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The President's Secret Wife by Josephine

Chapter 39
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Chapter 039 Grandpa granted them to divorce
Barret nodded. “Okay.” His voice, calm as usual, as if not a little reluctant. “What about papers? And have you explained to the
grandpa?” Jenny nodded, “I’ll talk to grandpa later. He’ll give it to me. Would you like to come with me?” “Well, Let’s go together.”
After breakfast, they each packed their things and got in the car to drive to the Smith’s house. Moore and Kay were happy to see
them, “Madam, grandpa was still talking about it these days. I didn’t expect you to come back so soon.” “Moore, where’s
grandpa?”” Grandpa is upstairs reading books.” Jenny went to the second floor with Barret. Outside the door, Jenny looked at
Barret. “I’ll go in first and talk to grandpa. After he agrees and I get the certificate, you may come in ” “OK.”
Jenny found the room very dark when she went in. The whole room was dark with the curtains tightly closed. The only light at the
head of the bed was on, revealing a weak light. Somehow, a bad feeling flashed in her heart. “Grandpa...grandpa, I’m Jenny, I’m
coming. ” Jenny didn’t hear a response after shouting several times. She didn’t find her grandpa lying on the bed until she came
to the bed. Grandpa was sleeping with his eyes closed. Jenny didn’t want to disturb him, so she turned around and left
silently, waiting for him to wake up outside. But as soon as she turned around, Grandpa Smith’s old voice rang out: “Girl, are you
here?” Jenny immediately turned to hold his hand and said, “It’s me, Grandpa, did you sleep well?” “These days, I’ve been
sleepy. Help me up and walk. It’s time to wake up.” “OK, grandpa.” When Mr. Smith got up, Jenny put on his coat and helped him

sit on the sofa next to him. Outside the window, it suddenly rained. The sound of drizzle and fallen leaves came into the house
through the window, which made people feel very stable. Jenny immediately turned off the bedside lamp and opened the curtain.
In an instant, the whole room became bright. Grandpa smiled and sighed, “The outside world is still good!” “Grandpa, when you
get well, no matter where you want to go, we will go with you.” “Well, that’s so good.” “Grandpa, let me make tea for you. What
kind of tea do you want?” “Longjing.” “OK.” Jenny looked at a set of tea making tools, making tea in an orderly manner. She tried
to be perfect in every step and every action. Actually, she knew nothing about making tea at first.
Barret taught her the skill of making tea hand in hand. It’s a pity that her technology of making tea was
still thousands of miles away. After making tea, Jenny handed one of the cups to old Smith and left one. for herself. Because of
the rain, the temperature dropped a lot. Jenny was holding a tea cup, the smoke was dazzling, and the heat was soon dispersed
by the wind. Soon, the temperature is most suitable for
drinking tea. “Grandpa, it’s time to drink it. Have a try.”
Grandpa took a sip and nodded with a smile: “Yes, the tea made by the girl suits grandpa’s appetite very much.” “Grandpa, in
fact, I know my tea making skill is average, but you have always spoiled me and.

always praised me.” Jenny smiled shyly. “It doesn’t matter. If I like it, they all have to like it.” “Grandpa, you are so overbearing.”
Jenny smiled brightly. But her heart was cold. It was true that grandpa loved her and liked her very much.
But what should we do? Barret was the exception. He didn’t love her. Up to now, she had no way to
continue deceiving herself. Suddenly, Jenny looked up and drank all the tea in one gulp. She felt so bitter. Actually, the tea was

not bitter, what bitter was her heart. “Girl, is something wrong? Talk to grandpa.” The old man sensed sensitively that something
was wrong with her. Jenny put down her tea cup. She sat on the floor and leaned her head against grandpa’s leg. Her soft voice
was like a kitten: “Grandpa, I want to ask you a question. Can you tell me the truth? I want to know the truth.” Grandpa’s
eyebrows jumped, as if he had guessed something. “Girl, ask.” “Grandpa, was Barret really willing to
marry me?” As soon as she opened her mouth, her tears ran down uncontrollably: “Grandpa, Laura told me that Barret married
me to save her. Do you think she lied to me?”
Grandpa touched Jenny’s hair. He sighed deeply and said with his voice. “Jenny, it was really me who threatened Barret and
forced him to marry you.” “In the past two years, you two have been holding hands every time you go home. It seemed that you
love each other so much, but grandpa knows that you did it for me.” “During this time, grandpa has been thinking whether I really
made a mistake. If you don’t marry Barret, you may have a happier life. It’s grandpa’s selfishness that has harmed you!” Jenny
got up. She looked at grandpa and shook her head vigorously, “No, Grandpa, Jenny has never blamed you. I just want to know
the truth. I don’t want to live in a beautiful lie all the time.” “Grandpa, thank you. If it weren’t for you, maybe we wouldn’t have
married for the past two years. We wouldn’t eat together, ride together, sleep together and even have little chance to say a
“Two years are not long, but I’m satisfied. I’ve been able to accompany him day and night, along with him. for two years. Maybe
we are destined not to be together. Grandpa, I’m tired and I want to let go.” Although it was expected, grandpa was still very sad
when he heard this. “Jenny!” Grandpa’s slightly rough hand grabbed Jenny’s hand, “You really made the decision?” “Well.” Jenny
nodded. Then, she raised her head and gave grandpa a bright smile. She said firmly, “Yes, Grandpa, I’ve made my decision.
Instead of waiting with lingering thoughts, it’s better to let these two years become a beautiful memory. Although we can’t get old
together, I’m already very lucky to be his wife for two years and get along with my beloved day and night.” “Girl...” Grandpa was
so moved that tears almost flashed in his muddy eyes.