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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 68
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On the other end of the phone, a boorish male voice roared, “Which f*cker dared to offend you? Do they want to die?” “Tiger, you

have to stand up for me. Sob…” Ruby looked so pitiful when she cried. “Okay, stop crying. Tell me who that is and I’ll f*ck him up

for you!” On the other end of the phone, a heavily built man and a few of his men were eating at Jade Pavilion. It was none other

than Tiger. At that moment, he was shirtless. Tiger was a hot-tempered person, so he was extremely irritable. Ruby was his lover.

Anyone who crossed Ruby would be slapping Tiger across the face. He had to find that person! He had to make that person

know that no one could touch his woman. He did not care who that was! Half an hour later, Ruby and the girls came to Jade

Pavilion. Ruby still looked wretched at that moment. Although she redid her makeup, she also added some fake bruises on the

corner of her eyes and lips. When they saw each other, she was like a sticky carp. She slid coquettishly into Tiger’s arms. She

cried, “Tiger, look! He hit me until I became like this. You have to stand up for me!” Tiger saw the bruises on Ruby’s face and flew

into a blind rage. He slammed his hand down on the table, making all the wine glasses jump. The wine glasses then fell off the

table. He yelled, “F*ck! Who the f*ck is so unbridled? Did you not tell him that you’re my woman?” Tiger was livid. Whoever it

was, they ruined such a beautiful face. How could he not be mad? This was not about the slapping, but it was about honor. Ruby

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sobbed and said, “I told him, but he s-said…”

Ruby pretended to stammer from fear. Tiger frowned and roared, “What did he say? Tell me!” “He said,

‘Tiger who? He’s just a paper tiger. If he has the guts, tell him to come find me and I’ll remove his

teeth,’” Ruby said.

She had prepared the script while she was on her way here. She was making this all up. Her friends all

nodded and chimed in. “Yeah, Tiger. That guy was looking down on you.” “You have to get him! His

name is Philip Clarke.” “I know where they are. They went to Arc de Triumph Hotel.” The women were

chattering non-stop. Tiger’s chest was filled with rage and he had nowhere to release it. He got up and

kicked the chair he was sitting on.

Then, he roared, “F*ck! I, Tiger Zander, have been with Theo for seven to eight years and this is the

first time I’ve come across someone who looks down on me! Arc de Triumph Hotel, right? You lot, get

the boys. We’re going to riot! Get that blind fool back here for daddy!” Of course, Tiger did not know

who Philip was. Mr. Clarke? Tiger only knew Mr. Clarke as Mr. Clarke and not by his full name. Plus,

even if he knew that Mr. Clarke was Philip, there were so many Philip Clarkes in the world. A roar broke

out in the private room. Seven to eight men in the private room got up and barged out angrily. Tiger

would not go there personally. He would just make a fool out of himself if he did. Of course, he would

ask his men to take care of something as minor as this. Ruby could not hide the cold smirk on her face

when she saw Tiger being so furious. She mumbled in her heart, ‘Philip Clarke, you’re dead meat!’

‘How dare you cross me. I’ll pull out your nerves and skin you alive!’ Back to Wynn. When she got to

the office in the morning, she felt that something was off. It was as if everyone was looking at her and

mumbling softly about her. When chairman Derrick called for a meeting, Wynn knew for sure that

something big was happening. “Did you hear about that? Marketing department’s manager, Gavin

Zach, has been fired!” “What? Mr. Zach was fired? No way! He has been working here for so many

years. Why was he fired?” “You have no idea, right? I heard he offended someone important in

Celestial Club and was beaten half-dead on the spot. He’s still in the hospital. Plus, that person stated

that if anyone dares to hire Gavin, there will be only one result—they should just wait for their company

to go bankrupt.” “Dang! Who’s that? Why are they so ostentatious? Tell us!” Everyone in the office was

gossiping non-stop.

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Wynn heard most of it and was suspicious. At the same time, she believed that the only reason Philip could save her was

because of that important person. She was even more determined to know about that person. However, it was unfortunate that

no one knew about that mysterious person. Despite that, the more mysterious that person was, the more Wynn wanted to know.

Who could that be? Wynn was in her office. However, her head was somewhere else the entire day. After pondering for a long

while, she decided to call and ask Philip. “Hello, honey. What’s wrong?” A familiar voice sounded on the other side of the phone.

Wynn was hesitant. She bit her lip and asked, “Philip, I want to ask you about how you saved me from Celestial Club.” It was

difficult for her to put that into words. After all, she was almost raped by Rand Turner because she wanted to take on his

business. Wynn was still slightly traumatized from that. Philip and Agnes had arrived at Arc de Triumph Hotel. He felt that

something was amiss when Wynn asked him that. He decided to lie. “The boss of the club had some misunderstanding with

someone that day. So, I rushed in and saved you without even thinking.” “That’s all?” Wynn asked curiously. It was obvious that

she did not buy it. “What’s wrong? Do you not believe me?” Philip laughed and asked. Wynn frowned and said after pondering for

a moment, “Alright, I got it.” After she said that, she hung up the phone. She started at her documents and started to space out.

Even though that person had not come to save her, it was all thanks to him that she was saved. Who was that mysterious
