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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 110
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Come back to me.
The feeling of being watched shocks me awake, I sit up in the bed that is much too big for me and look around the room. It takes
me a minute but I finally notice Anna sitting in a hospital gown on the floor at the end of the bed. She doesn’t seem to be looking
at anything in particular that I can see but then again it is very dark.
“Anna?” My voice comes out on a croak so I cough a little to clear my throat, “Anna, what are you doing here?”
“Thomas said to come and fix things but when I came in I could still smell her in the room.” I sniff but I don’t smell anything that
isn’t me or Anna. I assume she’s talking about Elder Thomas, when my mother said he was with Anna I decided to come to bed
and let them have their time together.
“Come here.” I hold my hand out to her and watch as she makes the decision to get up rather than stay on the floor. She slowly
shuffles over to me and takes my hand, I can feel the slight shake to it which tells me she’s still battling with the demons roaring
inside of her head. I pull her closer to me so she’s forced to sit on the blanket currently draped over my n*ked form. “You see
this?” I pull a pillow out from under anothe
pillow on the opposite side of the bed to me. The pillow. cover doesn’t match the current purple set on the bed, it’s the same blue
as the bedding that was on the bed the last time we were together. “I haven’t changed this since you left, it still smells like you
and each night I roll over and push my nose into it. I don’t smell anyone in this room but you and me.” Anna pulls the pillow to her
nose and takes a deep smell before flipping it over and smelling the otherside.
Come back to me.
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“I don’t smell her on this,” Anna says smiling at me.
“I wouldn’t let her touch it. It’s all you on there little wolf.” Anna puts. the pillow aside and then shifts her hair, my eyes narrow in

on the partial mating mark and a small growl leaves my lips before I can stop it.
“Thomas said this is why Winter wouldn’t listen to me in the forest. He said, my connection to the Pack,” Anna looks down at her
hands. “And to you, is broken and that I need to find a way to fix it before I will feel like myself again.”
Anna reaches over and turns on the bedside lamp, she squares her shoulders and looks me dead in the eye before standing and
unfastening the tie of the hospital gown. It falls from her shoulders. showing me her beautiful b*dy, she’s lost so much weight but
she’s still beautiful. I can see her ribs poking out in places and bruises mar her skin from where she fought with Faye. Her hip
bone is so defined I’m afraid she’d break if I held her too tightly, I didn’t notice her weight loss in the shower as I was doing
everything I could to keep my co ck under control. Anna seems to take a deep breath before climbing onto the bed to straddle
my legs, my eyes go straight to her breasts. She moves her hair and holds her head to the side.
“Anna?” I ask her a little breathless.
“Just do it.” Anna gasps out, I look at her eyes scrunched close and the way her chest is caved in like she’s holding her breath. I
put my hands on her hips and move her closer to me, once we are chest to chest I move my face to rest in the crook of her neck.
I feel her breath rush out as I lay a k*ss on her partial mate mark and then stroke across it with my tongue.
“I’m not biting you, little wolf.” I whisper into her ear, “when I bite you again you’re going to beg me for it. You’re going to be so in
need you
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Comeback to me
can barely contain yourself, you’re going to be on your knees begging for the one thing only I can give you. Until then,” I lay
another k*ss just under her ear. “You’re just going to have to wait.” I lift her off me and marvel at how easy she is to move without
all the normal weight, I’m not a fan of it all and I’m sure my mother will agree and start forcing food down her as soon as
I don’t miss the look of sheer shock as I turn off the bedside lamp, I pull the blanket to cover both of us and lay back down in the.

bed. Anna just sits there looking down at me, “You don’t want me anymore?” Anna asks me, I roll onto my back so it’s obvious

that my co ck is rock hard. It makes an obscene tent in the covers and leaves no room for how much I want her.
“I want you so bad it hurts but you’re in pain and you don’t know what you want.” I tell her truthfully.
“I do want you.” I can tell she’s lying even as she says it, her words. have an edge to it that her normal voice doesn’t.
“No you don’t, not right now. At least not completely, you’ve gone back. to the scared little wolf who jumped at her own shadow.” I
don’t say it to be mean, it’s just a statement of fact. “you’ve grown so much An nal but you still don’t know what you want. I know
I had a hand to play in this, I built you up to knock you back down and I will pay the price of that forever.” I sit up in the bed and
pull her close to me, she pushes against me as if having me next to her is the last thing she wants, “Stop, you’re done.” I press
her head against my chest so her cheek rests over my heart. “Sleep Anna, we will get back to where we were. It just won’t
happen overnight.”
“What if we don’t get back to where we were?” She asks me as she nestles into my chest, she once told me this was her spot
and for me it still is. I slouch down in the bed so she’s in a more laid down position and start stroking at her hair.
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Come back to me
“Then we become something better, no matter what I’m still yours.” I lay a k*ss on the top of her head, “and you’re still mine.”
“Still yours.” Anna whispers as her breathing evens out.
For a while I lay there in a slouch position as Anna gets some much needed sleep, after a while though my back starts to hurt so
I roll her so she’s on her side of the bed. Laying down in a more comfortable position I put my arm over Anna’s hip and pull her
closer to me. Both n*ked I enjoy the feeling of having her in my arms again..
I don’t know what Elder Thomas said to her but it can’t have been all bad if she’s here with me now. I think if Thomas had told
her she was going to die she would have taken Thomas and run while I slept but instead she came here to me. It builds a hope
inside of me that maybe, just maybe, I can bring her back to me.
‘Mother?’ I use the Pack mind link to call out to her.
‘It’s late.’ My mother grumbles at me.
‘Anna has lost a lot of weight. think you can help?’ I ask her quickly.
‘T’ll set an alarm and get up early. Breakfast will be on the table, I’ll make her eat.’ I smile as I close down the link and push my
nose into Anna’s hair. I feel her shiver as I breath her scent in, so I pull the blanket tighter around us. For the first time in a long
time I fall asleep. with the scent of my mate in my nose and her b*dy flush against mine.