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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 2
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“I am not going to lie to you Ms. Whitmore, we do not think you are the right candidate for this job. This

is an extremely competitive position and there are simply more qualified candidates. And prettier too”

said the lady manager.

Right! Says the woman with a too tight black pencil skirt, opened w h i t e silk blouse showing off her

extremely fake b o o b s in her clashing black push-up bra. Her hair was over hair sprayed and fizzed. It

looked like a bird using it for its pooping grounds. Way too much makeup almost as if she was

auditioning for RuPaul’s Drag Race.

Clearly she was the skank looking a little desperate for attention from her superiors.

“Okay,” I said dramatically. “Thank you for your time. Good luck in at the w h o r e house tonight,” I

added as I walked out of the conference room with my head held high.

Who needs to work at this big a s s corporation anyway with these fake wannabe Barbies and spoiled

arrogant men…oh wait…I do.

The salary, the experience, the chance to work real hours behind a desk… but how in the h e l l can

you gain experience if you aren’t given the opportunity? I swear these companies always want preppy

20-year-olds with 30 years of specified experience. Like come on people! No one wants to take the

time to train someone. Ever think that is why your turnover rate is so high?!? You can’t command

loyalty if you don’t take the time to train your workers.


But here I am, standing at the b r a s s elevator doors waiting for them to open and swallow me and

take me back down to the ground floor of total despair of the real world.

The reception desk phone is ringing loudly while the prissy little girl behind the desk openly flirts with

the male standing by the counter checking some papers. Her giggle is obnoxious. Her high-pitched

squeal makes me want to cringe but alas I just roll my eyes and begin to notice the intricate wood

design plastered on the walls around the elevator.

So long a s s h a t s. Who needs DuPont Enterprises anyway? And who the heck does “Charlie

DuPont” think he is. He doesn’t know what he is missing.

Ding! Saved by the bell from my own degrading rant.

I enter the sleek black interior and hit the “L” button. The quaint tinkling piano music serenading the

silence as I begin the descent from the 82nd floor.

As the elevator doors open up at the bottom, I walk out to the left and hand my visitor key card to the

security guard at the front and mutter my thanks with a small smile.

Suddenly a b u z z starts up from my dark purple Prada bag hanging in my right arm. The one

expensive article of clothing I own. It was my 20th birthday present to myself. I worked double shifts at

the restaurant I worked at for 4 months to pay for it. It’s my prized possession and I’m so in love with it.

B u z z. B u z z. Ugh, what now! I pull out my phone with my baby pink case with rhinestones on it and

look at the screen. 9 texts messages from Britney! I start reading as I walk outside. Oh boy! This girl is

my best friend, but she is something else!

*Brianna: yo gurl where u at?

Brianna: hows Barbie town??? Spot any ken dolls u want take home & play with?

Brianna: u got the job?

Brianna: h e l l oooooooo

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Brianna: ima goin potty. Call me im bored

Brianna: letz me know win u free

Brianna: letz go to da club dis wknd. I want to PARTAY

Brianna: c u at wrk*

Oof! Did I just seriously hit a wall? Damn it.

Wait a second.

I shake my head and I realize that the brick wall is not a wall but a man. A very tall man. I quickly lift my

head and must literally strain my neck all the way to look at him. Me and my silly 5’3 height.

“I-I’m sorry, s-sir” I stutter out.

Oh my fricken goodness! How can the world be so cruel in creating the most delicious looking

ambrosia that is this man.

He is not a man, no! He is a god. I am unable to move. Am I breathing? Must be, I have a pulse…

those beautiful hazel eyes like warmed brown sugar and butter. If I die right now, please let him be my

angel! His sharp cheek bones strike out against his clean-shaven face, plump pink l*ps that look oh so

k*ssable, round nose and the most luscious looking auburn hair. A simple professional cut with a little

extra on top that you just want to run your hands through. Easily 6’3 and wearing a perfectly fitted

Armani blue suit with a gold silk tie. Muscles bulging and broad shoulders. Hmmm yummy! What am I

saying? Stop drooling Aurora.

“No problem sweetheart” said the man. A sly smile crossed his face. Oh goodness that voice! So

smooth and deep like velvet caressing my skin! I think I just wet my panties a little.

Out of your league Aurora!

“Um ok. Not your sweetheart but yeah…sorry again” I mumble and quickly sidestep while taking a

piece of my hair that fell in front of my face and put it behind my ear, hoping he doesn’t see the blush

on my face. I can feel the heat traveling all the way to my chest.

I have like an hour before I have to get to the restaurant.

Back to the real world. Damn.


Charlie POV

“Where is my money?!” Jason calmly asked this filthy rat we have strung up by his wrists in the


One thing about Jason is that when he is calm is when you should fear him the most. He is one of the

most sadistic bastards I have ever met. He’s my best friend. He doesn’t take shit from anyone. None of

us do.

It’s always been the four of us: Jason, Ben, Kai and me, Charlie. We grew up together since diapers.

Our moms were in the same yoga class, and we all lived next to each other.

In school, Jason was always the leader. He protected us from being punching bags by the bigger kids

and always encouraged us to study hard. Once we got older, we bulked up. We learned how to fight,

and we all fought together. We became punchers not the punching bags.

We are brothers by the blood we have spilled. More than brothers. I love them and would die for them.

We built our empire from nothing. Jason was always the brains. Ben is the tech guru. Kai is like our

trained a s s a s s i n. He is one sick f u c k e r. I love him!

We started small, Jason and I. We sold drugs in high school and quickly expanded once Ben and Kai

finished school after us. We grew it fast and now we are untouchable.

We have contacts in every major country. Everyone is scared of us.

Jason built our Mafia, and I built DuPont Enterprises. It helps us launder our money. We also own

many hotels, restaurants, clubs and office buildings around the world and several personal homes too.

We built an empire, and we share everything. Even our women. It’s just always been like that.

Jason nods to Henry, our resident torturer. ZAAAAAP! Cattle prod right to the family jewels. A loud

scream echoes the d i r t y, Barry lit room. The f u c k e r whimpers, tears streaming down his face.

“Where. Is. My. Money?” Jason repeats. Each word full of a promise of pain. The r a t Sam cowers

back and visibly starts shaking. His face is covered in blood and one eye is already fully shut and

swollen. His clothes tattered. His b*dy is limp and contorted in odd angels. He is missing a few fingers

and some teeth… the fingers are now on the floor by his feet. His b*dy and clothes show burn marks

from the last 2 hours of beatings and electric shocks. It clearly is taking a toll on his b*dy.

“P-p-please boss. I-I-I h-h-had n-no ch-ch-choice. T-th-they would h-have k-killed y-you a-and m-m-my

family,” stuttered Sam.

Ha! Kill us? That’s really funny. I smirk and from where I’m standing off to the side I can see Jason

shake his head slightly and smile. He is thinking the same thing. Ben and Kai are in the shadows in the

back by the stairs quietly laughing.

“Is that so?” Jason asks. He pauses for a moment for dramatic effect. “You mean…this family?” And

Jason snaps his fingers. Instantly the door in the back opens and 3 guards walk inside dragging a lady

and two boys bound with zip ties and a gag in their m o u t h s. They struggle but it’s pointless. They

are harshly thrown down near Sam’s dangling feet just barely visible in the pool of light from the single

lightbulb in the ceiling.

Sam starts thrashing begging for us to let them go. Muted screams of his wife fill the air as she sees

her husband’s mutilated b*dy hanging in the air, his wrists raw. Her mascara runs down her face as

tears stain her cheeks. His sons keep their heads bowed in shame.

Jason sits in his chair, legs spread, arms crossed on his chest. His aura is dark and dominant. “You

made a grave mistake Sam. You told those Russian scum about my shipment and cost me 2 million.

You claim to have done it to protect your family and us…. But it is us who you should have protected

your family against!” Another whimpering plead from Sam before Henry puts a d i r t y gag in his m o u t


“Charlie,” Jason beckons.

“Yeah boss” I say. Even though he is my best friend, in this world he is king.

“What should we do with these i d i o t s?” Jason inquires.

“Hmmm” I ponder ” The boys look strong. With proper training they could be valuable additions to the

company. They are what? 16, 17? Kai can train them as guards. Corrupt them.

The woman can work for us too… send to a house or one of the clubs.”

My phone b u z z e s. I checked the message. Shit!

“J, I got to go soon. I have a meeting at the office. Those Wetzler f u c k e r s are trying to get us to

sponsor another one of their construction projects again.”

“Hmmm” Jason adds “I should have killed Yousef the first time. Sadly, some of their projects work out in

our favor so we need them… especially for the next eastern shipment. You go and handle it… that’s

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

your cup of tea. Ben! Call Caleb and get his team to set up training for these…hooligans. Make sure

they know who they work for.” He gestures to the woman and kids on the ground. Then he pulls out his

gun behind his back and shoots Sam between the eyes. Clearly he is fed up with him.

He points to the guards standing on the wall. “And feed him to fish! Clean this mess up!”

Jason and I leave the room with Ben and Kai on our heels. We enter the office. Jason goes straight to

liquor cabinet and fills his glass, 2 fingers with scotch.

“Sarah has been texting again. I thought we dumped the b i t c h. She was a good f u c k, but I just

don’t like her” Kai says matter-of-factly.

“Yeah. You’re right” Ben adds.

“Handle it. Make sure she knows it’s over.” Jason commands.

“Ugh. I just wish we could find the one you know. I’m tired of all these fake skanks. They either want to

just bang us to brag or want our money. I want a challenge. I want our forever princess.” Kai says.

We all nod in agreement.

“I got to get going. I’ll see you at home tonight” I say. I grabbed my blazer that was hanging off the

green leather chair and headed out to the car. Bill my personal driver is waiting and opens the door,

head down bowing in respect. He shuts the door when I am seated and gets in the driver’s seat as Rob

my guard gets in the passenger seat and off we go back through the woods and on the country road

and soon we can see the buildings of downtown inching closer to the horizon.

I’m busy checking emails when the car stops. I messaged my assistant to have the contracts ready in

the conference room.

A breath later and my door opens up. I start walking to my skyscraper. One of the many buildings we

own in this city.

I notice a pretty little brunette walking towards me, head down and on her phone. Before I can step out

of the way, BAM! She steps right into my chest.

“I-I’m sorry, s-sir” she stutters with her head still bowed down. That voice. It’s so angelic. My shaft

twitches instantly. A natural submissive.

She looks up and sweet gods of nectar. The most beautiful women I have ever seen. She takes my

breath away. Ambrosia. Simple. She is petite. A little chubby but in all the right places. Who wants to be

with a stick! I like my women a little full. We all do. More to love, in my opinion.

Her eyes are a mix of hazel and green. The colors dance like a waltz and sparkle like the stars. Her

hair cascades down to the middle of her back and a hint of red among her deep brown locks’ glistens in

the sunlight. She has a baby face fit for an angel. A smaller nose, rosy plump cheeks, heart shaped

l*ps, trimmed eyebrows and little makeup that brings out her beauty instead of the plaster the women

that pursue me put on. Her full breasts are covered modestly but a peak of cleavage sneaking out of

her V-neck blue button shirt. Her milky skin looks soft. Her hips look round and I just want to put my

hands all over her.

“No problem sweetheart” I say giving her a smile.

“Um ok. Not your sweetheart but yeah…sorry again” she says clearly flustered and quickly sidesteps

me and walks away. I noticed how she moved her hair behind her ear and saw the redness cross her

cheek. She blushed. Beautiful! Simply beautiful.

And Ooh feisty. I like a little fire. I know we all would love to tame that sweet a s s. And what a jerk! I

can’t help but watch as she starts walking down the street.

I will meet you again very soon angel. Yes, my little vixen, you will be seeing me very soon. I think you

could be what we have been looking for.

I want you. And I always get what I want. Wait till I tell the guys.