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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 102
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“You let her get the better of you.” my father says as he turns my chin from side to side. I wrench my chin from his fingers and
just stare at
“She didn’t get the better of me, she beat my as s into the floor. I thought Omegas didn’t know how to fight?” I plop myself into
the grass and start pulling at the blades, creating a little pile of grass next to me. “You always said the contract named me, is that
not true?”
“I told you what I needed to. I had to get you to where you needed to be.” My father says unapologetically
“My whole life I’ve thought I was destined for something, for him and it was all a lie.” I can’t stop the pain from bleeding into my
“More fool you for believing him.” Leon says coming down the stairs of the cabin. “We can’t keep her here. Fraction will come
looking and the last time someone took Anna,” he shakes his head as he sits down next to me. “I don’t want him to kill you Faye
but he will if you keep her here.” I know Leon is trying to look out for me but even I know it too little too late now, I’ve been
trapped into the role of a bad guy and now I’m stuck in it.
“We can’t let her go.” I say in a small whisper.
“You’re d amn right you can’t, once your brothers get here the fa g can leave and then we can get the bitc h buried.” My father
says as he towers over the both of us, I see Leon flinch at my side.
“I can’t go back, James will smell Anna on me. He will know I’ve at least seen her.” My father moves quickly and drags Leon to
his feet by
his throat.
“You will do what you’re told,” he spits in Leon’s face, I scramble backwards and quickly get to my feet. “You owe me, if it wasn’t
for met you would still be living on the street after that father of yours decided to dilute our blood line.”

“He found his mate, he loved her and you killed them. You’re the one who put that wh ore under his nose.” Leon fights out of my
fathers hold. and when he finally gets the grip around his throat loosened he moves. a few steps back. “You might as well have
killed them yourself, I owe you nothing!” Leon points at my father and then at me, “you will ruin her just like everything else. She

had no right to come in and ruin a family yet she did because of what you told her.”
“Too late to grow a conscience now, as soon as that prissy Beta finds out you messed with Mrs Jacobs brakes he will disown
you.” My father says while going red in the face.
“Daddy, maybe we should go get you a beer?” I say trying to defuse the situation before he kills Leon. /
“Shut up. you are not better than this f ucker. Both of you are useless.” My father storms off around the cabin as he snarls this at
both of us.
For a while we stand in silence, together we listen to the birds and creatures rustle around in the forest. Raising my face to the
sun I close my eyes and let it warm my face.
“This has gone too far Faye.” Leon says, breaking the silence.
“What do you suggest? We have an Omega locked in a cabin, we have. a little breathing room because Fraction left to go see
Alpha Darryl but I bet you anything James has already called him.” I run my hands
through my hair and pull on the ends in frustration, “he will kill us, you know that right? James won’t be able to stop him,” Leon’s
face pales as he finally understands the gravity of the situation.
“This wasn’t meant to be like this Faye, I was meant to get close to James and that was it. I passed the information I could but it
never seems to be enough for him.” Leon starts to cry as drops himself back into the grass.
“You have to toughen up Leon, we have made our bed now.” Squaring my shoulders I turn towards the cabin, me and Anna need
to finally have a heart to heart without my father pulling his strings.
I ignore Leon as he calls out to me, his call is half hearted like he doesn’t really want to stop me. It’s possible my father has
finally pushed him too far, Leon is such a gentle spirit, it was only a matter of time before he snapped. Pushing the cabin door
open I watch as Ana’s head snaps up and she’s instantly staring daggers at me, the ankle cuffed to the chain looks red and raw

like she’s been trying to pull it off.
“You should leave that alone,” I tell her as I walk to the wall opposite her and slide to the floor. I mimic her pose and pull my legs
up to my chin wrapping my arms around them. Anna doesn’t answer me, instead she just continues to stare at me. “What? Lost
all that bite?”
“What do you want with me?” Anna asks in a low voice, I almost have. to strain my ears to hear her.
“You know what I want, if you promise to just leave I can stop my father from hurting you.” Anna burst out laughing as I say this, I
just watch her, I think everyone around me is losing the plot. “What’s so funny?” I snap at her.

“I was leaving you idiot, I came to get Thomas and we were going to leave. I was going to take him as far as I possibly can from
you and all
the Pack bulls hit!” I widen my eyes in surprise, I’ve never heard Anna swear and it somehow sounds super scandalous in her
“I can’t let you leave with Thomas, Fraction would never let you take his son.” As much as it annoys me it’s true, Fraction would
never allow his tiny future Alpha to leave the Pack let alone leave him.
“Fraction doesn’t get a say in it as long as you’re in his bed,” I try to keep the smugness off my face. Me and Fraction have never
actually shared a bed but she doesn’t need to know that. Actually the Alpha wont let me touch him in any S**ual way, sure he’s
nice to me lately. but all kinds of intimacy are off the table. It’s really frustrating, I want nothing more than to go back to the day in
the daycare where he was so gone he almost had me there and then.
“My father will kill you if you don’t leave,” I try to warn her.
“Then we are at an impasse because I wont leave without my son,” I get up off the floor and start pulling at my hair as I pace the
small cabin.
“Are you special or something?” I ask her, “I’m giving you an out. A way out of this mess and you are throwing it away for what?
A kid? You can have a kid with any Alpha, you don’t need this one.”
“Are you for real?” she asks me, “you can’t just replace a kid with another. Fraction is my mate. there will never be another mate
for me. I had a second mate and it didn’t take because Fraction is my one and only.”
“Just find another Alpha.” why doesn’t this woman get it? She’s not. totally unattractive, she has that cute doe eyed thing going
that Alpha’s fall over themselves for. “What about Darryl? Go and mate him, he’s free and single.”
“You really are bat, crazy, that’s not how mates work. I don’t know why I’m even bothering to explain, you were raised wrong
Faye, something
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has warped inside your mind.” I elench my hands at my sides as she speaks, “you don’t see it do you? You actually believe all

the rubbish you spit out. That children are interchangeable, that mates can be chosen rather than destined and that mates can
be separated by the simp of a woman.” Anna shakes her head at me. “I pity you Faye, I thought I had a bad childhood but yours
was just as bad.”
“Pity me? You...pity me?” I ask her, “I don’t need or want your pity. Omega.” I slam my fist into her face, I feel her nose burst
under my fist and it feels amazing so I keep punching until she stops moving and is laid on the floor, her blonde hair now looks
red from the blood flowing. from her face. Dropping to my as s I sit next to her and breathe deeply as I try to quell the rage now
coursing through me. She pities me... stu pid Omega.
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