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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 109
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I don’t know when I fell asleep but I must have done because that is the only explanation for me being in a massive hall right
now. It’s like something you would see in a Harry Potter film, it’s so long I’m pretty sure Winter could get to full speed before she
even hit halfway, the ceiling is so high that it looks almost black above me. The windows go from floor to ceiling and are draped
in red velvet curtains, the room is bare of any furniture but the more I walk along the stone floor I notice a single chair sitting
upon an elevated area. Squinting my eyes I get closer. I’m almost sure I have seen it somewhere before.
“You found your way here little Omega,” I jump at the voice and spin. around to see Elder Thomas is standing behind me, he
looks as old as he did in the clearing at the moon ceremony all those years ago.
“I’m dreaming?” I ask him while looking back at the chair, that’s why it looks so familiar. It’s the same one he used in the clearing
when he condemned Callum to death.
“You are, you were sleeping and seemed at peace so I thought it best to come here instead. I hope you don’t mind me changing
the setting, Ocean’s cabin does nothing for me.” Thomas walks past me and takes a seat on the chair on the platform, “take a
seat little Omega.” I am about to ask where when a giant bean bag appears next to me, it’s very much like the one Fraction
bought me when I was pregnant.
Getting myself into the beanbag I try to get as comfy as I can while Thomas watches me, he has this knack of looking like he can
see everything you’re thinking.
“Are you reading my mind?” I ask him, Thomas tilts his head to the side.
“Do I need to?” he spreads his hands out in front of him, “I’m already in your head Anna.”
“I’ve never known another wolf who could do this, well other than Ocean but I doubt you’re an Omega,” Thomas chuckles at this.
“Do you want to discuss my designation now?” I shake my head at Thomas, he’s right we have more important things to discuss.

“Will you have Darryl kill me?” I ask him while pulling at the fluff on the beanbag.
“Should I have Darryl kill you?” I don’t know how to answer him so I just sit there and stare at him. “I know you asked Winter to
stop but she didn’t. I know how much this is affecting you. Anna if you hadn’t killed Faye she would have killed you, then we

would have an Alpha Heir with no mother to guide him. And an Alpha who has already shown us his wolf is feral when separated
from you. I can assure you the world is a much nicer place without Faye in it.”
“He will think I’ve killed his second mate out of spite,” I tell Thomas softly.
“Fraction is aware something is wrong with the bond, he doesn’t know what. He knows of the contract but he doesn’t know how
Faye faked the mate link that day he almost mated her.” I flinch as he reminds me of the time Fraction and Faye almost slept
together, as if my mind is trying to torture me a school desk appears next to me and I swear I can smell Fraction arousal.
“Focus, little Omega.” I can’t take my eyes off the desk as the sound of skin slapping on skin sounds around the cavernous
room. “Deep breaths Anna, focus on the now. Don’t let the memory pull you in.”
closing my eyes I do as Thomas says and close my eyes to block the view of the desk. When I open them the desk is gone and
the sound of skin on skin has stopped.
“How?” I ask Thomas in shock, he somehow pulled me out of the rabbit hole just as I was sucking it in.
“It’s about focus, Anna. You haven’t had anyone to teach you, with time. I can give you some tips to hone your instincts and
powers. It will help you gain control of Winter in the process.” I nod my head at Thomas and pretend I have any idea of what he’s
talking about.
“How did she do it? I know about the contract so I understand why but how did she make him think she was his mate?” It’s the
one thing I can’t figure out.

“There’s a herb, it was used long ago by Shamans but it has been lost for a long time. I believe someone gave Faye just enough

to do what she needed.” Thomas tells me as he steeples his hands in front of him. “The Elders thought the only known herbs
were in the highest mountains but it seems Faye had a connection to some. It can induce lust and euphoria. I believe this is what
Faye used to trick Fraction,” I nod my head at him trying to think who could have given her the herb.
“So it was magic?” I laugh a little at how absurd it sounds.
“Magic isn’t real Anna, it’s a chemical reaction within the b*dy. Fraction was no more under control of his actions than a drug
addict. looking for his next hit.” I guess that makes a little sense.
“So if you know she wanted to kill me does that mean I wont be killed?” I ask Thomas the most important question.
“No Anna, The Elders will not be seeking your death over the murder of Faye. We see it as self defence given all she had done

towards you. Although I would caution you about your wolf, she has a blood thirst.
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that is not often seen in Omegas. I’ve only seen it in one other.” I feel tears of relief roll down my face as I slump back into the
beanbag, knowing I wont be killed is such a relief.
“Now I just have to live with what I did.” I whisper to myself but Thomas must hear me because he nods his head. “You’re talking
about. Ocean right? When you say you have only seen one other Omega like my wolf.” Thomas nods his head.
“She was called Lily when I knew her, I think she took the name from a friend at the time.” That explains why she looked so much
like Fractions grandmother in my dreams, “her story is long and troublesome but she was a feral Omega. When her mate died
her wolf overtook her and became so bloodthirsty that she could only be contained by The Elders. I don’t wish to see another
Omega follow her path, you are worth much more than a small cabin in the woods alone. with your thoughts.”
“How do I stop Winter from becoming like her?” I don’t want to be a crazy lady in the woods anymore than I want to die.
“You need to find your connection to the Pack, your wolf will find peace when surrounded by those of her kind.” Thomas tells me
in a soft voice.
“You mean Fraction? You once told me we would do amazing things together but the mating mark has almost gone. He won’t
even look at me now.” Thomas gets up from his chair and walks over to me.
“Marks can be remade little Omega, Fraction is worried he will get close to you for you to be killed. Once he knows you wont
leave he will open himself back up to you,” Thomas leans close to me and moves my hair off my neck and looks at my mate
mark. “Yes, this can be remade. Nothing is broken until you sca tt er the pieces, everything can be fixed when given the right
action.” Thomas lets my hair go and
lays a soft k*ss on my forehead before disappearing. .

I’m left alone in the massive hall and it suddenly feels very cold and lonely. I’d love to say Thomas has put me at case but I think
he’s given me more things to think about on top of everything else running around my head. Apparently staying in the Pack isn’t
even a choice, if I want to keep control of Winter I need the Pack but staying with Fraction is a choice. I need to figure out how to
show Fraction I want him and that I want to stay with him, with our son and with our Pack. I might have killed Faye but I have a
feeling my battle is just starting.
Come back to me