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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85

Back at First Palace. Philip stood firmly under the pouring rain with two of his bodyguards by his side holding umbrellas over him,

his demeanor stern and threatening. Meanwhile, four men were left on the grass. One or two were on their knees while the rest

were crumpled on the ground. They had no clue that the person they were supposed to beat up was someone who was not to be

provoked. They were beyond terrified. “Who’s Tiger?” Philip finally asked. His tone was as cold as the devil’s, and one could not

help but cower at the harshness in his tone. “Tiger, Tiger Zander of Lord North Street,” one of them spat out as he continued

shaking with fear. A cold look flashed in Philip’s eyes. On the other hand, George who was standing behind Philip under the

umbrella let out a deep sigh as he pulled out his phone to call Theo. In the meantime. At Theo’s manor. It was the middle of the

night when he received a call from an anxious Tiger saying that something bad had happened. When he opened the door, he

was greeted by Tiger kneeling outside the door under the heavy rain. “Tiger, what are you doing here?”

Theo quickly rushed out to help him up. However, Tiger remained on his knees under the rain, showing no signs of moving. His

head was bowed low, and he was drenched from head to toe. “Theo, I’m sorry. I screwed up,”

Tiger yelled as he tightened his fists. After his henchmen were caught, he began asking around until he received terrible news.

The target he had asked his henchmen to go after was Mr. Clarke! At that instant, Tiger felt as if he had fallen into a bottomless

pit. What frightened him even more was that one of his henchmen had acted rashly and stabbed the woman who was

supposedly Mr. Clarke’s wife. He was as good as dead now! Tiger well understood how badly Theo feared Mr. Clarke too.

Although he was unsure of Mr. Clarke’s true background, the one thing he was certain of was that he was a dead man. Theo

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panicked and quickly asked, “What the hell happened? Come in and we’ll talk about it.” Theo had never felt this perturbed. His

instincts were telling him that something terribly bad must have happened. Otherwise, knowing Tiger’s temperament, there was

no way he would be kneeling in front of his door in the middle of the night pleading guilty. Tiger stayed still under the rainstorm as

he came clean about everything from the beginning to the end. Kick! Splash! Seething with rage, Theo kicked Tiger in the chest

and sent him falling into the puddles of water.

“You idiot! Why the f*ck would you do such a thing?! Why! Do you have a f*cking death wish! You

idiot!!!” Theo shrieked at Tiger under the rain, his chest filled with indescribable anger. He could not

believe what he had just heard. Tiger had asked his henchmen to teach Mr. Clarke a lesson and

accidentally stabbed Mr. Clarke’s woman while at it… Damn it! He had literally dug himself a grave!

“Theo! I’m sorry, I’ll bear all the consequences myself! Please spare my family! Theo, please tell Mr.

Clarke to spare my family!” Tiger stayed on his knees under the rain as he slammed his head harshly

on the ground, each kowtow a sharp blow on Theo’s chest.

Rumble! Rumble! With the thunderstorm raging on, perhaps God was furious as well. Theo was just

about to pick up his phone when it started ringing. The caller ID showed that it was Mr. Thomas calling.

Theo’s heart jolted as he quickly accepted the call. “Mr. Thomas, is there anything you need?” His tone

was respectful with a hint of fear. “Is Tiger with you now?”

It was a simple yes or no question, yet Theo hesitated for a long moment before replying, “Yes.” “Bring

him to First Palace in Longford Park immediately. Mr. Clarke would like to see him.” Click. The call

ended. Theo was stunned for a very long time before he finally recovered. “Let’s go, we have to see Mr.

Clarke now,” Theo said coldly as he started the car and sped toward Longford Park. About ten minutes

later, Theo arrived at First Palace along with Tiger who was soaking wet. The rain had gotten smaller

by then.

The second Tiger saw Mr. Clarke who was seated on the jade white marble bench, he immediately fell

on his knees and kowtowed. “Mr. Clarke, please spare my family. I’ll bear all the consequences!” Philip

stared blankly at Tiger who was kneeling on the ground before him. He had seen something similar not

long ago. The person before him was just a man. A man was bound to make mistakes at times. Philip

turned sideways to look at Theo who stood beside Tiger and asked coldly, “Theo, what would you do?”

Theo bowed courteously and lowered his head. “We shall deal with this on your terms, Mr. Clarke.”

Philip said nothing as he got up. He stepped in front of Tiger and looked down at him grimly. “Tiger, why

did you send your henchmen to teach me a lesson?” Tiger dared not hide anything and revealed

everything about Ruby. When Philip finished listening to his story, he clenched his fists tightly as a cold

gleam flashed in his eyes. Ruby Ford!

This woman certainly did not know when to give up! Philip stood quietly, seemingly deep in thought as

the silence pressed on everyone’s chest like a heavy stone. After a long while, he finally spoke, “You

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can go, but don’t you dare repeat the same mistake.” Tiger was utterly stunned for a moment.

He could not believe what he just heard. He swiftly recovered from the shock and kowtowed. “Thank

you, Mr. Clarke! Thank you so much!” Theo heaved a deep breath of relief. The load that had been

bearing on his mind was finally lifted. He bowed as well and said, “Mr. Clarke…” Before he could finish

his sentence, George sent him a stern glare and Theo quickly pulled Tiger away. When they were

gone, George asked, “Young Master, why did you decide to spare Tiger?” Philip replied, “I’m not a

person who enjoys the cruelty of fighting and killing. Tiger didn’t do it on purpose, so he doesn’t

deserve to die. Now that Wynn is short of a bodyguard, Tiger can take over and take this as an

opportunity to redeem himself.” George nodded his head slowly. After a long pause, he spoke again

while his hands trembled slightly, “Young Master, you’re back.” Philip cast him a side glance when he

heard George’s words. An indescribable look of disbelief flashed in his eyes as his brows furrowed. “I

don’t really like the me you’re talking about.”

At this moment, his phone rang. As soon as the call was connected, the angry voice of his mother-in-law, Martha, boomed

through the other end.

“Philip, where the hell did you go? Wynnie wants to see you, so get back to the hospital right now!” Click! With that, she ended

the call. His cold and chilly demeanor instantly vanished into thin air. All of a sudden, Philip returned to the man who had been

constantly humiliated and insulted for the past two to three years. He was just an average man. “Get me to the hospital,” Philip

said urgently. George could not help but shake his head helplessly. The young master he recognized seconds ago had

disappeared once again. After sending Philip to the hospital, George felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness as he watched

his anxious young master scramble down the car. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

“Old Master, I think it’s time to tell Young Master everything.”