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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 106
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Stained Omega.
The blood drying against my b*dy is irritating me but not enough for me to actually move, Fraction just keeps staring at me from
the blue. plastic chair next to the hospital bed. He has sat there all night just looking at me, he hasn’t said a single word, if it
wasn’t for the occasional blinking I would probably have worried he was dead. Actually scratch that; I know what death looks like
now. It’s cold, pale and lifeless. It’s blood seeping from a b*dy and soaking into the forest floor, it’s feeling that final heartbeat
against your claws and watching that light go out in someone’s eyes. Each time I close my eyes for even a second I can see
Faye’s lifeless b*dy staring back at me.
‘I begged you to stop.’ I whimper at Winter for the thousandth time.
‘It needed to be done, Faye. I just had the lady balls to actually do it.” Winter has answered me the same way each time I have
spoken to her. She’s cold and unfeeling, she doesn’t regret anything about what she’s done but she’s not the one who has to
live, with the decisions she’s made.
“I take it back.” I whisper to her.
“There’s no taking it back. Love. She’s gone,” blinking my eyes it takes me a moment to realise I spoke out loud and not to
“I begged her to stop.” I tell Fraction as the tears start to fall from my
“Stop Anna, I don’t need to hear this.” Fraction gets up from the chair and walks over to the bed, crouching down he comes to
my eye level.
06.52 1
“You need to stop talking, little wolf.” .

“I hate her,” I take a deep breath. “Hated. I hated her but I didn’t want her dead, not like that I just couldn’t stop Winter.
“Get up,” Fraction grabs me by my arm and literally pulls me from the bed. I’m so shocked at how he’s manhandling me that I
don’t even fight him. Part of me wants the punishment, I did something bad and I need to be punished for it.
I let Fraction pull me from the room and into a smaller room just off it, there is a toilet, a sink and a small shower cubicle. Fraction
forces me to sit on the toilet and I watch as he pulls the bloodied shirt over his head to reveal his amazingly chiseled chest. He
somehow got more. buff in the time that we were apart, I gasp when he turns around to hand the shirt on the back of the door.
There on his left shoulder is a tattoo around three inches tall. It’s two words that make me cry harder; Little Wolf.

“When?” I ask him, he didn’t have the tattoo the last time we were together.
“The day after you left, I needed you close to me. I became used to having you at my back,” Fraction explains as he removes his
jeans and shows me he’s not wearing any boxers. For the first time in a long time he’s completely n*ked in front of me yet he’s
fully flaccid. “Get up,” he says as he leans into the shower and turns it on. Standing from the toilet I let him take my hand and
lead me under the spray of water, I stand with the water to my back and let the cold water punish my back. Looking down I see
the pink tinged water run around our feet and down the drain.
Fraction takes my shoulders and turns me so I’m facing away from him, I feel him press against my back as he grabs the soap
and squirts some into his hand.
“I need you to stop talking about what happened in the forest,” he whispers in my car as his soapy hands start rubbing across my
stomach. “Right now you’re being watched by everyone. You killed at Pack Luna,” I draw in a breath as he says this and brings
his hands up to my breasts. “I’m not saying she didn’t deserve it because she did but I need you to look as innocent as possible
in this.” I can feel his breath against my neck and I can’t help but gasp as his hands rub over my nipples.
“But I did kill her, I was running and she chased me down and Winter killed her, I begged her to stop when Faye shifted back but
she wouldn’t listen to me.” I speak in a low whisper but he must hear every word because he presses a k*ss to the back of my
“She did what needed to be done but you can’t ever tell anyone you asked her to stop, they will think you don’t have control over
your wolf. You could be killed Anna,” I turn around to face him and my front is instantly flush with his, there isn’t a single inch of
space. between us.
“They’ll kill me?” I ask him looking up into his face, his hands come around my back and slide down to my as s.

“Yes they could, they could make me do it.” Fraction eyes suddenly become sad and I do the only thing I can think of to make
that look leave his face. Leaning up on my tiptoes I bring my lips to his, “Anna, stop.” he doesn’t make any move to push me
away so I press myself against him harder until his mouth sla nts over mine. Moving my hands up to his hair I pull him closer to
me, he pulls back on gasp, “we can’t.”
“You don’t want me?” I can feel his breath on my face as the water of the shower cascades down my back, his hands are on my
as s and squeezing me as I feel him grow against my leg.
“Does it feel like I don’t want you?” he asks me as he thrusts himself
against my inner thigh. I pull my legs apart slightly to try and get him. to hit my centre but he pulls back from me and steps from
the shower. Standing there under the lukewarm water I listen to him dry himself, he literally ran from the shower rather than be

here with me.
Looking down at myself I notice spots on my skin where the blood is still clinging to me, as if in a daze I grab the soap and start
to scrub at my b*dy. I scrub at myself until my once white skin is marked with red patches and is tender to the touch. I only stop
the shower when all. hints of warm water is gone. Opening the white shower curtain that is now tinged with pink I notice that the
bathroom is now empty and. Fraction’s clothes are gone from the back of the door. I notice a flat white towel draped over the skin
and I quickly wrap myself in it.
“Is he talking?” I hear Fraction say from the other side of the door.
“He is. Faye and Theo baited Anna into the forest and then trapped her in an old hunting cabin,” Darryl says in a gruff voice.
“So they purposefully baited her out there, I presume to kill her? So it was self defence.” Fraction sounds almost hopeful.
“No. he said he let her go. She could have run back to the Pack but something changed and Faye ended up dead.” I wrap the
towel around me and open the door. I hold my head high as I walk into the room and try not to let the two Alpha’s know how
afraid I am.

“So what now?” I ask them while taking a seat on the end of the bed.
“Anna?” Darryl says as if confused as to why I’m asking the question.
“I killed a Pack Luna, so what happens now?” I can feel my lower lip tremble but I’m doing everything I can to keep myself from
“Now I call the Elders and they will send someone to speak with the
Pack and then you. From there they will decide your judgement,” Darryl explains to me clearly as Fraction starts pacing the
“And then what? They find her guilty and I have to kill her?” I can hear the anger in Fraction’s voice, I don’t know if he’s angry at
me or with the situation.
“They wont have you kill her, Leo won’t allow you to kill your mate.” Darryl says looking at me, I hear what he’s not saying but he
doesn’t want to voice it out loud.
“They’ll make you do it, right? You’re the leader of the American Packs so it’s your duty,” Darryl just nods at me as I hang my
head and let the
tears fall.
“We could run,” Fraction says after a few minutes of silence. “I could take Anna and Thomas and we could run.” I’m shaking my
head before he’s even finished speaking.
“You’re an Alpha Fraction, you can’t be without a Pack.” He doesn’t try to deny it as he drops himself into the blue chair and
hangs his head into his hands.
For the longest time we all just stand there in silence; me, the murderer n*ked except for a towel with my wet hair dripping all
over the bed. My mate, battling the inner turmoil of running with his mater and son or staying with his Pack and the Alpha and
family friend who will kill me when I’m found guilty of killing a Pack Luna in the middle. of a dark forest.