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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 87
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Chapter 87

Listening to Philip's scream felt as painful as having thorns all over your body. When Philip stopped talking, the atmosphere in the

ward became heavy. Just then, Juan, who had gone out, returned. He saw that everyone was present, including Philip. “How

dare you come here?” Juan grabbed Philip angrily by his collar. “Haven’t you done enough to Wynn? Why are you even here?”

Juan did not want to see someone as useless as Philip here.

If it were not for him wanting to show off, would Wynn be in the state she was in now? Philip shook free of Juan’s grasp and

glared at him, his eyes dark as he spoke, “Juan, what business do you have here? Wynn is my wife, you get out of here!” When

in front of his in-laws, Philip had no choice.

However, in front of Juan, he could never be vulnerable. “Shut up!” Charles spoke up at this point. He

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pointed toward the door as he bellowed at Philip,

“You’re the one who needs to get out!” Lynn watched in silence as she tapped on her phone, reporting

what was happening to her friends in the group chat. The corners of her lips were curled up in a

sarcastic smile. She also took a few photos sneakily and sent them to the group. The chat became

filled with sarcastic remarks for a short while. Being with such wimps was suffocating. Juan tugged on

the collar of his suit, his face full of ridicule and smugness as he said, “Philip Clarke, I despise you. If

you’re still a man, it’s time to end this today. As long as you divorce Wynn, I’ll take care of the expenses

required for Mila’s treatment, including the cost needed for subsequent treatments.” Juan was arrogant

and defiant. Standing in front of Philip, he had the confidence to be arrogant. Philip’s eyebrows locked

together tightly as his heart went cold. Juan Parker had really gone too far!

It was then that Wynn, who had been unconscious on the hospital bed, regained consciousness.

Everyone crowded around her concernedly.

However, Philip was excluded from the crowd. Every time he tried to get closer, Martha would glare at

him angrily. “Wynn, how are you feeling?

Tell me if there’s anywhere else you feel uncomfortable, I’ll call for the doctor.” Martha held on worriedly

to Wynn’s hand, her concern evident on her face. “Wynn, are you alright? Tell me if you need anything,

I’ll go buy it for you.” Juan seemed to be exceptionally concerned. Standing at the side, Lynn faked a

look of concern on her face. “Cousin, are you okay?” Wynn got up slowly and leaned against the bed,

looking dispirited and very weak.

The pain that tore through her abdomen made it difficult for her to speak.

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“Where’s Philip?” That was the first question that left Wynn’s mouth. “Why are you still talking about that loser?” Martha sulked as

she cursed. She could not believe how foolish her daughter was, asking for Philip the moment she woke up. It was so infuriating!

Wynn’s cheeks throbbed with pain, and her face became very pale as she spoke, “Where is he?” At this point, Martha could not

say anything else. Philip came forward and stood by the hospital bed under Martha’s scrutinizing gaze. “Mom, you guys head out

first. I have something I want to tell Philip,” Wynn said weakly. Martha did not want to agree, but looking at the expression on

Wynn’s face, she had no choice and could only relent. Before leaving, she gave Philip a fierce stare while saying in a warning

tone, “You’d better mention it to Wynn yourself. Otherwise, don’t blame me, your mother-in-law, for not keeping things civil with

you.” With that, the group left. Only Philip and Wynn were left in the ward. Philip sat nervously at the edge of the bed. He

hesitated, not knowing how to begin. Wynn glanced out the window into the night. It was a while before she spoke weakly, “Philip,

I’m sorry. You know how my parents’ tempers are. I hope you won’t blame them.” Philip nodded his head and chuckled before he

said, “Wynn, don’t say that. They’re my parents as well. Of course, I won’t blame them.” Glistening tears fell from the corners of

Wynn’s eyes. She sniffled and wiped her tears silently, looking as if she had made a big decision. Everything that happened

tonight was unforgettable for Wynn. Philip had changed. He became someone she could not see through. She turned her head,

her eyes red as she looked at the bewildered Philip. She said, “Philip, let’s get a divorce.”