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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 127
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Fighting the bond.
“I could take her to the mall with me and she could sleep in the stroller,” I’m shaking my head no before Anna even finishes
“She’s fine with me, I have meetings all day so she can just chill here.” I look down at Aurora sleeping in my arms, she normally
naps in her little bed but whenever I think I can get away with it, I carry her around with me.
“You’re going to spoil her.” Anna says as she leans over and k*sses my head, “call me if you need me.” She quickly leaves the
office heading towards the front door. I don’t know what the urgency is with the mall but she and Eliza have declared today a girl
day. No Alpha’s allowed, Patrick is with them so I’m not too concerned.
At three years old Aurora is at the age where she can still sleep in my arms without being too much of a bother. I think she’s
going to be on the small side like her mother. I’m so busy looking down at her that I don’t realise someone is at the office door
until a throat clearing reaches my ears. Looking up I see one of the males I swore in about a year ago, he and his mate run the
small bar at the edge of the Pack. Anna wasn’t a fan of the idea of a bar but it’s been hit with the Pack so far and bringing in a
decent income.
“Alpha?” He asks, he looks at Aurora and then back at me as if asking if it’s ok to come into the office.
“Bellamy, right?” I hope I get his name right as I wave him in and gesture at one of the chairs in front of me.
Fighting the bond.
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“Yes, Alpha.” Nice to know I’m not so wrapped up in my family I still remember my Pack members names.

“Have a seat, what can I do for you?” Bellamy walks into the office, he’s wearing a simple pair of dark jeans, black boots and a
dark blue t- shirt. Before sitting down he pops a piece of paper on my desk and spins it around so it’s facing me.
“I have come to apply for the dissolution of a chosen mating.” I nod my head as I look at the official form sitting in front of me.
“Your mate is in agreement?” All Alpha’s have to agree to any mate pairing being dissolved whether fated or not. If the Alpha
does not agree then it doesn’t happen, we have the final say on these things.
“She is, we only mated to make it easier to find a new Pack. We had no idea Swiftmane was so open minded,” I’m not sure what

he means by open minded but I don’t interrupt him. “We both agreed that should we find our fated mates we would dissolve what
we have.” It’s not unusual for chosen mates to make this kind of Pack but most never do find their
fated mates.
“If I remember right, there are no pups from the mating?” The last thing I want to do is break up a family if I can avoid it.
“That’s correct.” I nod my head and using the hand not holding Aurora I pick up the form and slide it into the top drawer of my
“Alright, well I’ll chat to...” I check the form again before closing the drawer. “I’ll chat to Lillian and once she’s confirmed all of this
I will process the dissolution.” Bellamy smiles at me, that alone tells me, my chat with Lillian will be quick and easy. No man is
this confident without reason. “Who is the lucky female out of interest? I need to make sure she’s not on my list for the Moon Fall
Ceremony.” We have the ceremony in two weeks and I have a list of females and some males
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Fighting the bond

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who want to come with the hope of finding their mate.
“I don’t believe he is Alpha.” I school my features as I try not to react to what he’s saying. It’s not that being gay shocks me, it’s
more that he chose a female chosen over a male one.
“I see.” My mind starts whirling with thoughts faster than I can process them. “Well, congratulations to you and your new mate. I’ll
come to the bar and toast you both at some point.”
“Thank you for your time, Alpha.” Bellamy stands from the chair and holds his hand out to me, just as I lean over to shake it
Aurora opens her little eyes and looks directly at us. I smile down at her as Bellamy leaves the office.
‘James?‘ I ask over our mind link as I get up from my desk and make my way quickly to the bathroom at the end of the hall.
‘What’s up? James answers me quickly.
‘Mind bringing me a coffee?‘ He knows Anna is out today and I’m alone with Aurora so I’m sure he was waiting for me to ask. He
doesn’t answer me so I pop Aurora on the potty to let her do her business.
“You want some toys?” Aurora makes a grab for my beard as we walk back to the office. “Alright little one. here you go.” I pop
Anna on her little play matt I have set up at the side of the office.
“Why Alpha, what a busy day you are having.” I turn laughing at James accepting the big cup of Columbian Roast he offers me.
“It’s a rare quiet one and I’m taking full advantage.” I use one hand to move one of the chairs so it’s facing Aurora before sitting
down and sipping at my coffee. “What’s this?” I nod my head at the paper in James‘ hand..

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“My itinerary for my Pack tour, it will let you know where I’m going to be and when.” I take the paper from him and give it a quick
glance before looking back up at him.
“Six months. I thought we agreed on three?” Six months is a long time. to be without my Beta.
“I’ve added more to the list, if you need me back in three I can make it work but I don’t want to miss anyone, miss my mate.” I
notice he’s added some of the English Packs and even two of the Irish Packs.
“Your other mate you mean?” I take a stab in the dark but I know I’ve hit the nail on the head when James drops himself in the
other chair sighing. “Bellamy came to see me to have his chosen mating dissolved. You’re the only other gay member of the
Pack James.”
“Idiot. It was one night, he’s not my mate. He can’t be.” James doesn’t look at me, instead he watches Aurora put some stars in a
wooden block like it’s the most interesting thing in the world.
“And why can’t he be?” James hasnt stopped talking about his trip for weeks now but I don’t understand why he wants to go if he
has already found his mate.
“He’s straight and in a relationship with a woman, we had one night together about eight months ago. It wasn’t even a full night, I
had to leave before his mate came back.” James’s nose scrunches up which lets me know how he feels about having to sneak
behind a shifter’s back.
“I think Uncle James is being silly, don’t you?” Aurora makes grabby hands at James and he hands her a small teddy next to his
feet. “See, even Aurora agrees. Did it feel different?”
“Different as opposed to what? It’s not like I’m swimming in past lovers.” I can’t argue with that, I can probably count on one hand
many boyfriends James has had over the years and most of them were human and only lasted the night.

“Well, did it feel different to Leon?” I watch James flinch as I mention his ex. we don’t talk about him much but he was James’s
only serious. relationship.
“It doesn’t matter how it feels, I have no desire to be with a man who has pretended to be straight his whole life.” James stands
from the chair and looks down at me, “I’m done talking about this Fraction. You have my itinerary unless there is a problem. I
don’t want to hear another thing on the matter.” With that he walks from the office. without another word.
“Alright then.” I whisper to his retreating back, James seems to be really wanting to avoid this whole mate thing and I guess it’s
not my place to force the issue.
Looking at the paper in my hand I smile, I might not be able to force the issue but I can limit how much time he has to look for a
second mate. Downing the rest of my coffee I pull my phone out of my jeans, I‘ m going to need Zoe, our babysitter, to come and
watch Aurora while I make some phone calls.