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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 157
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Chapter 157

This was Martha’s true self. She would reach out her hand and ask for money like it was the most natural thing to do. She was a

woman with no shame. Philip was dumbfounded. He did not know what to say, so he looked at Wynn instead. Wynn walked over

and said coldly, “Mom, what are you doing? Even if Philip has that money, we can’t give it to you. It’s for Mila’s treatment.” Wynn

knew Philip’s personality. He must be saying that he had one million bucks to deal with Martha. However, he did not expect his

mother-in-law to ask for the money. When Martha heard that, her face fell. She got up and started making a ruckus. “I never said

I won’t use it to treat Mila. I’m just gonna keep this money for you and you can ask for it from me when you want to use it.” Wynn

was furious. She would not give her the money no matter what. Martha did not even care about Mila. It would be hard to get the

money back from her when she got her hands on the money.

Martha turned her head to look at Philip when Wynn refused. She asked bossily, “Philip, I’m going to ask you one more time. Are

you giving this money to me for safekeeping or not?” It was clear that she was trying to debauch him. Philip had no choice. He

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took out the card that he had prepared way before this. After what happened at the bank, Philip prepared this card.

There was 900,000 bucks inside. Initially, he wanted to use this to deal with Wynn but who knew he

was going to hand it to Martha tonight. Smack!

Martha was quick. Before Wynn could reach out her hand, she snatched it over. She rolled her eyes

and said, “That’s more like it.” Then, she took the card happily and refused to let it out of her hand. She

turned around and sashayed back into her bedroom. She finally got out after a long while.

When she got out, Philip and Wynn had already left. “Where are they?”

Martha asked curiously. Her face was cold. Charles sighed helplessly and said, “You’ve chased them

away.” Martha pressed her lips together and murmured, “I only took one million from them. What? I

can’t take this money? This is for their best. If this money is with Philip, he might waste all of it.” Martha

looked down on Philip, so naturally she would not let him keep the money. “No, help me check where

George Thomas’ office is. I’ll go over tomorrow. Philip saved his life and he only gave him one million.

He’s so rich, so he should be giving him ten million,” Martha said. She had already formulated a plan.

She would not let this money tree walk away so easily. “Check for yourself. I don’t have time to indulge

you in your tomfoolery.” Charles had a headache. He removed his presbyopic glasses and went back

into his bedroom. “Charles Johnston, what do you mean? Am I being silly? I’m doing this for the family!

If you care about your daughter, you should ask her to divorce Philip!” Martha was throwing yet another

tantrum. She started shouting and making a scene. Wynn woke up pretty early today because she had

to represent her company to talk business with Turner's Second Hospital. The location of the meeting

was at the meeting room of Beacon Pharmaceutical. Wynn planned to visit Mila in the hospital after the

meeting. It had been two days since she saw Mila. It was worth mentioning that since last night, Wynn

could not get into contact with Juan anymore. She did not really care about this because she assumed

that Juan was busy. “Hello, Director Stanley. I’m glad that you’re here. I’m hoping that we can work

together.” Inside the meeting room, Wynn represented her company to talk to the new person in charge

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of Turner’s Second Hospital.

This time, there were six representatives from Beacon Pharmaceutical.

Naturally, Derrick was there. After all, he could not just leave this important collaboration to his employees. “Hello, Mr. Hall, Miss

Johnston. I didn’t expect that Miss Johnston is so young and talented.” Director Stanley was polite and modest. Both sides had

greeted each other. Then, they started to negotiate on the terms of the collaboration. “Miss Johnston, as per our director’s

request, we have already prepared the contract. Please have a look. If everything’s in order, we can sign it directly,” said Director


“Ah!” Wynn and Derrick were shocked. They did not expect the other party to be so clear cut. Was Philip so respectable?

“Director Stanley, you… Are you sure you’re not joking?” Derrick asked in disbelief. This was the fastest collaboration in history.

Plus, it was with Turner’s Second Hospital! Derrick did not understand. Was this all because of Wynn? “Mr. Derrick, don’t worry.

This was arranged by Director Turner. As long as Miss Johnston is here, we can sign this and start working together,” Director

Stanley smiled and said. When he said that, the secretary handed the contract to Wynn and Derrick. The two of them scanned

the contract and found that the contract was tailor-made for Beacon Pharmaceutical. The profit for them was unimaginable! If

they signed this contract, Beacon Pharmaceutical would make at least 200 million more!