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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 139
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Chapter 139

Wynn turned around, looked at Philip, and asked, “Did you do it?” Philip shook his head immediately and replied calmly, “How

could it have been me? How am I capable of doing such a thing? You’re thinking too much.”

He had almost let the cat out of the bag! Fortunately, Aiden had taken it from the back door the other day. Wynn frowned. She did

not think Philip was capable of doing such a thing as well. However, at this time, Martha overheard the absurd conversation that

was going on between them. She raised her eyebrows, stared at Philip, and asked, “What? This matter has something to do with

you?” Wynn knew if Martha found out about what happened at the hotel the other day, she would most definitely find fault with

Philip. Perhaps she might even get them to go through a divorce once again. “Mom, don’t be angry at Philip. This matter has

nothing to do with him, “Wynn said. “It’s best if he has nothing to do with it. Otherwise, I’ll be the first to chase him out of the

house!” Martha glared at Philip vehemently before turning to Charles with a forlorn look. She said, “Charlie, help and see if you

can ask around. What did Aiden do wrong? Is it serious?”

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Charles sighed helplessly and replied, “Okay, fine, I’ll ask around tomorrow.” “Why tomorrow? Do it

now,” Martha ordered. Both Philip and Wynn felt uneasy at this. Martha had never been as concerned

about Philip compared to Aiden before. After being seated for a while, Philip and Wynn left. They

simply could not stay any longer. Martha ignored Philip completely throughout the time they were there.

Once they left, Martha continued to pester Charles to inquire about Aiden’s situation. Then, after

getting a reply, Martha quickly grabbed her bag and left the house. She was going to visit Aiden.

Additionally, with her passbook on her, she was prepared to withdraw some money and bail him out. If

Philip found out about it, he would most probably laugh in amusement. He was truly unfortunate to

have a mother-in-law who was so protective of an outsider.

At the bank. Martha had just taken out her passbook to withdraw some money when she suddenly

remembered that Philip had given her a card.

After brief consideration, Martha searched through her bag and took out the bank card. She inserted

the card into the ATM but did not know its password. Hence, she called Wynn, “Wynnie, what’s the

password for Philip’s card?” Martha was not ashamed at all. Instead, she felt that it was justified. At that

time, Wynn and Philip were shopping for groceries at the supermarket. Thus, Wynn asked Philip who

was beside her before saying to Martha, “Your birthday.” Slam! The call disconnected. Wynn, with a

puzzled look on her face, shrugged helplessly. She said to Philip, “I think my mother has gone to the

bank to see how much is in that card.” “Don’t worry, there’s a hundred thousand in there.” Philip smiled.

Wynn tilted her head, crossed her arms, looked at Philip curiously, and asked, “Philip, tell me, how

much money do you have? Last time, you told me that there’s more than a million in your card.” Philip

scratched his head, took out another card from the pocket of his trousers, and said, “The rest of the

money is here. I snuck it out when I ran away from home. Do you want to go to the bank and check its

balance?” Wynn grabbed the card, held it in her hand, and smiled slyly. “I do want to look at it.” Philip

smiled in response. However, when his gaze fell on the card in Wynn’s hand, his eyes constricted. He

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exclaimed in shock, “F*ck! It’s the wrong card!” It’s over! He was in big trouble now!

Philip had mixed up the two cards! The card in Wynn’s hand was the one with a balance of one

hundred thousand. On the other hand, the one he had given to Martha was the one that had one

hundred billion in it! The card had been given to him by George last time! “I’m finished. It’s over!” Philip

did not bother with the checkout as he pulled Wynn along and dashed outside.

“It’s bad. We have to find your Mom quickly!” At the same time, Martha happily inserted the card she had into the ATM, entered

her birthday, and checked its balance. “Oh, there really is some money in this card. Let’s see how much there is.” Martha could

not help but let a smile break out on her face. “One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand…” The more she counted,

the more ecstatic she became! “A hundred thousand, there’s really a hundred thousand!” “Eh, why are there still so many

zeroes?” Martha frowned and her heart started pounding. “This… this is…” She started counting again! “One, ten, one hundred,

one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million!” “Ten million!” “One hundred million!”

“One billion!” “Ten billion!” “One hundred… one hundred billion!”