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The Mating Run by Leeka

Chapter 79
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In His Eyes: Normal Zeke's POV From that point on, everything seemed to blend together in a fuzzy haze.

We were startled by the deafening roar of the helicopters as they swooped down from the sky, cutting through the air with precision. Watching them land on the forest floor, a rush of apprehension and hope flooded over me, their blades sending clouds of dust and debris swirling into the air.

With a twinkle in her eyes, Alina’s face lit up with joyous anticipation.

“They're here,” Her voice escaped in an exclamation, a perfect blend of excitement and disbelief. When she turned to face me, | could feel the gentle touch of her fingers as they grazed mine. “We're getting out, Zeke.” | squeezed her hand tightly, feeling a surge of excitement rushing through me.

“Yeah.” Despite the helicopters descending from the sky, an unsettling sensation persisted within the depths of my being.

Led by people dressed in black suits, we were boarded onto the ship, our weary forms trembling with both exhaustion and anticipation. Given his status as the Alpha’s son, Victor received special treatment, with everyone escorting him and treating him with deference befitting his position. The sight stirred up a bitter feeling inside me, but | forced myself to disregard it, concentrating instead on the tantalizing possibility of liberation that awaited us.

Upon boarding the awaiting helicopters and bidding farewell to the forest that had held us captive, a complex mixture of emotions engulfed me. The thunderous noise of the engines overpowered every other sound, enveloping my ears with an overwhelming symphony that appeared to silence, my thoughts.

As we stepped inside, we were immediately embraced by a feeling of warmth and comfort, creating a sharp contrast to the cold and darkness that had engulfed us during our tin the forest. We were provided with sustenance in the form of food and water, which were greatly appreciated by our parched throats after enduring days of deprivation.

| observed Ettie and Alina snuggling up to each other, their bodies closely intertwined to seek both warmth and consolation. Their breathing was slow and steady, the rhythmic rise and fall of their chests a soothing lullaby amidst the chaos and uncertainty that surrounded us. | settled back in my seat, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash overlike a tidal wave. The events of the past few days have. had a profound effect on me, both physically and emotionally, and | wholeheartedly embraced the opportunity for rest that the helicopter provided.

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Outside, the scenery whizzed by in a blur of green and blue, the world rushing past in a dizzying whirlwind of motion and color. | observed silently as the scenery transformed before my eyes, with the recognizable features of the forest gradually receding into the distance as our altitude increased.

The lights of civilization, resembling twinkling stars in the night sky, were visible in the distance. However, despite my optimistic outlook for the future, a persistent sense of unease lingered in my thoughts. The path that lies ahead will be extensive and filled with peril, and the marks of our hardships will endure long after we have departed from the forest.

Startled awake, my heart thudded loudly in my chest as | struggled to adjust to the dimly lit helicopter cabin. The stiffness of my limbs was a stark reminder of the long and arduous journey we had undertaken, as my muscles protested when | shifted in my seat.

Beforestood a man in a black suit, his stern expression leaving no room for negotiation as he gestured forto calong. As | stumbled to my feet, my head spun with weariness, and | reluctantly followed him out of the helicopter, squinting against the blinding sunlight.

The intense brightness of the sun was overwhelming, causingto squint and wince as its harsh glare pierced through my eyelids. Shielding my face with my hand, | could feel the intense brightness of the light throbbing in my head, making it difficult to comprehend my surroundings.

And then it hitlike a sledgehammer to the chest we were back in Council Hall, the seat of the Alpha’s power and authority. The weight of our situation pressed down onlike a suffocating blanket as | realized the implications of our return, fillingwith a sickening sense of dread.

“Please, follow me.” One by one, we were led towards the nearby white tents, their clean and sterile appearance immediately signaling that they were clinics. Entering the clinic, a wave of tension washed over me, twisting my gut like a restless serpent. The strong smell of disinfectant filled the room, mixing with the barely noticeable scent of unease that wafted through the air. My eyes frantically scanned the room, on high alert for any indication of peril, yet all that met my gaze were rows of vacant seats and murmurs that hung in the air.

Stepping into what looked like the examination room, | was taken aback by the absence of cameras or paparazzi, allowing us smuch-needed privacy. It was a relief, yet there was an underlying sense of unease.

“Your return is a secret for now,” The man in the suit explained, “A precautionary measure to avoid attracting unwanted attention.” Questions flooded my mind, racing at lightning speed, but he swiftly led us into separate examination rooms, with a medical professional assigned to each of us. Alina’s eyes met mine for a brief moment, and then she mustered a timid smile and waved goodbye.

Stepping into my own examination room, the sound of my footsteps echoed off the white tarp walls. | took a seat on the examination table, feeling the coolness against the back of my legs. Nervously, | balled my hands into fists, anticipating the doctor's arrival. The room was enveloped in a suffocating silence, disrupted only by intermittent beeps of medical equipment and faint murmurs of conversation seeping in from the adjacent rooms.

With a serious look on her face, the nurse entered the room and began assessing the extent of my injuries. With practiced efficiency, she gently but firmly examined the bruises and cuts that covered my body, her hands moving expertly.

“Looks like you took quite a beating out there,” The nurse's voice, laced with a mix of boredom and seriousness, was dryly remarked. “This won't heal as fast as it should.” “Yeah, | figured you'd say that,” | replied, my words laced with a bitter undertone. “But we're lucky to be alive.” “You're lucky indeed. We'll get you patched up in no time.” As she gently cleaned and bandaged my wounds, | becacutely aware of my own vulnerability. | could feel the weight of the past few days on my shoulders, my body aching and my energy depleted, as if every step | took was accompanied by a sharp reminder of the pain. Amidst the physical discomfort, there was an overwhelming feeling of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted off our shoulders.

Once the nurse was done tending to my injuries, she took a step back to evaluate her handiwork.

“There, all done,” Her smile was contagious as she spoke those words. “You should start feeling better soon.” My gratitude was whispered softly, while my mind continued to grapple with the chaotic events that had transpired earlier in the day. Exiting the examination room, | was immediately struck by the anxious expressions on Alina and Ettie’s faces as they waited in the hallway. | could see the worry etched on their faces, a reflection of the inner turmoil | was experiencing.

“Are you okay?” Filled with concern, Alina asked, her voice trembling.

“Yeah, I'll be fine,” | replied, my voice tinged with a forced cheerfulness as | attempted to hide my true feelings.

The worry on her face disappeared only when | did. “Just glad to be out of there.” Ettie nodded in agreement, her face reflecting a solemn mood.

“It was a close call.” Approaching the nearest man in a black suit, | asked, my voice filled with curiosity.

“Where's Victor?” Ignoringcompletely, the man’s gaze remained fixed on sdistant point in the room. | wasn't really in the mood to be ignored, especially by one of the Alpha’s goons who brushedoff like an insignificant speck. Just as anger started to consme, Alina’s frustrated voice cut through the tension as she stepped forward.

“Where's Victor?” Her demand was laced with desperation, her tone on the edge. “We asked you a question, Sir.” Hesitation flickered across the man’s face as he lifted his finger to his earpiece, preparing to speak. | strained to catch his words, but they cout as garbled whispers, making it impossible to decipher. As | waited for his response, a heavy blanket of dread settled over me, suffocating and paralyzing. Finally, he turned to us, his face a mask of inscrutability.

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“Follow me.” He said with a sharp tone, motioning for us to follow him.

Before falling into step behind the man in the black suit, | exchanged a concerned look with Alina and Ettie, unsure of what awaited us. As we made our way through the clinic, the tension hung in the air, suffocating and palpable.

The closer we got to the holding area, the more | felt an unsettling unease settle in the pit of my stomach.

Curiosity consumed us as we pondered what awaited on the other side of those doors. And where was Victor? His absence created an eerie silence that hung in the air. Revealing a dimly lit room filled with rows of chairs and a handful of other individuals, the man opened the door to the holding area.

But there was no trace or hint of Victor's presence.

“Where's Victor?” The man’s nonchalant shrug was like a slap in the face, intensifying the feeling of anger.

“He’s not here,” He replied, his tone brimming with indifference. “Please sit down.” As | stood there, my mind was filled with a whirlwind of thoughts, desperately trying to piece together clues about Victor's location. Despite my lack of fondness for the guy, his absence in this dire situation created an unsettling atmosphere. The Alpha, who happened to be Victor's father, had a reputation for being both terrifying and devoid of compassion. Those who crossed him faced dire consequences, as he ruled with an iron fist that left no room for mercy.

The feeling of unease settled overlike a heavy shroud, making it impossible to shake. While Victor was indeed his son, the Alpha’s unwavering focus on loyalty overshadowed any familial bond they shared. There was no predicting the Alpha’s response if Victor had caused a disturbance with his latest stunt.

| tried to ignore the persistent feeling of unease that clung to my thoughts, diverting my attention to the task in front of me. | cast my gaze around the room, searching for any sign of Victor or more of the Alpha’s guards.

Apart from the orderly rows of chairs, the room was completely empty, save for a small group of individuals who sat silently, their faces displaying signs of exhaustion and tension.

As the door to the holding room creaks open, the scent of old wood and musty air wafts in, mingling with the tension in the room. A shiver runs down my spine as soon as she enters the room, causingto tense up. With purpose, she strides towards me, her gaze slicing throughlike a sharp blade.

“Zeke,” she says, her voice cold and commanding. “You're coming with me.” A knot forms in the pit of my stomach as | lock eyes with her, her gaze unwavering and intense.

“Why?” As she speaks, a cold shiver courses through my veins, and a feeling of impending doom descends upon me. As | turn my head, | see Alina and Ettie looking at me, their expressions reflecting their worry. Alina’s hand finds mine and stays there, offering a comforting squeeze. Yet, as my gaze falls upon the woman once more, her lips curl into a sinister smile that fills the air with an eerie silence.

“The Alpha wants to see you.”