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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 140
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Chapter 140

Martha was dumbstruck! Her breath got stuck in her throat! One… hundred billion?! With a loud thud, Martha fell backward and

landed on the ground.

Her whole body had begun trembling uncontrollably. Very soon, several people gathered around her as they looked and pointed.

“Oh, is she having a seizure?” “Call the emergency number quickly!” “Hurry up and call for someone. This looks serious!” Not

long after, the employees of the bank rushed over and helped lift Martha onto a seat by the side. They then performed

acupressure on her and gave her some water. Nevertheless, Martha struggled to wake up as her hands trembled. Her eyes were

dull when she mumbled, “Hundred… billion.” The onlookers were baffled and had no idea what the old woman was mumbling

about. Was she delusional?

By this time, Philip and Wynn had rushed over to the scene. They had received a call from one of the

bank staff who informed them of Martha’s location. “Mom, how do you feel? Are you alright? Do you

want to go to the hospital?” Wynn trotted over and squatted next to Martha, her face full of anxiety.

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Martha was her biological mother after all. Needless to say, Wynn would be anxious if anything

happened to her mother. Philip followed closely from behind, and an obvious frown could be seen on

his face. He saw the bank card tightly being clutched by Martha. Additionally, the people around them

were murmuring something related to the figure, a hundred billion. Although everyone else was at a

loss, Philip knew exactly what had happened. His mother-in-law must have seen the amount in the

bank card and fainted from shock. He had to think of a reasonable explanation for the matter. Judging

by Martha’s personality, she would most probably argue that the card had been given to her by Philip

and would seize it. Martha groaned, and her eyelids fluttered. Then, as soon as she saw Philip, she

jumped up. Martha’s eyes were bright as she stared directly at him.

Grabbing his hand, she exclaimed excitedly, “Philip, a hundred billion… one hundred billion!” There

was one hundred billion in Philip’s card! Was it real? Martha could not believe it. Philip had always

been a good-for-nothing. Wynn had not figured it out yet. She stared at Martha and Philip blankly as

she asked, “What a hundred billion?” Philip shook his head and calmly replied, “I’m not sure either. Is

mother…” Philip had not yet finished his sentence when Wynn understood the gist of it. Hence, Wynn

pulled Martha up and asked, “Mom, what’s wrong with you? What a hundred billion?” Martha hummed

and took Wynn’s hand in hers. She said excitedly,

“Wynnie, the card Philip gave to me, there’s a hundred billion in it!” The world stopped moving!

Everything fell silent! Immediately, everyone was dumbfounded. Their gazes fell on Philip, the

seemingly ordinary young man. He was dressed shabbily and looked nothing like a wealthy man. A

bank balance of a hundred billion, what a joke! How the hell did it make sense! “My goodness. Did I

hear right, one hundred billion?” “That old woman must be delusional.” “Ah, let’s go already. She must

have just come out of the hospital. Young lady, you’d better send her back quickly. It’d be bad if her

treatment is delayed.” The people around them said aloud amongst themselves. Naturally, they did not

believe that the card had a ridiculous balance of a hundred billion. Everyone regarded Martha as a

lunatic. Even the bank employees shook their heads helplessly before turning around and heading

back to work. Martha became agitated and shouted at everyone,

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“It’s true. I really saw that the card has a hundred billion in it. I’m not lying to you!” Martha was a prideful person. Evidently, she

would not allow herself to be treated as a lunatic by everyone. She got up and approached each person, telling them that she

had indeed seen one hundred billion in the card. Wynn was distraught. She followed Martha around, trying to persuade her as

she held onto her arm, “Mom, stop bothering others. How could there be one hundred billion in the card? You must be mistaken.

Let’s go home, okay?” Martha refused and shoved Wynn’s hand away. She trotted toward Philip, looked at him earnestly, and

said, “Philip, tell them that you have one hundred billion in your card.” Philip had to know. The card was his; he had to know.

However, Philip shook his head helplessly and said, “Mom, what one hundred billion are you talking about? Let’s go home.” “No,

no way, I’m not going home. I have one hundred billion! You gave me this card, so the money is mine! One hundred billion!”

Martha shouted hysterically before rushing to the counter and saying to the young woman behind the teller, “Hurry up and check

its balance for me. Tell them that there’s one hundred billion in here!” The bank teller was at a loss. She looked at Philip and said

coldly, “Sir, please take her away. We have other customers to serve.” ‘How could they bring a mental patient out?’ Philip pulled

Martha aside and said, “Mom, let’s do it this way. You sit there and take a rest. I’ll check the bank account’s balance, okay?”

Martha nodded.

She was now very flustered.