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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 72
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Philip Clarke lifted his gaze and was met with a familiar face. That person was wearing an expression of mocking sarcasm.

“Weslie Warren?” Philip frowned. They had been classmates during their university days. In fact, they both fell for Wynn

Johnston, making them more of rivals to be exact.

However, Wynn had chosen to be with the talented Philip Clarke in the end.

In regards to that, Wesley still held grudges. He was not any less of a man than Philip was as far as he was concerned. Yet, why

did Wynn choose Philip over him? Not to mention, Philip did not have much going for him from what Wesley had heard. Philip’s

plan to start his own business failed and he now resorted to earning his keep through delivering food. His daughter was

diagnosed with Congenital Heart Defect, and his marriage with Wynn was no longer the way it used to be. The worse the turn

Philip Clarke’s life had taken, the more hatred Wesley felt in his heart. It was only normal for men to hold grudges when the love

of their university life was taken away. ‘Absolute piece of trash! How dare he make the woman I love suffer!’ “Holy sh*t! It f*cking

is you, my old classmate!” Wesley laughed heartily as he walked over. Patting Philip on the shoulder, he said, “It has been four

years since we last met! I hear you’ve changed jobs and started delivering food now? So, how much do you earn a month? Not

too bad a salary, I presume.” Wesley’s tone oozed with arrogant mocking. Philip furrowed his eyebrows and smiled. “It’s not too

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bad.” Wesley chuckled.

Knowing that Philip was trying his best not to look weak, he fetched out a shiny golden card and gave it to Philip as one would

give beggars change.

Proudly, he proclaimed, “If you ever want to come and eat, simply call my number. I’ll give you a

discount, seeing how we’re old classmates and all.”

Philip glanced calmly at the name on the golden business card before him.

Wesley Warren, Manager of Arc de Triumph. Indeed, one would find it hard to compare to Wesley’s

family background. It had only been three or four years since graduation, and he had already found

himself in the position of Arc de Triumph’s manager. Arc de Triumph Hotel was one of Riverdale’s

famous hotels. With chains all over the country, Arc de Triumph was a five-star hotel! Being its

manager evidently implied Wesley’s ability in the way he did things. The corner of Philip’s lips twitched

into a slight smile.

“Thanks.” Pride swarmed Wesley’s eyes as he smiled. “What’s there to thank me for? It’s not like you’ll

come here all the time. I’d say once a year at most, no? We’re old classmates, it’s only right if I get you

a discount. Not to mention, I hardly believe you’ll be able to afford the food here anyway with your

wage as a delivery boy. I’ve heard that you need money for your daughter’s sickness, and by aiding

you, I’d like to think I’m also helping Wynn.” Wesley made sure to put extra emphasis on his daughter’s

sickness and Wynn Johnston when he spoke. Suddenly, a thought came to Wesley.

“Hey, I heard people say you’re getting a divorce with Wynn? Is it true?

Everyone envied your relationship back then. It has only been three years though, why the divorce?

“Oh, right! It was a shotgun wedding, wasn’t it? Good job, man. You got on the train before you even

paid for the ticket.”

Wesley said with a smile, his words dripping with a thick coat of sarcasm.

Philip replied calmly, “I don’t think there’s much of my divorce with Wynn that’s of your concern.”

Wesley did not take the hint, sighing. “Philip, I don’t want to say this, my dude. But what good is there

from delivering food? You were our idol back in university with your high spirits and all. I admired you

then, but what happened to you? How did you get like this?”

Philip squinted. Wesley was a cheap man. Sure, it might seem that they were reminiscing about the past, yet every word he

spoke was one of criticism and mocking jabs. Coupled with his arrogant and provocative expression, he held not even an ounce

of respect for Philip. “But that’s alright. I believe in you. Even though you’re merely delivering food right now, hard work is hard

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work, right? I’m sure you’ll get to deliver parcels soon. By the time your divorce with Wynn goes through, I’ll definitely chase her

again. I still miss her even after all these years.” Wesley shrugged. “Oh yeah. There’s a reunion party next month. You’ve got to

come, dude, and remember to bring Wynn too since you haven’t joined the last two years. Unless you’re afraid that the rest of us

old classmates will make fun of you?” Philip smiled.

“What are you trying to say?” “Nothing much. It's just that you know how humans are. When we see something pitiful, we can’t

help but sympathize.

Seeing your failure, I’ve found myself more at peace.” Wesley roared in laughter. What else could he be saying? He was laughing

at Philip! Every depressing and resigned thought in his mind disappeared instantly. Looking at Philip’s current state made

Wesley’s heart fill with glee. He stared at Philip, trying to find even a shred of embarrassment or shame in his expression.

However, all that met him was Philip’s same expression of calm.

Fine, keep pretending! Philip shrugged. “Do you think you’re f*cking cool, Wesley Warren? The road of life is a long one. What

makes you think I won’t end up at a higher spot than you in the future?” With that, Philip slid the gold card back into the pocket of

Wesley’s blazer and turned to leave.

Wesley did not like that. Despite how bad a turn his life had taken, Philip was still being arrogant. Back then in university, he was

indeed no match for Philip Clarke. As long as Philip was present, Wesley easily became the side character. Now with Philip’s life

taking a turn for the worse coupled with the large gap between both their statuses, Wesley felt an unparalleled sense of calm. He

wanted to mock Philip with all he had. He wanted to take back everything he lost back then. Including Wynn Johnston.