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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 100
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is my house.
Driving back to Swiftmane seems to take a lot more time now that I am alone, at least on the way to Grey Pack I have Darryl to
keep me company. Winter keeps telling me to turn around but I am just ignoring her, she’s ignored me so many times in the past
I feel like I owe her a good dose of her own medicine.
Once I reach the Pack boarder I slow the car down but I don’t stop, I know that once I cross this boarder on my own I am
officially breaking Pack rules. I don’t think Fraction or James will do anything to punish me but the threat alone is enough for my
resolve to waver just a little. Taking a deep breath I put my foot on the gas and cross the border, I don’t stop the car for anything.
I pass a few of the Pack members as I make my way to the Pack house and all of them seem to be just walking along and not
really chatting to each other, some are actively looking at their feet as if trying to avoid those around them. My hands tighten on
the steering wheel until my knuckles go white when I see that the Park I used to take Thomas to is no longer there. Nothing has
been put in it’s place and from what I can see someone has just pulled the equipment out of the ground and left it looking all
rough and dishevelled. I’m not sure why Fraction wouldn’t replace it if it broke, Thomas is not the only Pack pup who played on it.
I try to block out all the messy lawns, broken windows and trash bags on the street, this has to be Faye’s work. There is no way
Fraction. would allow the Pack to resort to this level of untidiness, he’s not the most tidy man at home but he has pride in his
Pack. As I drive past Leon’s house I notice the door and windows are boarded up and the house looks empty, I guess Mrs
Jacobs got her wish and Leon and the kids are finally out of her hair.
This is my house
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Pulling up at the Pack house I look out of the window but don’t see anyone, the house itself doesn’t look any different, it looks as
big and as overwhelming as always. The last time I was here Fraction had his hands in my pants and was bringing me to the
edge of what promised. to be an amazing organism. Blinking my eyes against the memory I shut off the car and get out, I am
immediately hit with the silence. At Grey Pack the Pack house was never silent, there was always someone making noise, here I
can actually hear the birds chirping in the trees. Just as I step towards the house the front door opens and James walks out, his
eyes go wide when he sees me and he just stands there staring
at me.
“Anna? What the hell are you doing here?” He’s whispering so I’m guessing he doesn’t want anyone to know I’m here.

“I just came to get something, nothing to worry about.” I tell him as I make my way towards the front door, when he doesn’t move
I just look up at him. I try to give him the most intimidating stare I can but it .

doesn’t work he just stands there.
“Tell me what you need and I’ll go get
smile on his face, he doesn’t wait for you,” he says with a tight
me to see something inside the
“My son. Now move.” I explain to him, I see the moment he realises I mean to take my son as his smile disappears from his face.
Realising I only have a second before he moves I shove him with my elbow, I manage to hit his flesh and dig into his kidney. As
he winces in pain I use this as my chance to push past him and open up the front door to the Packhouse. I don’t bother closing it
behind me, it won’t slow him down anyway.
“A nna! You can’t just take him, let me call Fraction,” James sounds winded as he chases me up the stairs. I can feel him behind
me and if he wanted to he could reach out and pull me down the stairs, I guess
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This is my house.
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he doesn’t want to hurt me. Good for me but a bad choice on his part. “Anna, please!” He begs from behind me.

“What’s going on?” I hear Eliza shout as I hit the stairs leading up the Alpha quarters.
“Kitten? Everything ok?” Patrick chimes in.
“Anna has lost her da mn mind!” James seethes, I don’t stop when I hear them until I am at the top landing and watching a
female form back out of Thoma s’s room.
A snarl rips from my throat as I watch Faye leave my son’s bedroom. dressed in nothing but my mates Led Zeppelin t-shirt. The
same shirt I have worn to bed many times over the years, the same shirt he f ucked me in many times, it’s my shirt and hurts me
to see her wearing it.
“Is that my mates shirt?” I growl as she turns to me.
“You shouldn’t be here.” Faye whispers while flipping her hair over her shoulder.
“Is. That. My. Mates. Shirt?” I ask her again, I puncture each word. with a step closer to her until I am just an arms distance from
her. Now I’m closer I can smell Fraction all over her, their scents mingled together as if they just spent a night making love.
“Oh this?” Faye flares the bottom of the shirt out, giving me a glimpse of her centre, “Fraction gave it to me after last night. He

said I look cute in his clothes, I have to agree.” She smiles sweetly up at me and I snap, with a roar I grab at her hair with both of
my hands and start. walking backwards. Faye tries to claw at many hands but I keep a tight hold on her as I start to walk
backwards down the stairs.
“Let me go you crazy b itch!” Faye screams at the top of her lungs.
This is my house.
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“We should help,” I hear Patrick mumble somewhere off to the side ast we reach the landline for the warriors.
“Oh hell no, that bi tch had it coming.” Eliza says, as she promised, she has my back.
I tug harder on Faye’s hair as she tries to dig her feet into the carpet but with nothing on her feet it proves useless as she simply
slides over the rough carpet. She howls in pain as I put all of my strength into spinning us and throwing her down the last six or
seven steps, she tumbles like a rag doll. Landing on her as s she quickly stands herself up before glaring at me, I don’t miss the

slight wince when she tries to put pressure on her feet. I smile at her as I cross my arms literally standing over her thanks to the
height difference now she’s at the bottom of the stairs.
“You’re going to regret that,” she tells me while trying to smooth her matted hair.
“I really don’t think I am. I actually found it quite therapeutic,” I wave the fist full of dark hair I now have in my hand. Faye
screeches in rage. before charging at me, I don’t let her get to me first, instead I meet her halfway and we both sort of crumble to
the bottom of the steps. I have. no idea what I’m doing. I’m letting my rage control me and right now it feels amazing.
“Fraction is mine!” I scream as I straddle Faye with my legs, I’m sitting. on her stomach and she’s trying to pull at my shoulders
as I slam my fist into the left side of her face, for a split second she just looks at me as if stunned I actually hit her. She quickly
tries to wriggle away but I’ m using my thigh muscles to keep her in place. Slamming my fist into her nose I scream, “that is my
shirt.” Another punch to the cheek, “this is my house.” I land a punch right on her mouth and I feel the blood of her lip seep onto
my hand, “and that is my son!” I don’t know how long I punch her for but I know I can’t feel my hands anymore, it’s not until
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This in my house
Eliza is pulling me off Faye that I realise I’ve been hitting her for a long time.
“It’s done,” Eliza says looking me in the eye and holding my bloo dy fists. “You can stop now.”
I look at Eliza and the worry marking her face, her pupils are blown and her lips are bright red from where she has been chewing
at them. I notice Faye roll to the side of the corner of my eye, she slowly gets to her feet wobbling slightly as she looks at Patrick
and James.
“She just attacked your Luna,” Faye spits a glob of blood onto the floor. “Do something.” As neither one moves to detain me she
spins towards me, “then we will see what Fraction has to say about it,” with that she’s running in the direction of the front door. I
don’t know what I’m thinking as I chase after her, all I know is; Fraction can’t know I have this evil in me. I ignore the shouts and
cries from behind me and chase a half n*ked, beaten and bloodied Faye into the forest just past the Pack house.