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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 137
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Chapter 137

"Mm. Turner's Hospital wants to collaborate with Beacon, but the condition is that they will only negotiate with me," Wynn said

hesitantly. She lifted her head and looked at Philip, "So, what do you think? Should I accept it?"

Wynn wanted very much to accept Derrick's offer. After all, she did not want to lose her job. Moreover, Derick had also promised

many benefits to her. She was quite satisfied with the offer. After all, she had to sustain her family and daughter. "I know you

don't want to lose your job, Wynn. No matter what you choose, I will support your decision." Philip spoke as he draped her arm

over Wynn's delicate neck, as though they were a couple in the prime of their youth. Wynn nodded seriously. "I'll have to treat

Professor Turner to dinner one day," she said with a smile. "Alright, I'll arrange it with him," Philip replied. After the matter was

settled, Wynn agreed to negotiate with Turner's Hospital. Also, true to his word, Derrick promoted Wynn to vice president.

Everything seemed to be taking a turn for the better.

Meanwhile, back in the Johnston family house, Martha Yates was talking to Charles Johnston about finding a match for Wynn. A

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stack of photographs from the matchmaker was spread out on the coffee table. They were all photos of elite bachelors. "Oh,

Charlie, look at these handsome boys.

They're from good families and their economic qualifications are favorable.

"This one's running his own company too." "Tell me, don't you think that our daughter is so stubborn?

She's sticking to that Philip Clarke no matter what I tell her. What's so good about that piece of trash?

He doesn't have money or status. Our daughter wouldn't have to suffer if only she would just let him go!

"If you ask me what I think, I think we should come up with a plan so that Wynn will divorce that good-

for-nothing Philip!" The more Martha spoke, the angrier she became toward Philip. Charles was

wearing his bifocals reading his newspaper and listening to the news on television.

"I have to say, you ought to worry less. Wynn is an adult now. She has a mind of her own." "What mind

of her own? Oh, are you happy that she'll be spending the rest of her life with that useless bum?"

Martha was immediately riled. "I say, what's wrong with you, Charles Johnston? Why don't you ever

care about your daughter Wynn? Is that how you should behave as a father? I was blind to have

married you. I'm the one who worries about everything in this household. All you do is to fiddle around

with those silly things you pick up from the dumpster." Martha glared angrily at her husband. Charles

was helpless. He flipped to another page of his newspaper and sighed. "Alright, alright. I'll listen to you

then. Just do whatever you want." Martha felt a little better after that. She thought for a bit and said,

"I'll call Aiden. He hasn't visited our house for many days." Charles was speechless. He looked at

Martha, shook his head, and sighed. Beep beep…

No one picked up the call. Martha dialed the number a few times, but no one picked up. "Why isn't

Aiden picking up?" "Maybe he's busy. He runs a company after all. Maybe you should call him

tomorrow?" Charles said. In the meantime, the newscaster continued to report the news on the


"According to the latest updates received by our channel, Gordon Grant, the director of Splendor

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Education Group, the biggest educational establishment in the city, has been implicated in a scandal

involving tunneling, collusion, instigation, among other crimes. Chairman Grant has been remanded for

investigation. "In other news, Aiden Grant, owner of Stardream Media and son of Splendor Education

Group Chairman Gordon Grant, has been arrested for his implication in a sex scandal…" Thud!

Martha's phone fell on the floor. She was utterly dumbstruck! 'How is that possible? 'Aiden is arrested? 'Aiden's father is also

arrested?' Martha's dream of having her daughter marry into a wealthy family shattered. Charles shook his head and sighed as

he continued watching the news report. Martha could not accept it. She nearly fainted. "What's going on, Charlie? How could

Aiden break the law? He must be framed! No, I've got to call Wynn and ask her." Martha was incredibly anxious. If she knew who

had framed Aiden, she would fight them to the death. At the same time, the doorbell rang.

Wynn and Philip entered the house, carrying presents. "Mom, Philip bought these for you." Wynn was full of smiles as she

stepped into the house. She had agreed with Philip to go home to talk to her parents. "Mother, Father,"

Philip greeted the two elders with a wide grin on his face. He was also prepared for the worst-case scenario. However, Martha

was instantly furious when she saw Philip. She rushed over and smacked away the presents in Philip's hands. "Who let you

come in here? Get lost now!"