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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 48
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After Martha left, she went to the park to meet up with her friends. Upon meeting her friends, they started

asking about each other. When they came to the topic about their sons-in-law or daughters-in-law, everyone

became enthusiastic because their sons-in-law were doing well, and their daughters-in-law were filial. Only

Martha kept quiet while she smiled dryly. “Hey, Martha, how is your son-in-law, Philip, lately? I heard he’s

making deliveries.” A flamboyantly dressed middle-aged woman suddenly ruthlessly exposed Martha. Because

every time they met, they were sure to talk about Martha’s son-in-law. It had already become the norm. “Oh,

Martha, why is your son-in-law so terrible? Why don’t you get your daughter to divorce him as soon as

possible?” “That won’t do. If they divorced, it would be a second marriage if she remarries. No one would want

her. She even has extra baggage, men nowadays don’t like single mothers.”

“That’s true. Who would want to raise other people’s children?” The women’s comments were harsh.

On the surface, they seemed to be thinking of her daughter, but underneath, they were probably

enjoying her misfortune. Martha gritted her teeth in anger, feeling utterly embarrassed.

She forced out a smile and said, “I will definitely force my daughter to divorce that trash of a son-in-law!

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At most, I’ll just have to take care of her for the rest of my life.” Everyone noticed the dark expression

on Martha’s face, so they stopped talking about it and changed the subjects until they reached the

finance company. *** On the other hand, due to the live stream, Philip’s incident had gone viral.

However, in an instant, every media that reported this incident soon deleted their content. Even the

videos were gone.

It was like a rock that fell into the lake. It was unheard of again. Inside a beauty salon, Ruby Ford made

plans with a few of her friends for a spa treatment. Ten minutes earlier, her friend, Helen Bennett,

wearing a short white robe with her hair up in a towel and a mask on her face, strutted over and said,

“Girls, I found a really huge tycoon!” “What tycoon?” Ruby was lying on her back, enjoying the massage

services as she asked without even opening her eyes. “Three hundred million! This guy spent three

hundred million to acquire our city’s Prime Harvest Group!” Helen exclaimed, her eyes were filled with

envy and excitement. “You guys all know that rich young master, Leon Larson, right? It’s his company

that was bought over by this tycoon.” At the mention of three hundred million and Leon, the girls quickly

sat up and scrambled to take a look at Helen’s phone. It was only a short clip, and Helen had

downloaded it with much difficulty from a social media site. The video quality was blurry, and it was also

watermarked. “Isn’t this tycoon so awesome? That was the Young Master Larson from Prime Harvest

Group.” “Who’s that? Do you guys know him? Ask him out to meet us.” “I don’t know. He doesn’t seem

familiar.” The girls were all snatching the phone, trying to get a better look at the man’s face. Three

hundred million, how rich must he be! When Ruby saw the video, she frowned hard.

She felt that the silhouette in the video looked very familiar. Philip Clarke?

No, impossible! That guy was so broke he even borrowed money from Howard. Ruby did not think

much of it and continued to discuss the man who had just spent three hundred million. He was a father

too! How manly!

Back to Philip. Wynn was walking ahead of Philip with Mila in her arms while he followed behind. They kept

walking in silence until the gates of the housing area. Suddenly, Wynn stopped. Mila had already fallen asleep

in her arms. Wynn turned back to look at Philip and said, “That incident earlier today, thank you.” Earlier

today? Oh, that incident in Celestial Club. Philip said solemnly, “Wynn, you’re my wife. If anything happens

next time, you have to tell me in advance.” Wynn nodded in understanding.

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When she woke up from the hospital, she knew that it was Philip who had saved her. But she did not know

how he did it. She had planned to ask him tomorrow because she knew that Gavin and Jeffrey were not easy

to deal with. With just her husband’s status, he might not have been able to make it. So, Wynn though that

someone else must have helped him. Or perhaps, helped her. Could it be that person who had helped her

secure that one million dollar contract with Victory Pharmaceuticals back then? Just who exactly was he? The

whole night went on in silence. Early the next morning, Wynn went to work. Philip pretended to be packing up,

then he carried Mila, ready to go out. He had just taken one step out of the house when his mother-in-law

called. When he answered, from the other end came Martha’s exasperated voice, saying, “Philip, hurry over to

Rivercross Street in ten minutes!” Before he could ask for the reason, the call ended. What was the urgent

matter that made her sound so anxious? But Philip was already used to it. He looked at Mila and decided to

send her to the company to get Agnes to look after her for a bit. After that, he hastily hailed a cab from the

office to go to Rivercross Street. The moment he got out, he saw a large group of middle-aged men and

women surrounding the tightly closed doors of a finance company as they argued heatedly with a few men and

women in suits. “What were you doing? You’re late for five minutes! Growing cheek are you? Just blatantly

trying to disrespect your mother-in-law!” Philip had just reached when Martha came over haughtily and started

scolding him.