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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 120
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Tell me.
I slam into the medical centre so quickly that all the eyes of the people in the waiting area turn to me. I don’t care, I don’t stop to
explain myself and I certainly don’t slow down when one of the nurses calls my name. I run across the cold tile floor until I am
standing outside Fraction’s door. I come here every night, I have prayed he would wake up, I tell him all about Thomas and
everything going on in the Pack. I am so mad at myself for not being here when he woke up, the only reason I closed the link
was so I could speak with Patrick and Leon without interruptions, I don’t close myself down often but of course he would wake up
the second I do.
Taking a deep breath I push the door open, I don’t know what I
expected to find but Fraction sat up in bed eating red jello is not one of them. I just stare at him open mouthed as he slurps a
lump of jello into his mouth. The bed sheet is pooled around his waist, his chest is glistening with water dripping from his hair
which tells me he’s showered. I can see the scar from the knife wound still red and puffy. on his side, the wires and tubs that
have always been present seem to be gone.
“Little wolf,” he growls as he notices me standing there, I don’t walk towards him. I just lean against the closed door, closing my
eyes and sending up my thanks to anyone who is listening. I hear the clatter of metal on metal and then Fraction’s gruff voice,
“come here, little wolf.”
“You’re awake.” I say still in shock, I open my eyes and take a step
towards him.
“I’m awake.” Fraction’s eyes narrow on me as I slowly walk towards
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him, as soon as I am within arms reach he grabs my arm and pulls me onto the bed. His hand is in my hair and his lips are
claiming mine, I straddle his legs and instantly feel his co ck pressing against my centre. I push my hands into his wet hair and
pull him closer as our tongues dance with each other. Fraction growls into my mouth as he rocks his hips up causing me to
moan. It’s been so long without his touch that it takes me a minute to remember he’s still injured, taking my hands from his hair. I
push gently on his shoulders until he’s leaning back on the bed.
“You’re hurt.” I remind him, I climb from the bed and sit in the blue chair.
“Not that hurt, come ride me.” I shake my head while smiling at him.
“I didn’t think you would wake up,” I feel a tear leave my eye and roll down my cheek, I quickly dash it away. “I’ve been so


“I’m sorry it took so long to find my way back.” Fraction smiles at me with a head tilt and a narrowing of his eyes.
“Something to tell me?” I watch his nostrils flare as he scents me, I bite. my lip and look at him but before I can open my mouth
there is a knock on the door and James is walking in.
James stops when he sees Fraction, he closes his eyes and tilts his head up to the ceiling, something tells me he’s doing a little
prayer of thanks himself. When he opens his eyes again he points at me.
“She wants to paint your office purple,” my eyes widen and I burst out laughing, out of everything I thought he would say I didn’t
think it would be that. Fraction looks from me to James and back again not quite understanding what is happening.
“I said maybe!” I gasp out between laughs.
lake it everything has gone alright while I’ve been out?” Fraction asks still not getting what we are talking about.
“Yeah, I did everything you asked.” James walks over and lays a hand on Fraction’s shoulder, they seem to stare at each other
for a minute before James drops himself in a chair on the opposite side of Fraction’s bed.
“Tell me everything I’ve missed and where is my son?” Fraction looks. from me to James with a raised eyebrow.
“He’s with your mother at the moment getting ready for a sleepover, the rest can wait. You only just woke up.” I pat Fraction’s
hand but I can see he’s not willing to wait. Ever the Alpha.
“Anna I’ve been asleep for six weeks, now tell me.” I sigh and nod my
head at James.
“Anna has been doing great holding down the fort, she had new locks put on the cells. Turns out they were not as secure as we
thought.” James smiles over at me.
“Did someone get out?” Fraction sits up straighter, instantly worried.
“The night you got hurt Doctor Lee let Leon out so he could help but I didn’t like the idea of just anyone being able to open the
cells.” Fraction nods at me with a smile. .

“Smart thinking, little wolf.” I smile back, I can feel the pride coming from him.
“I arranged for Leon to go to Darryl at Grey Pack, he did well helping you and I don’t think he should be punished for something
his family did.” Fractions eyes widen at this and he looks to James.
“You didn’t tell her?” James shakes his head, “Anna, Leon is the one.
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who messed with Mrs Jacobs car. He’s the reason Thomas got hurt,” I feel my eyes widen at this information and I sit soaking in
the information as James fills Fraction in on everything else that has happened within the last six weeks.
‘It doesn’t matter Anna, Thomas is fine and Leon has earned his forgiveness. Don’t let this change your mind.’ Winter whispers

to me as the men talk.
‘He’s the reason my son was hurt,’ I can’t stop the anger bleeding into my voice.
“Then banish him from Swiftmane, don’t ever allow him back but don’t kill him Anna. If it wasn’t for him we might not have
Fraction and Leo with us now.’ It’s unusual for Winter to be my voice of reason but lately we seem to be working together a lot
“I stand by my decision, Leon can go to Grey Pack but I want him. banished from here, I don’t want him near us again.” James
stops midway through telling Fraction about Simon and Tray, he gives me a small smile which I know to be a thank you.
“Alright, little wolf. If that’s what you want,” Fraction smiles at me. “I’ m proud of you, you kept the Pack going while I was down.” I
go to look at James but see the chair empty, he must have slipped out without me noticing.
“James helped, I couldn’t have done it without him.” I stand up and start pacing in front of his bed, “there’s something you should
know. ” I stop and look at him before starting to pace again. “I pis sed off an Elder, I sort of accused him of knowing this would
happen and not. warning me. I...erm...slapped him and told him I didn’t recognise hist authority.” I stop pacing when Fraction
doesn’t say anything, the room. is silent for a long time before Fraction starts laughing a massive belly laugh. He grabs his side
like it pains him so I rush to his side. “Are you
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ok?” I have my hand on his head and one on his arm, he stops laughing and looks at me.
“James already told me, little wolf. Elder Thomas spoke to James and told him there were no hard feelings. You didn’t pi ss
anyone off,” I breathe a sigh of relief before sitting on the side of the bed. “Want to tell me anything else?”
“He hasn’t answered any of my calls, I’ve been trying for weeks.” Fraction puts a finger under my chin and drags my face so I’m
looking him in the eye.
“Was probably his way of punishment, making you worry. Trust me, you could never be in the bad graces of Elder Thomas. Now
do you have something else to tell me?” I smile a little but decide not to tell him what he’s hinting at.
“Thomas is starting preschool next week.” Fraction growls at me.
“Anna.” I look at him with my best puppy dog eyes.
“Hmmm?” Fraction grabs either side of my head and pulls me in for a k*ss, it’s a deep loving kind of k*ss. The kind that makes
your knees. week and your heart want to beat out of your chest.
“You going to tell me about the new pup?” he asks me with his lips. still against mine.
“Well now you’ve ruined it,” I smile against his lips as he lands another. peck.
“Another pup?” I smile at him as I launch myself at him and straddle his waist. I lay k*sses from the corner of his mouth down his
neck and onto the top of his chest.
“Another pup.” I tell him against his chest, I feel him rumble his
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approval as I latch onto one of his nipples and he bucks up against me. “Also I’m not wearing any panties.”