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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 71
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Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 71

At the female dormitory.

Alice looked at Gerald who had just appeared in the video call and suddenly felt her heart twitching and


Even the originally cool expression on her face became a little nervous at this time.

A lot of things had already happened between Alice and Gerald during this recent period.

Alice had never taken Gerald to heart before until the scene that night during the opening ceremony at

Quinton’s Grand Marshall Restaurant.

That was when she had begun suspecting that Gerald was in fact the wealthy and powerful Mr.

Crawford that everyone was talking about.

Even so, Alice just could not live with it.

She could not believe that the same person she had been so bored and disgusted with was actually a

rich second generation who had an absolutely prominent identity!

That would be a very hard slap across her face.

However, Gerald seemed to be acting as though he had absolutely nothing to do with that magnate, Mr.

Crawford at all!

In short, Alice was now very confused because of Gerald.

Whenever she closed her eyes, all she could see was Gerald.

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The person who helped her was probably Gerald, but she had mistakenly thought that it was Quinton.

She had even agreed to become Quinton’s girlfriend because of that mistake. Now that the truth was

out in the open, should she agree to become Gerald’s girlfriend instead?

“Hey, Gerald! Why didn’t you say hello to us?”

Hayley quickly noticed that something was wrong when she saw the look on Alice’s face. Therefore,

she hurriedly smiled and changed the topic so that they could avoid any embarrassment or awkward


Harper and Hayley were very cooperative, and it was as though they had a tacit understanding with

one another.

Both of them were pointing their cameras toward Gerald and Alice, as though they were the

protagonists for the video call tonight.

“Hello! Congratulations, Hayley! I am really glad both of you lovebirds have finally gotten together!”

Gerald quickly congratulated Hayley as he waved his hand.

However, Gerald was already too lazy to even be bothered to become friends with Alice any longer.

Gerald simply did not want to make the situation awkward, and he did not want to stiffen the

atmosphere because he wanted to give Harper and Hayley face.

To Gerald, Alice’s various actions could only boil down to one single word: disappointment!

“Thank you, Gerald. Actually, I was just discussing this matter with Harper tonight. Shouldn’t you be

looking for a girlfriend too? If there are any girls you are interested in, I can definitely match her up with


After that, Hayley blinked her eyes at Gerald, as though she was trying to suggest that Gerald go after

Alice instead.

“Yes, Gerald! If you were to find a girlfriend, I will have to train and help you to do so!” At this time,

Jacelyn leaned directly in front of the camera as she spoke.

Gerald was a very mysterious person to this bunch of girls right now.

Moreover, Jacelyn was certain that Gerald was not a simple person!

After all, Aiden Baker would never invite any ordinary and mediocre person to sit at the same table as

him and his friends!

Thus, Jacelyn was prepared to get closer to Gerald and find out the truth about him in the days to


“Sure. I have not thought about it, so we should just talk about it later. You girls can continue chatting

with brother Harper first!” Gerald smiled before he looked away.

Then, he continued drinking with Benjamin and the rest of his roommates.

Since everyone was very happy tonight, Gerald also drank quite a lot.

Late at night.

Gerald was lying on his bed as he thought about everything that had happened over the past few days.

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During this time, Gerald had encountered several girls who seriously moved his heart.

Naturally, Xavia was one of them.

Then, there was Alice.

Even though Alice despised and looked down on him, Gerald could not deny that the beautiful Alice

had indeed moved his heart at first.

After that, Mila had appeared in his life.

Gerald felt as though he was living a dream.

In contrast, Mila was even more beautiful and elegant as compared to Alice.

Since Gerald was also a guy, he obviously enjoyed looking at beautiful girls.

What’s more, Mila was a beautiful girl who did not look down on anyone poor, and she was not the kind

of person who only befriended those who were rich.

‘Should I really look for a girlfriend?’

Gerald could not help but feel a little tempted.

The next day, after finishing the first class in the morning.

“Gerald, do you have any plans after this?” Harper approached Gerald as he patted the latter on his


“Nope, no plans!”

“Alright then, why don’t you accompany me to the gift shop? I want to buy a gift for Hayley. I need your

opinion and help!”