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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 45
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Leon’s mind was now like a roller-coaster, in complete chaos. My name is Leon Larson, and I am now in a

state of panic! There are thirty armored cash carriers outside the door, waiting in a line. Beside each car are

four SWAT officers carrying loaded guns. They’re all wearing black battle uniforms, black helmets, and carrying

black guns. Yes, it’s not the regular armored car escorts who carry rubber bullets. These are real bullets.

Because the sum was too huge, the bank has contacted the SWAT team urgently, and they have sent more

than a hundred SWAT officers over to escort the money.

This was all done in less than ten minutes. Philip calmly looked at Leon whose forehead was now covered in

sweat and said, “I called them here.”

Boom! Leon felt his mind explode. His hands kept shaking. He was from a wealthy family and knew full

well how terrifying a person is to send over so much cash in such a short time! His scalp felt prickly as

he experienced despair for the first time. However, he was reluctant to give in. “Impossible, there’s no

way! There’s no way that you’re the one who called them!” Leon could barely stand still. He took his

phone to call his father frantically. Find Dad, Dad can definitely solve this! However, before he even

spoke, furious yells flowed from the other end of the call, “Stupid brat, have you gone insane? Who did

you provoke?” Lewis was currently going mad with anger at the president’s office of his own company.

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Not too far from him stood an old man in a swallow-tail coat, holding a gold and black walking stick,

wearing a calm expression. George Thomas had personally come to Prime Harvest Group. After Lewis

roared a few more times into the phone, he ended the call and smiled flatteringly at George. “President

Thomas, I’m so sorry. My son has caused trouble. I will personally go and apologize to Master Clarke

now.” George shook his head. The tall female secretary beside him immediately handed Lewis a

corporate acquisition contract.

“Mr. Larson, our young master plans to acquire your business. This is the agreement with the buying

price of three hundred million. Please sign it,”

George said indifferently. His tone did not sound like it was a negotiation, but an order. Lewis’s heart

shuddered. Clenching his fists tight, he forced out a smile and asked, “President Thomas, do I need to?

Why don’t I personally apologize to Young Master Clarke?” This company was Lewis’s life. While it was

true that his company was worth three hundred million, but if he handed it away so suddenly, how

would Lewis ever keep his status in Riverdale City? He had a very ambitious goal, which was to enter

the national market. “Lewis Larson, this is not a negotiation. It’s my young master’s intention. Please

sign it.” George maintained an indifferent attitude. His eyes were narrowed with a barely visible glint.

Lewis’s back was drenched in a cold sweat. With gritted teeth, he held up the pen with much difficulty

as he signed his name on the agreement. Could he have refused to sign it? This man before him was

George Thomas, the wealthiest man in Riverdale, worth more than tens of billions! If his young master

wanted to acquire his company, how would he dare to refuse? If he ever dared to, what awaited him

would definitely be a devastating blow.

Moreover, his company’s growth was all thanks to President Thomas’s investment and support during

its early days. After signing his name, Lewis felt the energy leave his body all at once as he sat,

powerlessly onto the sofa. George smiled and said, “Lewis Larson, you really do have a clear view of

things. Now, please come with me.” Lewis nodded. The moment he stood up, it was like he had grown

ten years older. That shrewd spark seemed to have disappeared from his muddled eyes. He now

resented that good-for-nothing son of his. Back to Philip and Leon. After Leon’s father had admonished

him, he was dumbstruck, completely at a loss of what he should do next. The crowd of onlookers

outside was getting bigger and bigger as they chattered among themselves. The live room on his

phone was a hit. Its popularity had now crossed over millions! The screen was filled with popped up

comments like, ‘tycoon’, ‘awesome’, ‘god of fortune, please let me pray to you’ and etcetera. Thirty

armored cash carriers were such a spectacular display none of them had ever seen before in their

lives! “Leon, I’ve told you before that you have to apologize to my daughter today,” Philip said coldly.

“Now, I’m giving you a choice. Either you go outside now and apologize to my daughter in front of

everyone, or slap yourself ten times.”

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Hehehe! Leon laughed. It was a hysterical laugh. He was from a rich family.

He was the young master of Prime Harvest Group! Of course, he had his pride! “You want me to apologize to

that b*tch? Dream on! So what if you have money? It’s not like you can force me to sell the company!” Leon

gave a frightening smirk. He held the phone up, pointing the camera at Philip and said, “Everyone, take a good

look, this is him! If anything happens to me, make a police report on my behalf!” A police report? Bam! Philip

went over and kicked Leon hard in the stomach, making the boy fall flat on his face.

He then snatched the phone from Leon’s hand, stared straight at the camera, and adjusted the clarity, curving

his lips slightly. Philip said politely,

“Everyone in this live stream room, hello. My name is Philip Clarke, Mila Clarke’s father. My three-year-old

daughter had accidentally gotten cake on this young master of Prime Harvest Group, and he slapped her. As a

father, I can’t tolerate my daughter being bullied. So, I have decided to spend three hundred million dollars to

acquire Prime Harvest Group to make this young master here, who was looking down at my daughter and me,

apologize to my daughter.” It was only a simple statement, but that live room instantly went into a great uproar.

The man had actually spent three hundred million to buy a company! “Daddy, are you looking for another kid,

Daddy? I can be your son.” “Hey, the commenter above me, you’re my little brother, call me ‘Older Brother’!” In

an instant, the atmosphere of the live chat room changed, and everyone started attacking Leon while many

people cheered for Philip.