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The Killer Queen by Noella Briony

Chapter 283
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Chapter 283 Malvina's frown was so deep, it looked like it could trap a mosquito. She took a big step back, trying to escape this mess, only to find her path blocked by a hand propped against the wall above her head.

"Miss, won't you givea chance?" The scent of disinfectant grew stronger, and the mummy's hand was grasped by a doctor in a white coat.

"Still running about with all those bandages, huh? Get back on the bed!" Seeing the doctor, the man who was oozing charm just seconds ago quickly straightened up and left, glancing back every few steps.

Wearing a mask and a white coat, Ulrich tapped Malvina's head with the back of his hand.

"Ms. Gruber, do you not know how to dodge a flirt anymore?" "I'm out of energy." Just coming off a boxing ring and still finding the strength to seek Ulrich for treating her wounds was commendable! "Back in the ring again? Why do you insist on learning boxing?" Though he said that, Ulrich bent down, scooped up Malvina, and walked into a trauma room.

Feeling suddenly weightless, Malvina blinked. “Dr. Schnabel, this is a hospital!" With people bustling everywhere in the hospital, him carrying her like this could stir rumors if seen by the wrong eyes! G Ulrich remained unfazed. "What, you planning to make a scene? No offense, Ms. Gruber, but if you're looking for a boyfriend, you might want to wait until the bandages coff to see what's underneath.” After checking her in, Ulrich put away his tools.

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"I'll have someone handle your payment. Wait here, a nurse will cto treat your wounds." "I can handle the payment myself! No need to trouble your assistant!" Malvina tried to sit up but was promptly pushed back down by Ulrich.

Ulrich gave Malvina an annoyed look. "What assistant? My assistant's off today. When I said I'd find someone, I meant me! Rest up." Luckily, the emergency department wasn't too busy today; most patients suffered from the flu, and none required his expertise in surgery.

As Ulrich left and closed the door behind him, a sense of isolation settled over Malvina, disconnecting her from everything outside.

Malvina lay on the bed, the sound of her heartbeat echoing loudly and irregularly in the room.

Ulrich was kind to her, but so was everyone from the Schnabel family.

Malvina glanced at the burn scars still visible on her arm. She had secretly consulted several renowned plastic surgeons, all of whom said her burns were beyond repair.

1/3 10:18 Chapter 283 Ulrich, being so capable and kind, surely couldn't be with someone who had nothing like her, right? Besides, Ulrich's kindness was probably because she was friends with Noella! A nurse pushing a cart cin to treat Malvina's wounds.

"You're Dr. Schnabel's friend, right?" "Sort of. I'm friends with his sister." Malvina braced for the nurse's scrutinizing gaze, knowing Ulrich carrying her to the exam room must've been seen! "So, you're Ms. Schnabel's friend? No wonder Dr. Schnabel was so insistent on havingbandage you.” The nurse's tone carried a hint of playfulness, and Malvina only noticed the badge on her chest when she looked up- it read "Head Nurse".

"Dr. Schnabel mentioned your fear of pain, but rest assured, my hands are steady. It's unusual to see him so attentive to a young lady." Maybe it was the steadiness of the head nurse's hands or the playfulness Malvina sensed from her, but as she realized there was no ill intent, Malvina found the courage to speak up.

"Is Dr. Schnabel... popular?" "Popular? He has to clear out his Whatcontacts yearly! They are mostly female doctors, nurses, and pharmaceutical reps he meets at conferences." Ulrich's handsface, impressive resume, and undeniable family background attracted many females.

"One patient even groped Dr. Schnabel during rounds, claiming he harassed her. There are plenty of stories like that. Dr. Schnabel's practically welded his mask to his face. Once, an old lady insisted on marrying him for the third time!" Malvina's mouth hung open.

"Has Dr. Schnabel ever thought about switching hospitals?" With his skills and background, he could easily serve a more upscale hospital.

The head nurse, while wrapping Malvina's wounds, chuckled. "Dr. Schnabel and Professor Calvin are both driven by their professional aspirations. If they were afraid of such encounters, they wouldn't be in clinical practice." Malvina nodded, somewhat understanding. "Has Dr. Schnabel ever been in a relationship?" The head nurse gave a meaningful look towards the shadow behind the curtain, "Maybe you should ask Dr. Schnabel yourself." As the curtain was drawn, Ulrich leaned against the door, his gaze coldly settling on Malvina, his brow slightly furrowed as if wondering if she also took a hit to the head.

The head nurse smiled. "Dr. Schnabel, is this your girlfriend? Young lady, Dr. Schnabel is quite a catch. He's our top performer every year, never lost a case!" As the nurse left, Malvina rushed, “Dr. Schnabel, aren't you going to clarify?" Ulrich walked to the window and opened the curtains, breathing in the fresh air.

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10:18 Chapter 283 "Clarify what? I am indeed the annual top performer, and I've never lost a case." "No, I mean..." Malvina found herself at a loss for words! Was that what she wanted him to clarify? Obviously, it was the first part! Or was it that the Schnabel family was this oblivious? Seeing Ulrich's indifferent demeanor, Malvina wondered if she was overthinking.

Malvina shook her head lightly, a wry smile on her lips. "Forget it, let the head nurse think whatever she m wants. With all those people buzzing around you, it's probably not a bad thing for her to think you're taken. I don't mind playing the role of your shield!" Ulrich's lips curved into a slight smile.

There was a knock on the door again. "Dr. Schnabel, we have an emergency surgery." "Right, I'm on it!" Ulrich turned to Malvina. "You rest here. I'll drive you hlater!" With the urgency of the surgery calling him, Ulrich hastened away, leaving Malvina alone in the room.

Not wanting to be a bother, Malvina decided to get out of bed and leave on her own.

As she stepped out, a familiar figure caught her eye. Limping, she hurried forward dang embraced Noella, who had just appeared in the hospital corridor. "Noella, darling! What brings you here?" "Malvina? Are you hurt again?" Malvina nodded pitifully. "Yeah, there's this new fighter. Sof the guys in the gang who don't likemuch setup to fight him."

Running the Shadow Dragon Society was no easy task, especially form someone as petite as Malvína. A few of the old timers in the gang never missed a chance to give her trouble.

"The new fighter? I've got it." Noella nodded slightly, keeping tabs on everyone who showed up in the underground fighting scene.

It seemed the Shadow Dragon Society had deliberately brought in someone to trouble Malvina! 3/3 X