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The Rejected Werewolf Princess by Didiadeyemi

Chapter 17
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Chapter 17

For the next few days, I avoided Ryker as much as I possibly could. I stayed in my room all day and

barely left it unless it was absolutely necessary. Whenever I saw him. I would mumble a greeting and

leave the area as quickly as I could.

He knew I was avoiding him, hell, everyone knew I was avoiding him and I knew at one point he would

get fed up with it and demand an explanation from me. What I didn’t expect was for it to happen today.

Today started like any normal day, I took a bath by myself and because I had no plans of going out, I

put on a really pretty black night gown and lay in bed.

Eve brought me my breakfast as usual and when I was done, I took the tray downstairs because Lucy

had told Ryker to inform me that I needed to walk around a little every day to make sure that I was

exercising the leg.

While I was taking my tray down. I saw Ryker at the dining table. I flushed pink in embarrassment and

hurried to return the tray to Eve. I rushed back upstairs not even realizing that he had spoken to me

and I had ignored him.

I successfully locked myself in the room when a few minutes later I heard a knock. It was not soft like

Eve’s but it also wasn’t overly violent. I ignored it the first time and it grew louder.

“Fuck this shit Camilla,” I heard Ryker say through the other side; “We’re talking about this today.”

I still wasn’t convinced on whether or not to open it but then he said, “I have a spare key downstairs

and I am not above using it. I am only doing this because I want you to have a say in this. But so help

me if you don’t open this door in the next three minutes I will find my own way in.”

I knew he was going to make do on his threat so I exhaled deeply and unlocked the door. He was

standing there in a black button up shirt and matching slacks. He looked like he was prepared for a day

of work while I was in frilly long sleeved pajamas. I’m sure it would have been a sight to behold for

anyone who saw it.

He looked frustrated and annoyed but he managed to keep his composure as he walked into the room

and took a seat on the chair directly opposite my bed. I remained standing and he gestured for me to

sit down on the bed.

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I hesitated for a second and I could see that it annoyed him because he clenched his jaw but he didn’t

show any other outward signs of his annoyance. I quietly took a seat at the edge of the bed and the

room fell into an uncomfortable silence.

“Camilla,” Ryker spoke up after a beat of silence, “Why are you avoiding me?”

“I am not avoiding you.” I lied and he shot me a disbelieving look.

“Don’t lie to me Camilla,” he slowly stood to his feet and made his way over to me.

I sucked in a breath as he crouched down in front of me and I watched carefully wondering what his

next move would be. If he touched me, I wasn’t quite sure of how I would react but I knew enough to

know that it probably would not be a good reaction considering how strung up I already was.

“I cannot force you to tell me everything that you have endured. But it would make things so much

easier for us if you do.”

He spoke softly, almost patronizingly, as if I was a cornered animal on the brink of running away, like I

was a child who he had to explain things to carefully for fear of a tantrum. Some would find it insulting

but I found it slightly endearing knowing that he was being careful and not imposing for my sake.

“Why do you flinch when I approach you?”

That was a relatively easy question for me to answer, “Because sometimes it looks like you’re about to

hit me.”

“Has someone hit you before?” I hesitated before nodding and I saw his nostrils flare in anger, “Who


“A lot of people,” I deliberately kept my answer vague, “I am an omega-,”

“Was,” he cut in and I looked at him in confusion. “You were an omega; you are to be Luna of this pack.

You are not an

omega any longer.”

I nodded hesitantly, “I was an omega and that is the normal hierarchy of the pack. The omegas are the

punching bags surely you understand that.”

“What else did they do to you?”

I hesitated before responding. I didn’t know how much he wanted to hear or how much I was allowed to

speak of. I didn’t want to seem like I was dumping all my problems on him.

As if he heard my thoughts he added, “I want to hear it all.”

I inhaled deeply and I told him everything- the summarized version of it. Without mentioning any names

I told him about the jobs I did and how I struggled to make ends meet. I told him about my time working

in the club and the restaurant and how the pack members took their anger and frustration out on me.

When I got to the part about Tyson, I stuttered and fell silent. I didn’t want to tell him how Tyson had

assaulted me in my room or what he had told the pack- I still had a little shred of dignity left so I

summarized by saying he rejected me and I left the pack.

When I was done, I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eyes. I didn’t want to see the disgust or the

anger or the disappointment. Surely by now he would realize that he wasn’t given a fair bargain in this

mate exchange. He is one of the most powerful- if not the most powerful Alpha ever and here I am; a

lowly damaged omega.

“Camilla,” his voice broke slightly as he said my name, “Look at me.”

I slowly lifted my eyes to his and was shocked to see his eyes swirling with anger and sympathy. I

slowly let out an exhale grateful that he didn’t look at me with pity. I can take his anger but not his pity.

“What you went through was horrible and no one should ever have to go through that,” he said softly,

“You do not have to fear me or my pack. No one will ever dream of hurting you like that. You are no

one’s slave here.”

“What if I was?” I could tell my question confused him so I explained, “What if I wasn’t your mate? If I

was an omega would it still be the same?”

“We don’t hit our omegas Camilla,” I didn’t believe him and he knew it, “You can ask Eve or anyone

else. They are treated like every other member of the pack. They have pack links and are allowed in


“Then why do you refer to them as omegas?”

“Because they don’t hold corporate jobs,” he explained, “here, omegas simply refer to the people who

work in the pack house and take care of it. That includes the cooks, the cleaners, gardeners,

everything. They are not treated differently because of the nature of their work.”

He knew I still didn’t believe him so he stood to his feet and stretched out his hand to me, “Come; I’ll

show you.”

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I hesitantly took his hand and let him lead me down the stairs and into the carriage. He placed his hand

on my waist to lift me into the carriage and I felt the skin under his fingers heat. My cheeks flushed pink

but I kept my gaze directed outside the window so he wouldn’t see it.

The drive to the pack house felt extremely long- longer than usual. When we arrived, he helped me out

the same way again and I cursed my cheeks for turning pink when he touched me. it was when my feet

hit the grass that I realized I was still in my frilly pajamas and my cheeks heated once more as I paused

mid stride.

“Are you alright?” Ryker asked and I nodded, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m wearing pajamas,” I whispered, “Everyone else is so formally dressed and I am in pajamas.”

“No one will bat an eyelid,” he assured me then tugged on my arm slightly, “Come.”

I knew there was no other option so I followed him. People looked at me but no one stared for longer

than a few seconds and I wondered if it had to do with the fact that they didn’t care or the death glare

that Ryker sent anyone who looked.

for longer than was deemed appropriate.

He led me towards the back of the palace and towards a set of massive oak doors. He pushed it open

and all my senses were attacked at once.

There were more people than I could count in the large space. It looked like a living room of sorts with

massive couches and a huge fireplace. There was a huge chandelier in the centre of the ceiling and on

the large coffee table were snacks of all kinds. People were deep in conversation with themselves but

the moment they saw Ryker and I, the chatter reduced.

“Do not stop on my account, I am simply giving my mate a tour of the pack house.”

There was a chorus of greeting and once again I flushed pink as they all referred to me as their Luna.

Once they greeted, they all went back to their conversations and pretended like we weren’t there.

“This is the omega quarter.” Ryker whispered to me, “Look at them and tell me that you believe they

are being hurt here.”

I opened my mouth but words wouldn’t come out. They looked happy and carefree and without a care

in the world. I thought back to my time at Tyson’s pack and scoffed to myself at how vastly different

things would have been if he were to walk into the quarters.

“You’re safe here Camilla,” he said, “No one will hurt you here, Luna or not.”