between his teeth so I know he must be more hurt
than he’s letting on. I don’t take my eyes off the tree line though, I’m doing my third scan of the trees when I see them. Three
guys wearing full army camo gear holding massive assault rifles are barreling towards us, I hear the popping just as one of them
takes aim and I manage to move just in time for the bullet to hit the tree behind me. I don’t see the
second one so when it rips through my shoulder I roar in pain as I hit the floor next to Bellamy.
“Base this is Eagle Four, two males subdued.” One of them says into a radio as the other two come over and start to tie our legs
and hands.
“Who are you?” I shout as one of them puts a fabric bag over my head.
“Let us go!” Bellamy roars before I hear skin hitting skin, I thrash against the hands on my arms and legs before I feel something
sharp on my thigh and then I don’t feel anything at all.