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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 298
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Zachary Fest was their rival. If they weren’t careful, he could ruin them very quickly. It was no wonder

that he was the Minister of Arms. He was quite resourceful.

“Relax, I’ve come bearing good news.”

“Good news?” Jacob was confused, but then thought about the book in his pocket.

Is he here for this?

“The Governor has decreed that since Draco Chamber of Commerce has contributed much to

Paramount, it will be exempted from paying any tax. Effective immediately.”

A hush went through the air. Everyone knew who Zachary was, so they also knew not to question his

words. They were just surprised, because Paramount would lose tens of billions in one year if they did

not collect tax for a year. It was too good to believe!

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Jerry Locker and Willow Milgrim exchanged a look. The delight in them was evident.

“Why?” Jacob was skeptical about such good news.

This was a realistic world; what goes around comes around. Why would the Governor of Paramount

give such an order?

“The Governor is displeased with the Mondez family. Do you understand now?”

“Yeah.” Jacob nodded. If that was the case, he understood the situation clearly. The grudge he had with

the Mondezs’ was no secret, and the Governor probably knew about it from way before.

“The Governor also appoints Jacob Lynch, head of the Scarlet Dragons, as Central Federation’s top

economic advisor. Effective immediately.” Jacob announced the second decree without giving Jacob

time to think about the benefits of the first.

These two decrees were very beneficial to the Scarlet Dragons. It would be hard for them to stay

stagnant with their power.

“So, you’re saying that the Governor wants to destroy the Mondez family, right?”

“That’s right, meaning you can do whatever you want now. No one will defend the Mondez family

anymore. But take note, don’t go overboard. It wasn’t easy building Paramount’s infrastructure.”

“Okay.” Jacob nodded his head, and then left in his car without another word to Zachary.

Zachary shook his head as he watched Jacob walk away arrogantly.

“I can’t believe you didn’t even say thanks after I brought you such good news.” He said though he

didn’t really mean it. He did not need him to say it out as Zachary could feel his gratitude with Jacob’s

change of attitude, and that was enough.

In the car, Jerry and Willow were discussing what the two decrees meant.

“Boss, this Governor, is not someone that is scared of losing his resources. I think he is probably

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hoping to use us to destroy the Mondezs’!”

“But, the exemption from paying tax is a big benefit to us. We cannot not accept the Governor’s

generosity.” Willow shook her head slightly. The Governor had dealt them a good hand. Draco

Chamber of Commerce had a lot of big businesses, so they could not ignore this offer.

Even though they kept analyzing what the Governor was doing, they could not come up with a clear

answer. In the end, they turned to look at Jacob.

“Let’s keep it since it benefits us.” Jacob said with a tilt of his lips.

“Humans battle against humans; and gods battle against gods.” Gerald Thornton said stoically, next to


“You’re such a violent man. Could you not deal with everything with violence?” Jerry dramatically

moaned as he clutched his forehead and put on a dejected expression.

“Continue the planning!” Jacob ordered, ignoring what Gerald said.