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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 136
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Chapter 136

Wynn was bewildered that Derrick suddenly contacted her and even offered to promote her to vice president. "You know?" Wynn

asked doubtfully.

'What would Philip know? He's not employed in Beacon, and he doesn't know Derrick.' Philip grinned. "Maybe he had a pang of

conscience over what he said to you earlier, and he genuinely wants to apologize." Wynn rolled her eyes at him and said

nervously, "Don't joke around, I'm talking serious business here. He'll be coming here soon. What do you think I should do?"

Wynn was worried about accepting the offer to become vice president.

After all, not everyone deserved to sit in that chair. "Don't worry, I'm here for you. I'll bust his pig head open if he does something

stupid to you," Philip said exaggeratedly. Wynn chuckled. Her eyebrows were curved and she looked very sweet. For a brief

moment, Philip was transported back to the times when they were in school. Pure, innocent, and sweet. Derrick arrived at the

cafe a while later. He was panting and his forehead was covered with sweat. "Oh, Manager Johnston, I've looked everywhere for

you," Derrick sat down without invitation and flashed a diplomatic smile on his face.

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When his eyes glanced at Philip, they flashed with mockery and condescension. Derrick hated Philip

for what happened at the office earlier.

If not for Philip, he would not have been outed as a cuckold in front of his employees. "Alright, Wynn,

we'll be talking about some important company matters. Can all the unrelated people stay out of this

conversation?" Derrick looked at Philip arrogantly. Wynn was surprised. She looked at Philip, though

before she could open her mouth, Philip said, "Don't worry, Honey, I'll just be waiting over there. Call

me if you need me." Wynn nodded and watched Philip leave. After Philip left the scene, Wynn pulled a

long face and said coldly, "Now can you speak truthfully, Chairman Hall? If there's nothing else, I'd like

to leave as well." Derrick was instantly anxious.

"Alright, Manager Johnston, I'll get straight to the point then. Do you know Professor Henry Turner?"

Wynn was surprised. She nodded. "I know, he's the director of Turner's Hospital. He's renowned

internationally." She knew Professor Turner very well. She also knew that he quite respected her

husband. Was the matter related to him? Derrick smiled. "It's like this.

Earlier, Professor Turner called me and told me that Turner's Hospital wants to collaborate with our

company." "That's good news. Let me congratulate you in advance, Chairman Hall," Wynn said with a

smile. "I wish it were that easy. Don't you know, Professor Turner gave a condition to the collaboration."

Derrick stopped speaking, took a sip of his coffee, looked at Wynn's confused face, and continued,

"Their condition is, you can only be the only representative on our behalf in the negotiations." "Me?"

Wynn was surprised and confused. 'What's going on?' Derrick continued, "I don't know the exact

details, but Professor Turner mentioned your name. He says that he will only negotiate with Wynn

Johnston. So that's why I'm here asking for your help, Manager Johnston. Please come back to work, if

only for the fact that you've been in the company for so many years. I'll promote you to vice president.

I'm relying on you for the success of the negotiation, Vice President Johnston. What do you think?"

Derrick was extremely worried.

He needed to confirm the collaboration with Turner's Hospital today.

Derrick noticed that Wynn was hesitating, and continued to make more promises. "So what do you

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think, Vice President Johnston?" Derrick looked at Wynn expectantly. Wynn was silent for a while. Her

eyes fell on Philip standing outside the cafe. 'Don't tell me it's him?' After all, Professor Turner was

acquainted with Philip. "Your request is a little too sudden, Chairman Hall. I'll have to discuss this with

my husband," Wynn said apologetically.

Derrick was surprised. He looked doubtfully at Wynn and shot an impassive glance at Philip. 'Why does she have to talk to that

useless bum?' However, Derrick did not voice his thoughts. He forced a smile and continued speaking, "Alright, but please give

me an answer soon, Vice President Johnston. I'll reserve the position for you." Derrick was as honest and sincere as he could be.

Wynn nodded, took her handbag, and left the cafe.

She walked next to Philip and tilted her head toward him. "Philip Clarke, are you responsible for Turner's Hospital's decision to

collaborate with Beacon??" It was a direct question. Philip tilted his head over and grinned.

"Do I look that capable? I happened to mention it in front of Professor Turner once. Why, does he really intend to collaborate with

your company?"

Wynn did not suspect the white lie that Philip told her. Even if her husband was acquainted with Professor Turner, Professor

Turner should not have been influenced by it when making his decision. Professor Turner must have done his research and

decided that Beacon was the best choice. Philip should not have anything to do with it.