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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91

“Whoa, really?”

“Ellinor, you’re a lifesaver

“Ellinor, you’re such a big spender1”

Ellinor’s eyes were wide as saucers, a mix of shock and annoyance as she stared at Theo.

Holy moly! Who said anything about footing the bill? It’s a given in any class reunion that everyone paid

their way! There were over a hundred classmates here eating and drinking Did he have any idea how

much that would cost?

Seeing her scrunched up face. Theo’s lips curved up. He pulled back his hand that had been resting on

her head, shoved his hand into his pocket, and sauntered out the door with grace

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After Theo left, the classmates started to admire the generous Ellinor. The girls huddled around her,

asking about the handsome parent, and Ellinor casually dismissed


On the other hand, the boys, didn’t dare to approach her. After all, her rich parent was in the next room.

They didn’t have the guts to face him.

Once she managed to wriggle her way out of the girl’s questions, Ellinor sat down huffily, took out her

phone and texted Theo: “Do you have any idea how unreasonable you’re being?”

About half a minute later, Theo responded calmly. “What did I do?”

Ellinor gritted her teeth, “What was that all about? It was totally out of the blue!”

After a moment, Theo replied “Just taking some precautions to ensure no one gets any ideas. Wouldn’t

want to end up a cuckold.”

Ellinor immediately sent back an eye–rolling emoji!

Meanwhile, in the other room

Theo, looking down at his phone at the emoji sent by the girl, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. Then his

slender fingers quickly typed a reply: “What’s up?”

The emoji was a gif of a chubby little girl stomping her foot and pouting, with the caption: “I hate you!”

It was a pretty accurate depiction of her current mood.

“Theo, what’s so funny? What could possibly make the usually serious Mr Blanchet crack a smile?”

Jonah teased, leaning over to take a peek at his phone.

Theo calmly locked his phone and looked up at him, “Did I laugh?”

Jonah nodded, “Yeah, you did! Ask Kemp if you don’t believe me!”

Theo’s eyes darkened as he turned to Kemp

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Kemp took a sip of his drink, staying out of it. He gestured towards a table in the corner, “Fancy a game

of poker?”

Jonah grinned, “Sounds good. It’s been a while. But we only have three players?”

“Haillie and Byran will be here soon.”


Seeing all the attention on Ellinor, Yvette, also a beauty from Creston University, felt like her limelight

was stolen and she was unhappy about it.

Jealously watching Ellinor, she thought for a moment, then picked up her guitar case with a sneaky

smile and walked over to her.

Yvette came up to Ellinor with a friendly, radiant smile and said. “Ellinor, I heard you’re pretty good at

guitar. Today’s our graduation celebration and farewell day. I plan to perform a song I wrote myself for

our classmates Would you like to accompany me on the guitar?”
