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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 144
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Chapter 144

Such a man was simply the prince charming of every woman! His wife was too blissful and fortunate. The bank teller on duty felt

envious as jealousy began to well up in her. “Hurry up with the process. I have to go grocery shopping with my wife,” Philip said

calmly. Patrick was taken aback.

Nevertheless, his face had a bright smile on it as he instructed Yolanda to process the transaction on the spot. Philip only needed

to provide them his ID card to authorize the transaction. That was the so-called VIP treatment!

One billion in deposits! It was an accomplishment that Patrick never imagined he would achieve in his lifetime! With such an

achievement, the following year’s branch presidency would definitely be his! “Mr. Clarke, your wife is very fortunate indeed to

have a husband like you,” Patrick complimented. Philip merely responded with a faint smile. After everything was done, he left.

When Patrick returned to the main lobby, he explained to Martha, “Auntie, I’m so sorry. There was an error in our banking system

just now. There’s only one hundred thousand in this card.” Naturally, the cards had been swapped by Philip. As soon as Martha

heard Patrick’s words, she grabbed hold of the latter’s collar and hollered, “Impossible! There’s one hundred billion in it for sure! I

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counted how many zeroes there were!

You’re lying. You must be ganging up together to lie to me. Return the money to me! Give it back! It’s

my money!” No one could control Martha’s hysterics. “Auntie, I’m really sorry. There was an error in the

bank’s system.

I hope you can come to an understanding of our situation.” Of course, Patrick dared not retaliate and

had no choice but to allow Martha to pull his shirt collar. “You’re ganging up and lying to me!” Martha

pointed toward Patrick angrily, pulled Philip’s hand, and said, “Philip, call the police. The bank is trying

to cheat us. I’m sure there was one hundred billion in the card just now!” Philip said helplessly, “Mom,

there’s only one hundred thousand in the card. How could there be one hundred billion? It was a

system error.

The bank has already rectified it.” Martha refused to listen. She pushed Philip away, pointed at him,

and shouted, “You, you! You’re trying to cheat me of my money! I don’t have a son-in-law like you! Get

lost! That money belongs to me. It’s mine!” Martha’s mood at the moment was very volatile.

She refused to believe or listen to anyone. Only with everyone’s help did they manage to persuade

Martha. Then, Wynn quickly sent her mother home. On the other hand, Philip went to the supermarket

to get some groceries before heading for the hospital to visit Mila. Now that she had a dedicated nurse

to take care of her, she was no longer very lonely. When she saw Philip, she called out to him in her

voice that was like a baby’s and threw herself into his arms. Philip bent down. His face full of happiness

as he bopped her on the nose and asked, “Were you a good girl today?” Little Mila held the doll in her

hands as she said with a grin, “Mila has been very good. Sister told me to sleep and eat on time. I did it

all.” “Fantastic. Mila is the best.” Philip picked Mila up and played a few games with her. On the other

end, Wynn returned to the bank and found Patrick. She asked,

“Manager Carson, tell me, was there only one hundred thousand in that card?” For some inexplicable

reason, Wynn felt that Philip had lied to her.

When they were in the bank a while ago, she clearly noticed the reactions of several bank tellers. Additionally, one of them even

went looking for the manager in a panic. They must have seen something out of the ordinary to have become so flustered.

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Patrick said apologetically, “Miss Johnston, there really was only one hundred thousand in the card. It was an error in the system.

We have already reported the matter to the head office.” Wynn nodded with her brows furrowed. She had to be overthinking

things. Two days later, Juan called Wynn and invited her along with Philip for dinner.

Juan said that they should deal with the relationship between the three of them properly. Wynn told Philip about the matter, and

the latter immediately replied, “Of course we should go. Why not? You’re my wife after all. Why should I be afraid that he’ll take

you away from me?” Wynn did not actually want to go. She was aware of the relationship between Philip and Juan, and she felt

awkward about it. However, since Philip was of another opinion, she did not refuse. It was true that the three of them should have

a good talk.

In the evening, they met at the agreed venue, Concord Hotel. It was a distinguished five-star hotel in Riverdale that regularly

hosted music performances, had spa salons, massage centers, and so on. Philip and Wynn entered the hotel and gave the

person at the counter their private room number. Then, a dedicated waiter led them inside. At the very same time, two members

of the society appeared in the lobby. “Mr. Parker, they have just arrived. Shall we begin?” One of them, wearing a black T-shirt,

spoke into his phone. The person’s body was full of tattoos, and he had a wicked look on his face. Additionally, the person’s gaze

was locked on Wynn’s back.