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The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage by Chu

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30

Trevor asked, “Should we call up our brothers, Mr. Lawrence?”

Frank frowned, his gaze murderous.

Still, he said, “No, it’s fine. I’ll head to Skymex Club right now–I’m massacring them if they

hurt Helen.”

And with that, he hung up and strode off, knocking the suite’s huge doors open with a slap

of his palm.

A formless spiral was revolving around him, the monumental force within barely


As Helen alighted at Skymex Club, the goons waiting outside who were told beforehand

promptly led her to the office upstairs when they saw her.

She entered to see Leo standing before the glass wall.

With his six–foot frame, rotund stature, and the deep knife scar on his face that ran from

his scalp to his lips, his very presence would send chills down anyone’s spine.

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Robin was nearby, sitting on a wheelchair and staring at her fixedly.

Leo then turned, leveling his icy glare at her. “So, you’re Helen.”

Helen promptly bowed her head. “I’m sorry for what happened today, Mr. Grayson. I


“Do you think that would fly?” He snorted.

Helen sweated buckets from her forehead, and reached into her pouch with trembling

fingers, taking out a stack of documents and several debit cards. “I understand we’re at

fault–here’s fifty million dollars. Please just spare Frank’s life.”

Leo simply slapped everything off her hands and grabbed her by the collar, “My son is

confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life! Do you think fifty million dollars will cut


Robin yelled shrilly in turn, “I want her to be my little b*tch, Dad! I want her to serve me

on her knees forever!”

Helen gritted her teeth and tried her best to stay calm. “What do you want, Mr. Grayson?”

“Didn’t you hear my son?” Leo growled coolly. “You’ll be atoning for life by serving my son.


Robin’s face contorted into a sickly smile right then. “Hahaha! You’ll wish you were dead,


Helen scowled at him, but said, “Mr. Grayson, just name your price. You can take

everything I have, but I will not serve your son for life.”


Leo slapped her across the face right then and barked, “You have no grounds to argue! If

you don’t want to be my son’s b*tch, I’ll dump you at the club right now and let every man

have their way with you! All of Riverton would watch you slut yourself!”

There was blood on Helen’s lips, but she stubbornly shook her head, still intent on fighting

to the

bitter end.

Leo simply ignored that and slapped her again. “On your knees!”

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This time, Helen was left dazed.

However, she did not kneel, so Leo kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying over ten

feet, slamming into a wall.

Seeing that she passed out, Robin, who already had a knife brandished, cursed unhappily,

“What a bore! That slut can’t even take a punch… Go strip her naked! I’m going to make

her suffer!”

Robin’s shattered spine meant he felt nothing at all from the waist–down. However, even if

he no longer could enjoy the pleasure of women, he had plenty of sick ways to torment


Two of his goons shuddered at the thought of what was to come even as they watched him

brandish his knife. 1

Still, just as they reached out to strip Helen, a loud bang thundered as someone kicked

down the door. Wooden splinters shot through the air while dust swirled as a figure slowly

made his

way inside!
